Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2251: Weird black hole

The moment Li Tian was kissed on the cheek by the hot feminine red lips, he was not only embarrassed there.

To be honest, as a man, Li Tian hasn't been kissed by a woman for a long time...

This time, in order to save the ice girl, he touched the ice girl’s delicate waist with both hands, and the squeezing of her crisp breasts, which made Li Tian's blood surging. Unexpectedly, he was caught by the flame girl again. Her cherry lips kissed her cheek all at once...

Therefore, even if Li Tian is not excited in his heart, there is no way.

But seeing him standing there slightly, without speaking.

Count Roger over there, Ron and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the Ice Girl was unharmed.

Where is Mary, who was worried about Li Tian and weeped? When she saw that hot girl kissed Li Tian's cheek with her red lips, Mary suddenly felt a little bit in her heart, and her beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a strange color of resentment...Standing there I didn't know what to do, and didn't say hello to Li Tian again.

Li Tian has already walked over at this moment.

Seeing Mary standing on the other side, she walked over slightly.

"Mary." He called out.

Mary raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Li Tian, ​​and then suddenly an awkward smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said to Li Tian, ​​"Are you okay?"

Li Tiandao said, "I'm fine."

Mary smiled far-fetched and said, "I'm relieved if it's okay."

Finally, a false alarm passed by everyone safely.

Looking at the huge pile of rocks behind, there was an unknown sense of horror in the hearts of Earl Roger and the members of the Torrido family.

At this moment, Lord Roger looked at the situation in front of him, and said to all the members of the Torrido family: "Everyone keep going, you must pass through this immortal mountain."

After speaking, I saw him continue to walk forward.

The members of the Torrido family behind him followed the footsteps of Count Roger, and then walked forward step by step.

But what about Li Tian?

After he broke off alone, he watched the situation behind him, and at the same time protected Ron, Tia and the others.

As Count Roger walked forward step by step, he saw the mountains and rivers in front, one by one, and there was no way to go.

Looking at the completely impassable mountains in front of him, this made Count Roger and the entire Torrido family members depressed.

"No way!"

"Earl Roger, there is no way ahead." The vampire knights of the Torrido family all showed ugly faces and said as Count Roger was looking at the moment.

But what about Roger? Looking at the mountains and mountains in front of him, he was suddenly desperate.

No way!

There is no way through the Immortal Mountains at all!

This time, Earl Roger was completely desperate.

Now, if they want to pass this immortal mountain range, unless they climb over this extremely steep mountain range.

At this moment, all the members of the Torrido family raised their eyes and looked at the straight mountain range that pierced into the sky, and everyone felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

In fact, for them, it is not a big deal to climb over this steep immortal mountain range. The most important thing is that they are afraid of encountering the terrible stone giants!

If the dozens of members of the Torrido family climbed up this Immortal Mountain, the goal would be very obvious, and if they didn't, they would be discovered by the stone giants of the Immortal Mountain.

Once found, it can be really troublesome. At that time, if they wanted to pass this immortal mountain again, it would be dangerous, so at this moment, Lord Roger and the members of the Torrido family were all there, and no one knew what to do.

Just when everyone was depressed and didn't know what to do, everyone was focusing on Li Tian at this moment.

They all looked at: savior, hope Li Tian can give their best advice.

After they looked at Li Tian, ​​Li Tian also frowned slightly.

"Li Tian, ​​we all rely on you now... What do you say?" Count Roger looked at Li Tiandao.

All the members of the Torrido family were also looking at him.

But seeing Li Tian thought for a while, then he raised his head and looked at the huge mountain range in front of him and said, "It seems that I can only climb these mountains!"

As he spoke, he looked at the surrounding immortal mountains.

After Li Tian said so, Count Roger decisively nodded and agreed.

"Okay, we listen to you."

After Earl Roger finished speaking, he turned his head when he saw him, looked at all the members of the Toledo family and shouted: "The members of the Toledo family are instructed...From now on, we have to climb This immortal mountain."

After Roger gave the order, all the members of the Torrido family nodded.

Li Tian's method is the only way, and there is no way out of it.

After making a decision, but seeing Li Tian, ​​he walked in the front position... He walked a few steps forward quickly, looking for the lowest mountain.

More than a hundred meters ahead, there happened to be a not very high mountain range towering over there...

After Li Tian saw it, he pointed to the mountain range and said, "Go, we crossed over that mountain range."

When Count Roger and other members heard this, they all hurried over.

Then Li Tian took the lead and climbed towards the steep mountain.

The mountain range is about 34,000 meters above sea level. It is bare, except for huge rocks and weird caves. There are almost no weeds or creatures.

Looking at such a weird mountain range, Li Tian took a look, and then took the lead to climb up the mountain.

The mountain is not particularly steep, and there are winding stone roads just for walking.

The members of the Torrido family, as well as Lord Roger and the others, followed Li Tian's footsteps step by step towards the mountain range.

Just when Li Tian took the members of the Torrido family in front of him to a height of about 100,200 meters, he saw two weird "karst caves" in the middle of the mountains in front.

The two weird karst caves are about 2 meters long, and they are inlaid with huge mountains...There are also raised triangular boulders under the two weird karst caves.

This thing looks like a human nose.

Li Tian didn't care about the two caves, and walked forward.

It was the members of the Torrido family behind that, suddenly one of them did not enter the cave looking curiously, and paused there.

As he paused, he muttered in his mouth: "What the **** is in this strange cave?"

As he was talking, he raised his eyes and stuffed his head into the dark cave to see...

The members of the Torrido family behind him also didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to move forward.

But he said that when the guy plunged his head into the weird cave, he couldn't see anything in the cave, and he was suddenly in the black hole when he wanted to withdraw his head. In the depths, a little light flashed out.

But I saw that the light was the same shape as the halo, flashing in circles.


An exclamation came out of the member of the Torrido family.

When the member of the Torrido family saw the weird light in the black hole, he suddenly screamed, and then his body quickly backed away.

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