As the corpse king Uris said so, the Earl Berwick and the Breath of Death Antonio were dumbfounded.

Because none of them knew who the corpse king Uris was referring to!

Where is Cthulhu? How could his figure disappear suddenly?

It turned out that the Cthulhu just now was very alert. After slaying the two vampires of the Heiyi tribe, he immediately plundered them with extremely fast physical skills.

He knew in his heart that these dark vampires have extremely sensitive sense of smell. Once discovered, they will quickly spread throughout the entire dark vampire race. Therefore, the evil **** dare not stay any longer. He knew that if he stayed any longer, he would definitely be in trouble, so he Can only leave.

Fortunately, Cthulhu's speed is fast. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to escape under the hands of Count Berwick of the Gangaro family and Antonio, Breath of Death.

But at this moment, I saw that the evil **** had quickly escaped from the control of the Ganggro family vampire.

He has now reached the edge of the twisted forest.

The brothers were still waiting for the evil **** outside the twisting forest. At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of the strong wind coming from the front, and then Duguxie suddenly said, "Big Brother is back."

Accompanied by his voice exit, he really saw the extremely fast figure of the evil **** rushing towards here extremely fast.

"Big Brother." When the ghost servant and Fairy Baihua saw the Cthulhu coming back safe and sound, they all cried out excitedly, and both ran towards the Cthulhu at the same time.

Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi here all ran over after seeing the Cthulhu coming back, and they were still shouting there at the same time: "Senior Cthulhu."

Cthulhu quickly swept over, and then fell to the ground.

He raised his eyes and glanced at all the brothers.

"Senior Cthulhu, how's it going? Did you see the members of the Torrido family? Did you see my heavenly brother?" Tang Xiaolong asked impatiently.

As if desperately wanting to know the news of Li Tian.

After Tang Xiaolong asked, the other brothers were also raising their eyes and looking at the evil **** in front of them.

As they asked, the Cthulhu's face became dignified... After seeing the expression on the Cthulhu's face, the brothers suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"The Torrido family was destroyed." A word suddenly came out of the evil god's mouth.

After Cthulhu said so all of a sudden, all the brothers present were totally astonished.


"The Torrido family is destroyed?"

"That...that...what about Brother Tian? How is Brother Tian?" Tang Xiaolong asked excitedly.

As Tang Xiaolong asked, Cthulhu continued to say: "When I went, I saw that the Torrido family had all turned into flames, and their family’s sanctuary, and everything else, was completely destroyed. It's..."

"There are countless evil vampires there, as well as vampires from the Gangelo family... they have already taken Torrido."

"As for my child, Tian'er, I don't know how he is now." The Cthulhu suddenly sighed deeply there.

After Cthulhu said so, the brothers were speechless.

There are endless worries in their eyes, where you look at me, I look at you, no one knows, what should I do now?

When Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, and Ouyang Shiqing heard that Li Tian was missing, they were also astonished for an instant.

"Then what to do?"

"Then what should we do now, Senior Cthulhu?"

"How do we find Brother God, how do we find that Mary?" The brothers said desperately.

The Cthulhu was silent, not speaking, he just raised his sad eyes, and then looked at the vast starry sky silently.

What should I do?

How to find Li Tian? And is Li Tian now dead? Still alive? Who can know?

Everyone's heart is worrying about Li Tian at this moment.

Because no one knows what Li Tian is like now!

Just as the air was filled with endless sadness, a bunch of weird fireworks resembling fireworks suddenly flashed from the distant sky in the west...The fireworks disappeared for a while, and after a while, they rose again. Up to the sky.

It was as if someone was deliberately setting off the fireworks in the far western horizon.

"Huh, look, everyone, there seems to be someone lighting a spark in the west?" Xue Wuhen, in white clothes, suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the kind and weird fireworks on the western sky.

But seeing that the brothers turned their heads quickly after hearing the sound of Xue Wuhen, and then stared at the distant sky in the west.


Sure enough, I saw a bunch of fireworks like fireworks blooming in the sky, and then burst.

After seeing this weird firework, the brothers were all stunned. No one knew who set the firework? And what does it mean...

Just when everyone was puzzled, the "blood hunt" David suddenly screamed.

"Oh my God, it's them... it's them." Suddenly, the David Blood Hunt almost screamed in excitement, and said there.

After seeing the excited expression of the "blood hunt" David one by one, the brothers not only looked at him in surprise.

"Hey, what did you just say?"

"Do you recognize the fireworks?" I saw Duguxie suddenly turned his face and looked at David the Blood Hunter in surprise.

The blood hunter David happily said: "I know, of course I know."

"That's the signal for help sent by our pope... it was sent by our Pope the Sun." David said cheerfully.

When this guy suddenly said this, my brothers were depressed right now.

"Hey, didn't you say that your Pope Sun was attacked by the vampire of the Gangelo family? Are all dead? How come there are still alive?" Duguxie asked in a cold voice in front of him.

Then David said, "No, no, there are two others! There are them... Ron, and the two brothers and sisters of Tia."

After David said that, the brothers were taken aback, and then remembered what David had said before: Ron and Tia.

I remember that this guy once said before that Ron and Tia were also blood hunters, and when the dark vampires attacked their Pope of the Sun, Tia and Ron had escaped because of going out.

David Wan did not expect to see the "Pope the Sun" signal for help in such a situation today.

I saw him say with excitement at the moment: "It must be must be Ron and the Tia brothers and sisters."

The Cthulhu and the brothers frowned slightly after hearing what David said.

But seeing the Cthulhu coming over, looking at David and saying, "You mean, that brother and sister named Ron and Tia are over there now?" The Cthulhu said as he suddenly pointed his finger at something more than the twisted forest. Say it from the distant West.

David froze slightly and said, "It should be."

The Cthulhu said coldly: "Are you sure?"

Then David hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Well, it should be certain! After all, our Pope Sun is very small, and the other partners are already dead... The only ones who survived are them. Brother and sister." David said sadly there.

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