Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2347: Waste

Endless anger filled Long Yin's heart.

He hated Li Tian, ​​he felt that everything he did today was caused by Li Tian.

Hearing what Long Yin said, the Heretic God whose whole body's skills had been abolished on the icy ground suddenly laughed, and the voice was full of weird desolation.

When Long Yin saw the evil **** laughing, he was suddenly angry and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The evil **** suddenly turned his head with difficulty and looked at the terrifying demon head Long Yin in front of him and said: "I laugh at you..."

"You really are... sad, so sad..."

Faced with such sarcasm from the evil god, Long Yin was suddenly furious.

"Do you want to die?" The words roared, and the right hand suddenly raised, and a skeleton ghost claw was reflected from the palm of the hand. The devilish ghost claw directly pinched the neck of the evil god, and the whole person was lifted in the air.

Cthulhu's whole body skills were now abolished, and at this moment, Long Yin was easily caught in the air.

His body was constantly struggling, and his face was dying as if he was about to die.

Looking at the evil **** who was about to be pinched to death, Long Yin laughed.

Suddenly the arm raised, a cloud of black devilish gas came out, and with a thump, the body of the evil **** was thrown out a few meters away, with a bang, the body of the evil **** hit the rock wall, and then bounced back and fell heavily. on the ground.

With a wow, the Cthulhu squirted a mouthful of blood, and then fell there coughing and coughing, panting violently.

"Trash!" The words came out with a laugh from Long Yin's mouth.

The evil **** seemed to have no strength to speak again... panting, leaning against the corner of the wall.

"Cthulhu, I won't kill you so early, anyway, you were once invincible in the world... Hmph, I want you to live, I want you to live and watch, I kill your son Li Tian! Haha Haha." The devil Long Yin in front of him said while smiling strangely.

And what about the evil god? But he didn't have the strength to speak anymore, and fell there slumped.


"Mary, who are these human beings? Do you know them?" In the iron prison at the end, I saw that the prisoners were the surviving Count Roger of the Torrido family, as well as that Mary, and the Fire Lady , Bing Nu and others.

It turns out that none of them have been killed yet, and they are all alive.

I saw that Count Roger said with a horrified look at the few humans who were lying motionless looking in front of him.

Those few human beings still in the iron prison were the ghost servants, Tang Xiaolong, and Duguxie and Xue Wuhen who were captured.

It's just that they seem to be dead now, lying there without any movement.

And only Mary? Support the ghost servants there.

"Oh my God, they are Li Tian's friends... Li Tian Huaxia's brothers!" Mary in front of her suddenly exclaimed.


When Mary said this, the Fire Lady, the Ice Lady and the Earl Roger in front of them were all in awe.

"What? They are Li Tian's friends? Brother?" Count Roger said in disbelief.

Mary said: "Yes, that's them."

"Unexpectedly, they came here too... Oh my God, they must be looking for Li Tian, ​​so they were caught here by the **** of the Gangelo family." Mary said sadly.

Listening to Mary's words, the Earl Roger and the Ice Lady and the Fire Lady suddenly understood.

"Are they dead?" The fire **** one side quickly asked.

Mary hurried forward to check the injuries of Duguxie and the ghost servants.

Look carefully, but see that Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen's injuries are the most serious.

The faces of the two have turned black, and the whole face is covered with a layer of death, as if they have been dead for a long time.

The Duguxie and the ghost servant are a little better. Although the two of them are lying there motionless, they can still feel their weak pulse.

"These two human beings...are they dead?" The Countess Huo stared at Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen, staring at her.

Mary lifted a sad face and glanced at Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen, who had a dark complexion, and suddenly said: "They seem to be caught by Antonio's death..."

"Yes, they are indeed angry with death!" Count Roger could see it now.

"It seems that Mary had just guessed right. They did encounter the vampires of the Gangelo family." The fire girl in front of her muttered.

"What should I do? Are they just waiting to die?" The fire girl in front of her looked at Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen.

Count Roger said: "Antonio's breath of death... there is no antidote at all."

After hearing Earl Roger say so, Mary and others in front of them were silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen who were looking at the ground with sad expressions.

No one knows how to save them.

"Then let's watch... They just die like this?" The Fire Girl said in disbelief.

Count Roger closed his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Where is Mary over there? It is also sad.

She felt sorry for Li Tian's brothers... She knew that Li Tian's brothers were all good people and were very loyal, but she didn't expect that they had come to Italy so much that they encountered such an unexpected event.

"Maybe there is a way to save them." Suddenly a person said.

Look carefully, it is the blood hunter Ron and Tia who speak.

When they heard Ron and Tia talking like this, the Fire Girl and Count Roger in front of them all quickly turned their heads and looked at Ron and their brothers and sisters in disbelief.

"Ron, do you think there is a way to save these two humans?" Roger asked quickly.

Ron looked at Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen, then silently nodded and said, "En."

"What way?" Mary asked in surprise.

Ron said: "When I was in Pope Sun, I heard our professor say that using holy water can eliminate the poison of death gas..."

"Holy water?" Roger and Mary in front of them were slightly startled when they heard Ron say this.

Ron said, "Yes, the blessed holy water may save the lives of both of them."

"But there is holy water here or there?" Mary in front of her said bitterly.

Ron suddenly pointed to David, who was lying on the ground in a coma, and said, "My brother has!"


When he heard Ron suddenly point to David to say this, Mary and Firewoman in front of them all put their beautiful eyes on the "David" who was imprisoned with Duguxie and them.

It turned out that at the moment David was imprisoned, Ron and Tia recognized the identity of "David".

That David is also Ron and Tia’s brother.

It's a pity that David seemed to have received a heavy blow to the head, bleeding, and the moment he was thrown in, he remained unconscious.

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