Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2250: That **** kiss

And what about Bing Nu herself?

She threw Caso out, but what about her? It was too late to escape. .

Because the huge boulders on the stone wall have fallen from the sky one after another.

"Sister!" An exclamation screamed from the fire woman's mouth.

"Ice Girl." Roger here was not only extremely worried, said.

However, even if they call again, it is useless, because the huge stones that have fallen from the sky have reached the top of the ice girl...

At this critical moment, with a swish, a black shadow rushed towards the ice girl at an incredible speed.

"Lee!" a sudden exclamation came out of Mary's mouth.

But it was Li Tian who saw the light-speed figure that swept toward the ice girl.

Li Tian went to save the glamorous ice girl.

He actually risked his death to save the glamorous ice girl who had rarely spoken to him...

But he said that all the members of the Torrido family were stunned when they saw Li Tian flying towards the ice girl.

Not only were they stunned, but even the Earl Roger, Fire Lady, Mary, Ron, Tia... all grew their mouths, watching this dangerous scene in horror.

But what about Li Tian? In the moment that Feizong passed, even the glamorous ice girl was stunned. Even she did not expect that Li Tian would risk his death to rescue her at this time!

The Ice Girl knew in her heart that although they were vampires with impenetrable skin, once they were hit by the boulder, they would be broken into pieces, and their whole bodies would turn into a mass of plasma...Even if they are powerful and powerful vampires There is no escape.

So even the Ice Girl herself was dumbfounded at this moment.

The moment Li Tian flew over, his ringing hand suddenly hugged the ice girl's small waist.

The moment Bing Girl's delicate body was hugged by Li Tian's hands, her whole body trembled.

To be honest, Bing Nu has lived for almost 600 years since she was a child. She has never been hugged by anyone... She has never been touched by a man... But this time, her beautiful body was suddenly given to her by Li Tian. Hugged.

But he said that after Li Tian hugged the ice girl's small waist tightly, he then yelled: "Hold me tight!"

Following Li Tian’s voice, the ice girl might be out of survival instinct, perhaps for some other reason, but no matter what, she obeyed Li Tian’s words, and her two delicate hands suddenly embraced that Li Tian. Then he pressed his **** body to Li Tian's chest.

But seeing that at this moment, Li Tian suddenly flew forward...

Then, the rumbling boulder fell from the sky.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge rocks hit the ground, like an earthquake, causing the entire ground to shake...The terrifying and chaotic boulders fell one by one from the sky, and then Li Tian and the ice girl instantly fell. To be completely buried.

Stone chips flying around...like mist, you can't see anything at all.

And Li Tian, ​​where is the figure of the ice girl? It was completely blocked by the boulder.

"Lee!" Mary exclaimed.

What about the fire girl? Also shouting there: "Sister..."

But their shouts were as if they were sinking into the sea, and in a blink of an eye they were overwhelmed by the loud sound of falling rocks.

When all the huge boulders fell from the sky, they had already piled up like a small hill.

Diffuse stone chips are flying...No one can see the shadow of Li Tian and the ice girl.

Did they get hit by a stone? Or was it buried by the boulder? Who can know?

"Li Tian!" Mary suddenly exclaimed, and now desperately ran towards the middle of the rock.

But he was suddenly held back by Count Roger.

"Mary, don't, it's dangerous..." Earl Roger said with tears of Mary there.

Mary was stubbornly pulled, her body trembling uncontrollably, tears dripping from her eyes.

What about the fire girl? Looking at the flying stone chips and the huge pile of rocks, he was also stunned.

"Sister...my sister..." Huo Nu yelled like crazy there.

All members of the Torrido family also looked at the huge pile of rocks in front of them with desperate eyes...

They knew that maybe Li Tian and the ice girl were really hit! It's really been buried in the boulder.

Just when everyone was in despair and pain in their hearts, suddenly, a figure covered in white stone chips came out from the sky full of stone chips.

Do not!

He is not alone, because he is still holding a woman tightly in his arms.

A beautiful woman with cold eyes.

Ice girl!

My God, Li Tian was alive and saved the ice girl...

When I saw Li Tian walking out of the flying stone chips holding the ice girl, everyone present was shocked!

If there is a person who can live in such a dangerous situation as just now, then that person is destined to be Li Tian, ​​and that person is destined to be the savior of their blood race: Li Tian!

Facing Li Tian stepping out of despair, Roger, Mary, Fire Girl, Caso, and Ron and Tia were completely confused.

"Li Tian!"


"younger sister!"


All the exclamations came out from their mouths, everyone's voice was so incredible, so unbelievable!

Who can believe that someone can survive the scene just now?

"Sister!" After seeing her rescued sister Bing Nv, the fire girl who exclaimed, ran towards the Bing girl crazy.

But what about the ice girl? After hearing Huo Nu's voice, I realized that my body was still tightly attached to Li Tian's chest, especially the two tempting and soft weapons on his chest were next to Li Tian Broad chest.

At this moment, the ice girl was suddenly embarrassed.

Although she is cold and glamorous, like ice, she is a female after all...

So at this moment, she quickly loosened her arms around Li Tian's neck, and quickly jumped from Li Tian's arms.

Then hugged tightly with the fire girl.

"Sister... you scared me to death, you scared my sister to death." Huo Nu was crying with excitement, holding the Ice Girl in front of her.

But seeing that the ice girl also hugged the fire girl tightly in front of her, but she didn't know why, all in her heart was the picture of Li Tian.

Even if she tried hard not to let herself think about it, the image of Li Tian still in her mind.

"Sister, are you hurt?" Huo Nu asked, looking at the Ice Girl with concern.

The ice girl shook her head awkwardly and said: "I...I don't!"

"That's great, that's really great." The fire girl said with great joy.

Then this crazy and hot girl suddenly turned her beautiful eyes to Li Tian over there.

"Li Tian?"

At the moment she called out Li Tian, ​​this beauty suddenly ran towards Li Tian. Li Tian was taken aback for a moment. She didn't understand what was going on, but saw that hot girl's hot and **** cherry lips kissed her. On my cheek...

Li Tian was stunned! Startled!

Mary, Tia, Ron, and Earl Roger were all dumbfounded. No one thought that Fire Girl would kiss Li Tian's face with her **** red lips! ! !

But she said that just after Huo Nu's **** red lips kissed Li Tian's cheek, she laughed heartily.

"Thank you, thank you for saving my sister..."

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