Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2348: wide awake

Mary and Roger in front of them also knew that this David was the "blood hunt" of Pope the Sun, so after hearing Ron say this, they both blinked suspicious eyes and looked at the coma. The unawake blood hunting David.

"Does he have holy water?" Mary asked suspiciously.

Ron smiled and nodded, "Absolutely."

"Every blood hunter will carry holy water, but it's a pity that the holy water of Tia and I lost the holy water in the previous battle...or else I don't have to borrow my brother's holy water." Ron said.

After hearing this, Mary hurriedly said: "Then take it out quickly and save Li Tian's brothers."

Ron nodded quickly, and then quickly walked toward David.

After running to David, Ron touched David's body. After touching for a while, Ron miraculously took out a crystal bottle from David's arms.

The crystal bottle contained a transparent liquid like water.

After taking it out, Mary in front of her blinked at Ron with surprised eyes and said, "This is holy water?"

"Yes." Ron said.

Then Mary said: "Then quickly save them."

Ron nodded, then took the "holy water" and walked towards Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen in front of him.

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen's faces were already dead black, and neither of them had any breathing...Can this "holy water" really save them both? To be honest, Mary and the others didn't know at all.

However, dead horses can only be used as living horse doctors. After all, there is really no other way.

After Na Ron took the "holy water" and reached the motionless Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen, he opened the holy water bottle, and then slowly dripped a few drops of liquid from the "holy water" bottle, and then entered Then Tang Xiaolong still had Xue Wuhen's mouth inside.

After taking the holy water, everyone blinked and looked at the movement of Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen.

I hope they can survive.

It's a pity that Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen didn't come back as quickly as imagined...the two were still lying motionless on the ground.

"Ron, does this holy water really work?" Mary asked, looking at Ron there.

Ron frowned and said, "This... I just heard that our professor once said... As for the real effect, to be honest, I have never used it like this before."

When Ron said this, there was a look of worry on Mary Qiao's face.

She was afraid that this "holy water" would not have any effect. If that were the case, then Li Tian's two good brothers could only watch and die here.

Mary, who was thinking like this in her heart, stared at Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen blankly.

Tia here is guarding the unconscious David.

And Earl Roger, as well as the Ice Girl and the Fire Girl, were looking at the ghost servant and Duguxie.

Among these people, only Duguxie, the ghost servant, and the blood hunter David are still alive, but their injuries seem to be very serious, and they are all in a coma at the moment.

Suddenly, the body of Duguxie at the end of the iron prison on the far left suddenly moved.

The moment he moved, Earl Roger saw it all at once.

"He moved... this human being moved." A sudden exclamation yelled out of the Count Roger.

After he screamed, Mary and the Fire Girl here, and the Ice Girl rushed over together.

"Did he wake up?" Huo Nu asked curiously.

"It should be, his pulse is the strongest among several people...so he should wake up." Mary said.

Count Roger in front of him, at this moment, went to help the Duguxie who fell on the ground.

When the two cold hands that stretched out were about to support that Duguxie, suddenly Duguxie's body suddenly moved! Then I saw an angry shout coming out of Duguxie's mouth.

"Asshole, go to die..." With Duguxie's loud shout, his left hand suddenly and powerfully attacked that Roger.

Roger originally wanted to support Duguxie, but he didn't expect Duguxie to attack suddenly. He was taken aback and didn't react, but he saw Duguxie's left palm hit Earl Roger's chest directly.

Count Roger only felt a strong force coming, and then he was beaten back. Fortunately, the Duguxie was seriously injured. This palm strength only exerted about 20%, so it did not cause much to Count Roger. Impact.

However, she said that Mary screamed at the moment when Count Roger was hit by Duguxie's palm.

"Duguxie..." Suddenly Mary called out Duguxie's name.

That Duguxie who just woke up just made an instinct! He didn't know that he had been imprisoned. He thought that the enemy was dealing with him there, so he would take action. At this moment, he was shocked to hear someone call his name all at once, and Du Guxie was stunned.

Then I saw that sober Duguxie slowly raised his bloodshot eyes, staring at Mary in front of him, and the surprised Fire Girl and Ice Girl.

The moment he saw that it was Mary, Duguxie was completely stunned...

"Yes...yes...you?...Mary?...Miss Mary?" Duguxie in front of him looked at Mary in disbelief.

Since China’s farewell, this Mary has left with Li Tian, ​​and since then, Duguxie never saw this Mary again. He did not expect to see this vampire, Mary when he was sober. !

Then Mary saw that Duguxie recognized herself suddenly, and she said with tears of excitement: "Yes, yes, it's me, it's me."

The Duguxie hadn't reacted yet, and stared at Mary in surprise and said, "Oh my God, am I not dreaming? You... why are you... here?"

"What about me? Where am I?" Du Guxie asked in shock.

As he asked, he looked at the iron fence around.

But seeing that Mary quickly said to Duguxie, "It's not a dream, it's true, everything is true."

"We were all caught by the **** vampires of the Gangelo family." Mary said to Duguxie there.

After Duguxie heard Mary say this, she was taken aback and said, "Caught by a vampire from the Gangelo family?"


"Are you here to find Li Tian?" Mary asked quickly.

Duguxie suddenly raised his head and said, "Yes."

"You came here with Li Tian, ​​and then you met a vampire, right?" Mary asked again.

Duguxie nodded and said, "Well, yes."

When Duguxie said that, Mary finally understood, and said: "Well, now I finally know why you were caught here."

Duguxie was confused and said, "Where is this? Why am I here?"

Mary said: "This is a lair of the Gangelo family. We were all caught here by the **** of the corpse king."

Duguxie had a headache and suddenly thought of the previous battle!

He met the big snake girl, met Antonio, and Berwick, these three extremely powerful vampires!

Then, he beheaded the big snake girl, and in the end was seriously injured. It was the Cthulhu that made the final shot!

He dimly remembered that Cthulhu finally used the magical power of "Zero Degree Extreme Realm" to seal that Antonio and Berwick...Finally...Finally...It seemed that a more powerful demon came out!

Long Yin!

Duguxie suddenly thought of it.

Yes, it was Long Yin who had come back from the dead!

Although Duguxie was seriously injured and unconscious at the time, he still vaguely remembered the name Long Yin called by the evil god! Thinking of this in his mind at the moment, he was suddenly shocked.

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