Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2244: Humans are coming

"Oh my god, what happened here?" Looking at everything in front of him, the evil **** not only exclaimed in his mouth.

He saw the ancient and tall Forgotten Temple burned down, the huge gates, and the walls were torn down, and he saw the dense **** corpses of members of the Torrido family.

Looking at everything in front of him, even the Cthulhu himself was shocked violently.

"Where is God?"

"Where is my child?" The evil **** in front of him suddenly thought in panic.

Everything was gone, the Torrido family's territory was completely destroyed... Then what about Li Tian? Where will Li Tian be?

Could it be that Li Tian and that Mary were slaughtered by these **** vampires? Or did Li Tian and the others escape?

The Cthulhu didn't know, he was just looking at the flames soaring in front of the sky with great anxiety.

The flames in front were burning endlessly, and even the earth seemed to become scorching hot. There were endless Black Vampires and the Ganggro family vampires standing in front of the burned Forgotten Temple.

Just as the Cthulhu raised his eyes and looked at everything that happened in front of him, he suddenly saw him under the old tree, and suddenly two ugly vampires of the Heiyi clan burst out.

These two ugly faces of Heiyi tribe vampires seem to have discovered something. At this moment, they are sniffing their noses, smelling around the ancient tree, sniffing...

The evil **** saw that two ugly vampires of the Heiyi tribe suddenly appeared under the ancient tree. Not only was he taken aback, he secretly said: "Did I be discovered by these **** vampires?"

I saw two Heiyi tribe vampires under the ancient tree at this moment, roaring... as if they were saying something.

But because their mouths were talking in Yap language, the evil **** couldn't understand it at all.

The evil **** was hiding in the tree, looking at the two extremely ugly Heiyi vampires under the ancient tree.

Suddenly the two vampires of the Heiyi tribe seemed to have noticed the evil **** on the tree, and suddenly raised their heads with their distorted faces...

The moment they raised their heads, Cthulhu had to make a move.

The body of the evil **** flew straight down, and the two vampires of the Heiyi clan suddenly cried out strangely when they saw the evil **** flying down.

But it was obviously late.

But seeing the Cthulhu's endless palm power, in his palms, at the moment when he flew down, his right palm hit the head of one of the Heiyi tribe vampires directly.

With a bang, the endless palm power directly hit the head of the black yak clan vampire, but after hearing a click, the black yak clan vampire had no time to scream, his head was instantly shattered and he died tragically. Ground.

What about another vampire from the Black Yap? As soon as he saw his companion was killed, there was a scream in his mouth, then he jumped up and started to escape.

It was scared.

Cthulhu saw that the vampire of the Heiyi tribe wanted to escape, how could he give him a chance?

Right now, he got up and suddenly rushed to the vampire of the Heiyi clan who was running away.

The vampire of the Heiyi tribe screamed in that hideous mouth while running away.

The Cthulhu saw the opportunity and rushed forward, then his right palm directly grabbed the head of the black yams vampire guy, and then slammed into the next giant tree.

With a bang, black disgusting blood splashed.

The head of the Black Yap tribe vampire slammed into the thick tree trunk, and then his head broke and died.

After the Cthulhu took the action and eliminated the two **** Heiyi clan vampires, suddenly, there seemed to be some movement in the front place.

Cthulhu didn't dare to take risks, his body was upside down, and he quickly retreated back.

Look at the front carefully, the corpse king Uris' ears are extremely sharp, and he has heard the movement at this moment, suddenly turned to the cruel face, looked in the direction of the evil **** and said: "There is movement."

Accompanied by his hoarse voice, the Earl Berwick next to him and Antonio, Breath of Death, glanced at each other at this moment, then moved quickly, and then flew towards the evil god. Come.

In the blink of an eye, he saw that Berwick and Antonio had swept over.

Looking up, the corpses of the two Heiyi tribe vampires who died on the ground, their faces became ugly right now.

"Antonio, it seems that there is an expert near us..." Berwick said with a gloomy smile on his mouth suddenly.

Antonio glanced at the dark twisted forest and suddenly said: "Earl Berwick, you look at it from here, I am outflanking from here... I don't believe it, he can escape..."

When Count Naberik heard Antonio say this, a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

Then the two of them moved out, and then one of them went forward to search for the trace of the evil god.

In the vast dark twisted forest, these two terrifying guys were looking for the trace of the evil god.

But what about the evil god?

The figure just showed up slightly, but at this moment it disappeared inexplicably.

In the vast twisted forest, there was no trace of the evil god.

Even the Earl Berwick at this moment, and the terrifying Antonio, have searched for a few laps without finding any trace of the evil god.

Isn't this? Naberik and Antonio can only come back.

"Report to Elder Uris, that they ran away." A word came out of Count Berwick's mouth.

The corpse king Uris raised his bloodthirsty pupils and glared at Naberik, and roared: "Asshole."

Naberik was scolded by the corpse king Uris, and stood there with his head down, afraid to speak.

At this moment, the corpse king Uris, walked quickly to the two dead vampire corpses of the Heiyi clan, and suddenly his eyes became ugly.


"Humans did it." A word came out of the corpse king Uris's mouth suddenly.

After the corpse king Uris suddenly said this, Earl Berwick, Antonio, and the snake girl were completely taken aback.


"Can human beings kill us vampires?" He just listened to the unbelievable words from Antonio's mouth.

He really couldn't believe that a human could kill two vampires of the Heiyi tribe! And the most important thing is that he and Count Naberik, searching back and forth just now, couldn't find the so-called "human".

Is it human? Antonio expressed very skepticism.

But what about the corpse king Uris? Leng snorted: "Do you still doubt my judgment?"

When Antonio heard the roar of the corpse king Uris, he hurriedly said, "Subordinates dare not!"

The corpse king Uris didn't pay attention to Antonio any more, and looked at the dark twisted forest in front of him coldly, and suddenly said strangely: "It seems that those Chinese people should also be here..."

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