Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2223: Painful feeling

But after seeing that this foreigner could understand his own words, Tang Xiaolong suddenly became excited.

I sat down next to the gringy and asked, "Hey, let me ask you a few things."

The foreign guy blinked his jewel-like blue eyes in surprise: "What's the matter?"

Tang Xiaolong asked there, "Tell me, why are train stations and bus stations in your country now forbidden to depart from the Nikolai Mountains?"

When the foreigner heard this, he said, "Because the western region is very dangerous now."

When Tang Xiaolong heard this, he asked depressed, "Danger? Why is it dangerous?"

The **** whispered: "You may not be very clear, but I can tell you responsibly that many people have died in the Nicholas Mountains... and many villages have been destroyed... At present, Even our country’s government forces cannot solve the situation there."

Tang Xiaolong continued to ask, "Why? Did you find out what did it?"

"Who killed those people? Who destroyed the village?"

The foreign guy blinked a few times and said to Tang Xiaolong, "I told you, you might not believe it."

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Just tell me, I will listen..."

The gringy then said mysteriously: "According to rumors, the murdered people in the western region and the destroyed villages were all done by dark vampires."


When Tang Xiaolong heard what the foreigner said, he immediately screamed.

"What? Vampire?" Tang Xiaolong in front of him stared at the gringe who was driving.

The foreigner saw that Tang Xiaolong was so shocked, he said, "You don't believe it, do you?"

"But I tell you, what I said is true."

"Because a plane crashed in the Nicholas Mountains a month ago. At that time, our government sent several search and rescue team members to rescue. But what we never thought was that when our search and rescue team arrived, they were caught. The unknown creatures killed all of them."

"Only one of them survived."

"Moreover, he took a picture of the monster with his mobile phone and posted it on the official website. The photo showed that the monster had fangs in his mouth and his face was pale... and most importantly, he sucked human blood."

When Tang Xiaolong heard this foreign guy say this, he instantly remembered the crash of the plane on which his heavenly brother was flying.

Could it be that this foreigner was talking about the plane that Brother Tian crashed?

"Hey, let me ask you, where is the photo you mentioned? Show me." Tang Xiaolong asked quickly.

The gringy said, "I have it on my phone."

"Let me see." Tang Xiaolong called out excitedly.

Seeing that Tang Xiaolong was so excited, the foreigner slowly took out the phone from his arms and handed it to Tang Xiaolong in front of him.

After Tang Xiaolong got the phone of the foreigner, he quickly opened the photo library in the phone.

After opening it, I really saw the face of a vampire.

But in the photo, his face was pale, covered in blood, and he was standing fiercely with his sharp fangs stretched out.

Tang Xiaolong looked at it and screamed immediately.

"Brother Tian... is Brother Tian." An exclamation came out of his mouth.

It turned out that when Li Tian was killing the search and rescue team members, the only surviving member took a photo.

Following Tang Xiaolong's exclamation, the Heretic God and Du Guxie all turned their heads and looked at Tang Xiaolong suspiciously.

"Master, Senior Cthulhu, I have seen Brother Tian...This is Brother Tian." Tang Xiaolong suddenly shouted there.

While yelling in his mouth, he ran towards the ghost servant and Duguxie while holding the foreign guy's cell phone.

The Cthulhu and the ghost servants heard them, and hurriedly moved over them all.

They all looked at the gringle's cell phone.

At this look, they were all shocked there.

"Oh my god, this is indeed heaven..."

"This is Tian'er." The Cthulhu suddenly exclaimed.

He looked at the phone with an unbelievable expression in his eyes, and the ghost servants and Duguxie on one side were also stunned for an instant.

Because Li Tian in that photo is already very different from before, the Li Tian on it has completely changed into another appearance, with a pale and hideous face, and terrible blood stains all over his body, as well as the scary fangs in his mouth .

"Tian'er, Tian'er's teeth? How...how did it become like that?" Vernacular now exclaimed as soon as he saw the photo.

The ghost servants and Du Guxie glanced at each other, and their heads were instantly stunned.

"My God, how could this be?"

"Could it be that... could it be that... the young master... the young master has changed? He really became a vampire?" The ghost servant trembled in disbelief.

Situ Ningbing over there, Ouyang Shiqing, and Duan Muying stayed there for an instant when they rushed to see the face of Li Tian's vampire in the photo.

"How could this be?"

"How did Li Tian become like this?" Situ Ningbing said painfully.

What about Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying? He was also completely dumbfounded, and Li Tian, ​​who looked at the photo with pale face and fangs in disbelief.

"Tian'er has really changed, and he has really become a vampire." A sentence finally came out of the evil god's mouth.

When the Cthulhu said this, Duguxie and the Ghost Servant were all stunned, looking at the Cthulhu in front of them with painful eyes.

"Big Brother." They shouted.

I saw the heretical god's tall body trembling violently, and then suddenly he fell down, as if he was about to fall.

The Duguxie saw that Cthulhu couldn't bear such a heavy blow, and his body wanted to fall down, so he exclaimed, flew forward, and immediately supported the Cthulhu, and shouted, "Big Brother, Big Brother, what's wrong with you?" "

"Senior Cthulhu..." Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen and Chen Qiaozhi also rushed over there, looking at the Cthulhu with worry.

But seeing the color of pain in Cthulhu’s eyes, he slightly stood up to the trembling body, and then looked at the picture of Li Tian’s vampire. At that moment, his heart was broken, as if a thousand swords were slashing him. Like a heart.

He really couldn't accept the fact that Li Tian became a vampire.

As Li Tian's father, how could the Heretic God bear such a big change?

He is a human, but Li Tian has become a dark vampire.

Father and son cannot recognize each other, this is the most painful thing in the world.

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