Under the scorching sun, sweat fell drop by drop on the bronzed face of Duguxie.

But he didn't scream half-tired!

The ghost servant was also exhausted, but he continued to search for it. As for the blood hunting David, he could no longer walk.

His physical stamina is simply not comparable to that of Duguxie and the ghost servants, so he can only pant at the moment and walk very slowly.

Duguxie wiped the sweat from his face and glanced at the blood hunter David who was really unable to walk, so he said there, "David, find a place to rest first! I will go with the ghost servant first. Look for over there... come here later, we will look for you!"

After hearing Duguxie say this, David could only nod his head weakly and said, "Okay, okay, okay..."

In the end, David found a dark place, and then sat down dejectedly.

And what about the Duguxie here?

He took out a water bottle he carried and drank a few sips of cool water, and then said to the ghost servant, "Ghost servant, catch it!"

The ghost servant looked back and found that Du Guxie had thrown the kettle over.

The ghost servant stretched out his hand to take it, and took the kettle in his hand, then leaned back and took a few sips.

"Ghost servant, let's go look for Sanmei and the others..." said Duguxie in front of him, pointing to the mountains over there and saying.

The ghost servant nodded quickly and said, "Okay!"

So Duguxie took the ghost servant to show off his figure, and flew over to the west with extreme speed. They went to find the inexplicably missing Baihua Fairy, as well as Situ Ningbing and others.

Duguxie and the ghost servant kept looking forward along the west side.

In front of the rocks are bulging, and huge rocks are laid there one by one.

Walking seems extremely difficult.

Just as they continued to move towards the west to find the Baihua Fairy and others, the ghost servants' sharp eyes suddenly discovered the situation on a rock.

He saw a torn pink skirt corner.

But seeing the pink skirt corner, it seems to have been torn apart by a rock, and it fell into the corner.

When he saw the pink skirt corner, the ghost servant in front of him suddenly screamed: "Second brother, come on... look here."

After hearing the voice of the ghost servant, Duguxie, who was rushing in front, hurried over quickly.

Looking at the ghost servant, he asked, "What's wrong?"

But seeing the ghost servant pointing his finger at the corner of the pink torn skirt in the stone gap and saying, "Second brother, look at this."

That Duguxie raised his eyes and frowned deeply.

"It's the clothes of the third sister..." A word came out of Du Guxie's mouth.

After speaking out, the ghost servant nodded quickly and said: "It's the clothes of the third sister!"

It turned out that the pink skirt corner was the clothes Baihua Fairy was wearing. It must have been Baihua Fairy passing here, and then accidentally, the skirt corner was caught by the hideous rocks, so the skirt corner was torn apart.

Looking at the corner of the pink skirt in front of him, Duguxie raised his eyes deeply and looked at the westernmost place and said: "It seems that Sanmei and the others should be going in this direction."

At this moment, the ghost servant also raised his eyes and looked to the west, but saw that the west was extremely barren, with ferocious rocks everywhere... and there seemed to be a huge deep canyon in front of it, nestled in several big mountains. Among.

After seeing this situation, the ghost servant asked in surprise: "Second brother, third sister, why are they here?"

Duguxie shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"But I think Sanmei and the others must have discovered something." Duguxie said.

The ghost servant raised his deep eyes and looked at the murmur in the western region and said: "I hope that the third sister and the girls will not have trouble...If something happens to them, hey, how much should the young master want? Sad."

The ghost servant knows that Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing, and Duanmuying are all Li Tian’s most beloved women. If something happens to them, then Li Tian is of course unhappy, so the ghost servant in front of him is there. Dao said with extreme worry.

Listening to the ghost servant saying this, the Duguxie in front of him said: "Let's go, let's go to the front and find the three sisters... it's getting dark."

Hearing Duguxie's words, the ghost servant in front of him slightly raised his face and looked at the sky.

It is almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

This immortal mountain range was originally night and day break, so in about two hours, the sky will be completely dimmed.

Once the sky is dark, if they want to find the missing Baihua Fairy, and the girls like Situ Ningbing, that is undoubtedly an unlikely thing.

So after the ghost servant looked at the sky, he nodded quickly, and then followed the Duguxie in front of him to the westernmost place.


At the westernmost point of the Immortal Mountains, there is a deep canyon between two giant mountains.

The deep canyon is so deep that the bottom cannot be seen.

The surrounding rocks are bulging, and huge rocks are standing there hideously.

It can be described as a dangerous place, extremely dangerous.

It was in such an extremely dangerous place, but I saw a man's anxious voice coming over.

"Senior Hua, are you really sure that it is Li Tian?"

"Did you see him?"

As the voice came, but after seeing the voice, it turned out that it was the missing Chen Qiaozhi who was speaking in astonishment, and in front of her, it was the fairy Baihua, and the girls like Situ Ningbing!

God, why are they here?

Why did they come here?

Look carefully at Fairy Baihua, and the girls like Situ Ningbing, each of them has an anxious look on their pretty faces, as if they are looking for something there, while walking towards the place in front, they look around. .

"Absolutely! I know Tian'er... that is definitely Tian'er..." Fairy Baihua said affirmatively after hearing Chen Qiaozhi's words behind.

Then I saw Fairy Baihua desperately continuing to look forward.

It turned out that Baihua Fairy, Chen Qiaozhi, Situ Ningbing and other beauties were originally waiting outside the stone cave for the evil **** and others... But while they were waiting, a **** light descended from the western sky, the **** light was like When descending towards the western sky, a figure suddenly turned into a **** light... and within a few seconds, Baihua Fairy said that the figure turned into by the **** shadow was Li Tian! That's why she let out a scream, when she screamed, she desperately came to look for Li Tian! Then when Chen Qiaozhi and Situ Ningbing heard Fairy Baihua said they saw Li Tian, ​​everyone was so excited that they almost went crazy...so they chased to the west like crazy, but unfortunately, the chasing farther and farther. The more they chased, the more they couldn't see the blood shadow light... just like that, they kept walking westward and kept walking until they reached this deep canyon. At first they thought that after they found Li Tian, ​​they hurried back, but unfortunately they never found Li Tian, ​​and instead they did not go back...

But at this moment, Chen Qiao's face was worried, and the fairy Baihua who was looking in front of him said: "Senior Flower...We have been away from the cave for a long time, I guess Senior Cthulhu, they must have already left the cave , If they can't find us out of the cave, they will be very anxious, and when we leave, we forget to leave a signal..."

"Senior Hua, shall we go back first? After the round with Senior Cthulhu, we will look for Li Tian.

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