Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2320: Helpless

I saw the evil **** at this moment looking at this ancient bronze pipe.

At this moment, he has recognized that this coffin is the one that was sealed in the Vatican Underground Inquisition more than 20 years ago, but he really can't understand how the ancient coffin of the Underground Inquisition got here? This is really strange.

The Cthulhu who was thinking this way, suddenly that Duguxie walked over and looked at the Cthulhu: "Big Brother...this coffin looks a little weird, what should we do now?"

Listening to Duguxie's question, the evil god's eyes suddenly stared at the ancient bronze coffin in front of him.

Then he heard him suddenly say: "I want to open this coffin."

"Open the coffin?" When Du Guxie and the brothers behind him heard the Cthulhu suddenly say this, they were not only slightly taken aback.

But seeing the evil **** nodded firmly there and said, "Yes."

"I think this coffin is so weird, so I want to open it!" Cthulhu added.

Listening to the evil **** saying this, the brothers in front of him didn't talk too much, they were all blinking at the weird ancient coffin.

Only the blood hunter David showed a look of horror in his eyes.

Because he had vaguely sensed that an extremely dangerous breath was approaching them more and more.

But he didn't speak either, because he knew in his heart that it was useless to say anything now, and the evil **** would never listen to him.

Therefore, the current Blood Hunter David can only look at the weird bronze coffin.

But he said that as the evil **** was about to open this weird bronze coffin, everyone was there looking at him.

The Cthulhu glanced at the rusty iron rope on the bronze coffin, and suddenly accumulated palm strength in his right hand to knock open the iron lock.

His power is extremely fierce. According to the truth, the Cthulhu's blow is enough to open the rusty iron lock, but when the Cthulhu's palm hit it, something strange happened instantly.

With a bang, a heavy palm hit the iron lock, but when you look carefully, the iron lock doesn't move.

There was no feeling at all for the palm that Cthulhu sent just now.

This made Cthulhu and his brothers stunned.

"So hard?" Tang Xiaolong said in shock.

Of course he understood the power of the Cthulhu's palm, but he didn't expect that the Cthulhu's heavy palm would not be able to knock the iron lock in front of him... It was weird!

Following Tang Xiaolong's exclaimed words, the Duguxie and the ghost servants in front of them were also shocked.

Of course they knew the power of their eldest brother's palm, but they didn't expect to be able to hit it.

At this moment, they all blinked at the evil god.

But he said that the evil **** also stood there with an extremely ugly face, his face was extremely cold, and he looked at the hard iron wire in that weird way.

"Although my palm didn't use real strength just now, it was enough to break a normal iron lock... But after my palm was hit, the iron lock didn't move at all? Is it really so hard? "The Cthulhu secretly lined that heart.

With this thought in his mind, the Cthulhu slightly stretched out his hand and stroked the ancient mottled iron lock.

Then an immense qi surged from his body up and down, and then all poured into his right arm.


With an angry shout, the Cthulhu's infinite palm Jin once again slammed toward the rusty iron lock.

The immense strength swept through a fierce wind, terribly hitting the hard iron lock, but when the Cthulhu used the vast real strength this time, he suddenly discovered that the strange iron lock There was a terrible rebound force suddenly.

That strength was that Cthulhu had never encountered it before, and a **** aura was vaguely rushing towards Cthulhu.

The Cthulhu was taken aback, but unfortunately his palm could not be taken back. When he saw his palm hit it, but hearing a bang, the huge rebound force shook Cthulhu's entire body and flew backwards!

"Big Brother..." The Duguxie and the ghost servant couldn't help exclaiming at the moment when they saw the evil spirit being bounced flying out.

Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen here were also dumbfounded at that moment.

"Senior Cthulhu..."

At the moment when all their voices screamed, they saw that the figure of the evil **** had fallen on the ground.

Fortunately, Cthulhu's skill is so strong. If he were changed to anyone just now, I am afraid that even if he was not shaken to death by that powerful rebound, he would be seriously injured.

But he said that although the evil **** landed on the ground safely, his complexion was extremely ugly.

His right hand was trembling slightly... I wonder if it was injured by the rebound force just now? Or what's the reason?

Cthulhu's eyes were ugly looking at the immovable iron lock. This time, he was truly shocked.

You know, the Cthulhu has already used at least 70% of the power of the palm just now, but it still can't be opened, and it was obviously shocked by the huge rebound...

This is really terrible!

What the **** is this iron lock? Why is it so hard? And it seems to have some kind of spirituality, but there will be a huge rebound force?

"Brother, how are you?" The Duguxie and the ghost servants here hurriedly went to and asked concerned after seeing the evil **** falling on the ground.

Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen also rushed over, looked at the evil **** there and asked, "Senior evil god, are you okay?"

But seeing Cthulhu's face ugly, he shook his head slightly.

"I'm fine..."

After hearing what Cthulhu said, the brothers finally fell with a hanging heart.

The Cthulhu who was talking, raised his extremely ugly eyes and looked at the weird iron lock in front of him.

Suddenly the Cthulhu said: "This coffin is too weird... It seems that I can't open it."

Listening to the evil **** saying this, the Duguxie and the ghost servants not only frowned.

"Brother, how can this iron lock be so hard? You can't even shake your palm?" Duguxie asked in front of him.

The Cthulhu replied: "I don't know what's going on. The moment I took the shot again... I don't know why, a strange rebound force suddenly surged, and there was a terrible blood. It seems to jump out of this coffin, as if it is preventing me from opening this coffin."

Hearing what the evil **** said, the brothers felt more and more weird. At this moment, they were all blinking and looking at the ancient bronze coffin.

No one knows why this coffin is so weird.

"Brother, since we can't open this coffin, let's forget it..." Duguxie said to the Cthulhu Dao last.

Cthulhu thought for a while, although he was extremely curious about the coffin in front of him, no matter what skill he used, he couldn't open the iron lock, and if he didn't pay attention, he would be transmitted from the iron lock. The power of the horrible rebound hurt the evil **** who was thinking so, so he nodded there and said: "For now, it can only be forgotten..."

"Let's get out of here." Finally the evil **** said helplessly.

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