Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2322: Disappear out of thin air

When the scream suddenly came, the Cthulhu and Du Guxie in front of them were instantly astonished.

"Are the three sisters?" An exclamation came out from Du Guxie's mouth.

"Three sisters have an accident!"

"Quickly, go out and have a look!"

There was a roar, but seeing the evil **** no longer caring about the situation inside the dark deep hole, he stretched his figure and flew quickly toward the outside of the dark hole like flying.

Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him, as well as Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen all flew towards the outside very quickly.

They wanted to hurry out to see Fairy Baihua outside the stone cave, and what happened to Situ Ningbing and the others.

Soon, the figure of the evil **** flew out of the cave for the first time.

When Feiyan came out, there was still a shadow of people outside the empty space.

Fairy Baihua, Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, and Ouyang Shiqing... Waiting for the girls, all disappeared!

"Sanmei..." a cry of shock came out from the evil god's mouth.

It's a pity that there are barren mountains all around, and his voice is as if thrown into the ocean.

But he said that at this time, that Duguxie and the ghost servant, Tang Xiaolong and the others also ran out of the stone cave.

After rushing out and seeing that Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing disappeared, the whole person was stunned.

"Where is the third sister? Where are the third sisters?"

"And what about Miss Situ, and Miss Ouyang? Why are they all gone?" Tang Xiaolong, Duguxie and the others were completely shocked there.

The surrounding area was extremely empty, and the Baihua Fairy, Situ Ningbing and others just disappeared inexplicably.

How could they disappear so quickly in such a short moment?

what's going on? Caught? Or what happened to them?

But he said that the current Cthulhu's face was extremely ugly, and he looked around there.

All around, everything was as usual, there was no trace of fighting at all... and there was no other suspicious circumstances.

Looking at everything in front of him, the evil **** was suddenly shocked.

"How could this be? What happened to Sanmei and the others?" Cthulhu murmured there.

At this moment Tang Xiaolong suddenly said in horror, "Senior Cthulhu, Aunt Hua and Miss Situ will be taken away by the vampire?"

After Tang Xiaolong said so, the evil **** in front of him said directly: "No! Impossible!"

"Vampires cannot move around during the day. Once they appear in the sun, they will definitely die...so they are definitely not vampires!"

Tang Xiaolong thought for a while and said, "Could it be that someone else was arrested?"

"This is even more impossible!" Cthulhu said coldly.

"The skills of the third sister, I know very well, if ordinary people want to catch her in a very short time, it is impossible... But, just now, the period from when we heard the scream to when we came out, only had a few minutes Time...No one can defeat the third sister in such a short period of time, and then take away some of their girls." Cthulhu Dao.

"Furthermore, there are no traces of fighting in the surroundings, not even traces of struggling... Judging by this, the Third Sisters should not have been taken away." The Cthulhu in front of them analyzed.

After listening to Cthulhu's analysis, Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen were shocked there.

"But... how about them?"

"How could they disappear for no reason?" Xue Wuhen asked aside.

The Cthulhu in front of him said with a solemn brow, "This is exactly where I am puzzled!"

"The third sister used to be extremely cautious and careful, presumably this time, something big must have happened." Cthulhu murmured there.

Duguxie on one side suddenly spoke.

"Big Brother is analyzing!"

"It's just that, I really don't understand, what happened to the three sisters... They didn't even notify us? And the scream just now, I don't know what happened?"

Listening to Duguxie's words, the evil **** frowned deeply.

To be honest, Cthulhu's mind is now full of irritability.

Because he is indeed a little confused, why did the Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing and other girls suddenly disappear? Are you caught? Or did they leave by themselves?

Judging from the surrounding situation, Fairy Baihua and the others do not seem to have been taken away!

But if no one took Baihua Fairy and the others, how could they just disappear out of thin air without saying a word?

What happened? Do not! Even if something happens, it will leave a signal, or leave a message to pass! Fairy Baihua would never get confused about this kind of thing. No one knew this better than Cthulhu.

So now the evil **** is completely depressed! He really didn't understand how the Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing and other beauties disappeared.

Looking at everything around him, the evil **** suddenly said: "From now on, everyone will go separately and look for Sanmei and others..."

"Little dragon, Wuhen, you two will follow me and look for the east."

"Dugu, ghost servant, you take David... to the west to find! Before dark, whether you find it or not, you must arrive here to gather." Just listen to the evil **** saying there.

After the Cthulhu gave this command, the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of them nodded quickly.

In this way, they were divided into two groups, each to find the missing Baihua Fairy and others.

Fairy Baihua, Situ Ningbing, and that girl like Ouyang Shiqing, how could they disappear out of thin air?

And outside the stone cave, there was no trace left at all... This undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty to the evil gods and others who were looking for them now.

The immortal mountain range is surrounded by rolling mountains and peaks. Where did the Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing and other beauties go? Who can know?

In the boundless world, I saw the evil **** carrying Tang Xiaolong, and Xue Wuhen looking for the traces of the Baihua Fairy and other girls.

An hour has passed!

Two hours passed!


It's a pity that among these vast mountains, where are their traces?

Fairy Baihua, Chen Qiaozhi and several girls are like the air, completely evaporated! They couldn't find it no matter how they searched.

What about here?

The Duguxie, the ghost servant, and the blood hunter David are also struggling to find Fairy Baihua and the others.

But in this barren mountain, how easy is it to find someone?

Now, they have been searching for it for almost more than four hours!

The sun in the sky has also reached the west. It is already more than 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but unfortunately, they have not found any suspicious clues.

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