Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2321: Scream of horror

After Cthulhu said so, they were ready to leave this weird cave.

Except for the strange and ancient bronze coffin in this cave, the other coffin is open, and there is nothing inside.

He glanced at the evil **** in this weird stone cave and his brothers, so he chose to leave here.

They walked step by step toward the outside of the cave.

After arriving outside the cave, the brothers were all following the evil **** in front of them.

No one knows how deep this dark and deep cave is, and no one knows how big it is.

After walking outside, I saw the ghost servant asking and asking, "Brother, shall we go inside?"

After the ghost servant asked, the evil **** glanced at the extremely dark cave and said, "Go!"

"We must find the Miss Mary of the Torrido family... because only when we find her can we find Tian'er." The Cthulhu who finished speaking then took strides to the dark place inside.

Duguxie and his brothers quickly followed.

The light of a flashlight in this deep and dark cave is indeed very useful!

Wherever the light shines, there are hard and cold stone walls.

And the more you go forward, the more you can feel the surrounding rocks...

The stones seem to be artificially carved. Some are square, while others are triangular in shape. They are placed in various directions.

Looking at these huge rocks, the brothers were puzzled.

"These rocks seem to be man-made...Master, am I right?" Tang Xiaolong asked the ghost servant while holding a flashlight against the many square rocks on the ground.

After hearing Tang Xiaolong's question, the ghost servant nodded and said: "Your guess is really good... These stones do seem to be man-made."

"Strange, why are there so many stones here? Is it impossible to build a house?" Tang Xiaolong muttered in his heart while looking ahead.

Just as they were walking toward the front, the flashlight in Tang Xiaolong's hand suddenly illuminated a strange place in front.

Besides, when Tang Xiaolong's flashlight was shining forward, he suddenly saw a huge building erected in a deep stone cave.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one can believe that there is such a terrifying building in such a dark and deep cave.

"Oh my God, what is this?" Tang Xiaolong in front of him couldn't help but yelled in horror while his flashlight was shooting up.

The Cthulhu, Duguxie, and the Ghost Servant in front of them also opened their horrified eyes, looking at the condescending terrifying building.

But seeing that this building is tens of meters high, and like a "pyramid", it has a triangular shape. From top to bottom, it is built with huge rocks layer by layer.

No one can imagine how such a weird building could be built in such a horrible cave.

"Hey, who built this thing?" the ghost servant asked in horror.

Xue Wuhen asked with his mouth open in front of him: "Why would such a weird building be built in this deep cave? What is this for?"

Facing everyone's questions, no one knew what was going on at the moment.

Everyone was looking at this condescending horrible building with their shocking eyes. No one knew what the building was for, let alone who built this horrible building.

Just when everyone was in horror, the blood hunter David in front of him suddenly flashed strange eyes in his eyes.

Then he walked over step by step, looking at the terrifying building in front of him, and suddenly muttered, "Is this the legendary altar?"

As this David suddenly said such a sentence, the evil **** in front of him and his brothers all turned their heads and looked at the blood hunting David.

"What were you talking about?"

"Holy altar?" the evil **** in front of him suddenly raised his eyes and asked David the Blood Hunter who was staring in front of him.

David blinked his eyes and looked at the condescending horror building and suddenly said, "Yes!"

"Some time ago, when our Pope the Sun was not destroyed, the professor of our Pope told us about the fact that the Gangeiro family wanted to build an altar... The professor once said that the reason why the Gangeiro family built an altar The altar is to use the altar to resurrect the most powerful demon of their Gangelo family at the moment of the blood moon."

"According to legend, when the blood moon comes, once the altar is opened, the demon will resurrect." David said slowly.

Listening to what David said, the evil **** and the brothers frowned tightly for an instant. At this moment, none of them knew what David said was reliable or not, whether it was true.

But for the weird and terrifying building in front of him, to be honest, Cthulhu and others had an extremely suspicious attitude.

"You mean, this building was built by the vampires of the Gangaro family?" The evil **** in front of him looked at the David and asked.

David nodded quickly and said, "It should be."

"Except for the perverted vampires of the Gangelo family who will build such a horrible structure in the world, I am afraid no one will build it..." David said there.

After hearing David say this, the evil **** and others in front of him were taken aback.

"In that case, presumably this building should have been built by the vampires of the Gangelo family." The Cthulhu also murmured.

After all, there is a vampire from the Gangelo family in this dark cave.

And from the Count Simon of the Murkawi who had fled before, they learned that they were indeed being captured here and building something...presumably what they were building was the one in front of them.

"The altar?"

"This altar is the resurrection of the devil?" Xue Wuhen asked while asking, with doubts in his eyes, looking at the blood hunter David asking.

But seeing the blood hunter David nodded cautiously and replied, "Yes."

"However, this is just a rumor, as to whether it is true or not, no one knows..."

After hearing what David said, the evil gods at this moment raised their eyes and looked at the towering weird building.

Is this altar really a resurrection demon? None of them dared to draw conclusions too early.

Just as the Cthulhu and the brothers were blinking their eyes to look at the weird and weird altar in front of them, suddenly, a woman's scream came from behind.

The voice resembled the fairy Baihua, as well as those from Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying and the others. The voices were terrible and extremely painful, as if something had happened to them! ! !

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