Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2224: Quirky town

"Brother, how are you?" Inside the bus, but seeing that Duguxie was looking at Cthulhu Dao worriedly.

Cthulhu caused a brief coma due to the excitement just now, but at this time he was already healed.

"I...I'm fine."

"Big brother, don't think too much, Tian'er will definitely be fine."

"I swear by Duguxie, no matter what method I use in this life, I will change Tian'er back. He will not become a vampire, he must still be our young master." The Duguxie in front of him is facing the evil god. Tao.

Cthulhu gave a bitter smile.

Changed back?

From vampire back to human? How easy is it?

When that Mary took Li Tian away, she said that it would be even more difficult to change back into a human being.

I saw the Cthulhu sitting slightly angry, then raised his domineering eyes, looking at the vampire Li Tian in the photo, and then said: "My son will never become an evil species."

"Even if my evil **** is broken into pieces and kills the world, he will save Tian'er."

His words were like a knife, penetrating the thin air.

Every brother in the car was looking up at the domineering evil god.

After Cthulhu finished speaking, everyone was finally silent.

Now everyone is thinking of Li Tian in their hearts. They don't know what is happening with Li Tian now? What kind of vampire did Li Tian become? Is it the same as the terrifying creature in Binjiang City before? The body is cold, and then has an immortal body? Do you still have sharp fangs?

Thinking of this, their hearts feel painful.

But what about Tang Xiaolong? Unexpectedly, when I asked about the Nicholas Mountains at this moment, I accidentally saw the picture of my brother that day, and he was a hundred depressed at this moment.

He looked ugly, looking at the picture of Brother Tian on the phone, and finally stood up helplessly, and walked towards the foreign guy driving in front.

After reaching the gringy, he threw the phone to the gringy,

"Back to you."

The foreigner caught his phone, then opened his jewel-like blue eyes and said to Tang Xiaolong, who was looking in front of him: "Hey, did you just say you know the guy in the photo?"

"Is he a vampire? Is he a real vampire in the legend?" The gringle asked the Tang Xiaolong curiously.

Tang Xiaolong was depressed at the moment. Hearing the foreign guy say this, he roared, "Your uncle, shut up Laozi!"

"You have to dare to mention the word vampire, I will throw you off the car."

Accompanied by Tang Xiaolong's roar, the foreign guy who was driving was stunned for an instant.

He never imagined that Tang Xiaolong would suddenly become angry at himself like a lunatic, and at this moment he quickly closed his mouth, and didn't dare to ask too much.

After seeing Li Tian's vampire photos by the brothers and Cthulhu, the entire carriage suddenly fell into an unprecedented gloomy atmosphere.

Everyone is thinking about things in their minds at this moment.

Everyone thought that Li Tian was bitten by a vampire and could be cured, but now from this photo, they feel that they are wrong.

Perhaps Li Tianzhen has not been cured yet.

Perhaps Li Tian has really become a vampire now.

Along the way, everyone stopped talking, everyone closed their mouths and no one spoke.

Situ Ningbing sitting in front, Ouyang Shiqing, and the beautiful Duanmuying, the three beauties are all heartbroken at this moment.

They thought in their hearts, what should they do if Li Tian becomes a vampire?

They love him so much!

But who can help Li Tian?

Time passed by, and the car was driving fast.

Coming along this road, I really didn't even see a person. I occasionally passed by and saw a few villages and small towns, but there was no trace of human beings.

It's as if this area to the west is completely barren.

The car drove fast all the way, and finally after about 67 hours of driving, the **** said that the car was out of gas and he was going to the nearest town nearby to refuel.

So, the gringy drove the car towards the nearby town.

Duguxie sat in the car and looked at the sky. It was already past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be dark in a few hours.

Duguxie asked, "Hey, how long will it take to reach the Nikolai Mountains?"

But seeing the **** replied: "It's coming soon."

"We have now entered the area of ​​the Nikolai Mountains. Have you seen the mountains in front of you?" said the gringo, pointing to the dim mountains in the distance.

Duguxie glanced through the car window, then nodded and said, "Could it be the Nicholas Mountain Range?"

"Yes... but it will take another hour or two to actually reach that place."

"You must also know that the mountain road is rugged and you cannot drive too fast."

The Duguxie in front of him nodded silently after hearing the gringe say so.

"There is a small town in the first dozen or so, I will drive the car there later, and then everyone will take a break, I also put some gas in the car, and we will set off." The gringy said to the brothers in the car .

After hearing what he said, Du Guxie nodded and said, "Okay."

So, I saw the gringle driving towards the small town.

But seeing that **** drove the car and quickly reached the small town in front.

From a distance, you can see the signboard of the small town hanging on the road outside. It reads in Italian: Ivor Town.

After the brothers glanced at the name of this small town, they drove into the small town.

However, he said that while the foreigner drove the car toward the town, the Cthulhu, Duguxie and others in the car looked up at the town outside the car window.

There is no figure!

There is not even a person's shadow.

But seeing the empty road, there are puddles of weird black slime... and there are many messy clothes and furniture... as if it was dropped by someone.

I saw the small town in the front place. In the small town, there are all kind of American-style courtyards...

But seeing the neat rows of houses being built there... It's a pity that no one can be seen.

"Is there no one again?"

"It's weird," said Duguxie suddenly.

But seeing that vernacular, now she blinked her beautiful eyes and looked around and said: "There is indeed something weird here."

"It's weird to see no figure in such a big town now."

I saw that in the amazement of the brothers, the **** had already driven the car and drove towards the empty gas station in front of the town.

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