Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2462: wide awake

"How about that little baby?" The old man Qinglong looked at the three elders with his hands on his back and asked. He first asked about Li Tian.

The old white tiger replied, "We have used our qi to penetrate the body veins of the little baby according to the instructions of the big brother... His muscles have been reshaped, his bones have been connected... even the skin Got a new life."

"The only thing he hasn't done right now is that his cranial nerves haven't gotten through..." The old man Baihu repeated.

After hearing the old man Baihu say this, the old man Qinglong in front of him smiled slightly and said, "Leave me the baby's head."

"En." The other three elders also nodded silently.

After the old man Qinglong finished speaking, the old man white tiger and the other two elders beside him suddenly placed their eyes on the beauties such as Baihua Fairy in front of them.

But the old man who saw Baihu was surprised and asked, "Brother, who are these four women?"

The old man Qinglong stroked his gray beard slowly, and murmured there: "I heard movement at the foot of the mountain before... So I went down the mountain to take a look. Unexpectedly, he saw a modern straight The lift crashed down on the edge of a ten thousand-foot cliff... The old man watched the snow drifting. The cold air had frozen the four female dolls, so he flew down the mountain and rescued the four of them."

After hearing the old man Qinglong said so, the three old men in front of him finally understood what was going on.

"Brother, how are the four of them?" The old white tiger in front of him asked slightly.

But seeing the old green dragon muttering: "Nothing serious!"

"It's just being frozen by the ice... Once the ice melts, they will be fine." The old Qinglong said.

The old white tiger continued to ask in surprise: "How did these four little girls reach this strangely cold place like Tianshan?"

The old man Qinglong smiled slightly and said, "Since we are here, it is fate!"

After the old man Qinglong uttered the six words slightly, he left the ice room in front of him step by step.

The old white tiger in front of him and the other three also followed out.

No one thought that the Baihua Fairy and the others would be rescued by the weird four old men of the Tianshan Mountains. It turned out that their plane did not crash next to the Cthulhu and their plane, but was blown here by a terrible storm and crashed... after the crash. , They all fainted, and two of the pilots also died tragically, leaving only Baihua Fairy and other beauties in the cabin...


I don't know how long time has passed.

But seeing the ice and snow on Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, and Ouyang Shiqing in the cold room slowly began to melt.

And what about Baihua Fairy?

Because she was the first to be treated by the old man Qinglong's internal force, she only started to wake up slightly.

Her slender fingers flicked first, and then the beautiful eyes opened slowly.

The moment she opened it, she was completely stunned.

Because her eyes first saw the transparent thousand-year ice... and then she felt her whole body chill!

"Am I dead?" Fairy Baihua murmured and moved his heavy body.

Then there was a sharp pain in her head. Her pain was due to the fact that when the plane was falling, it hit her head too hard, but now there is nothing more, it's just a trauma.

When he felt the pain in his head, the fairy Baihua groaned.

Then she remembered everything... She remembered that the helicopter she was in had entered the storm circle... Then the whole plane began to descend violently... Finally, there was a "bang" before her eyes. Black... Then I can't feel anything anymore.

Just after that thought in Bai Hua Fairy's mind, a gloomy chill suddenly surged from her body, and her delicate body couldn't help but shiver subconsciously.

"I'm not dead yet?" This was the first feeling that Baihua Fairy had.

Because she can still feel the cold and pain, it is said that the dead cannot feel the pain, so the fairy Baihua suddenly wakes up.

"But, where is the place in front of you?"

"Why am I here?" The Fairy Baihua said thinking.

As she thought, she moved her body, and then turned her head. At the moment she turned her head, she suddenly saw Situ Ningbing, Duanmu Ying and that Ouyang poetry...

It's just that the three girls are all in a coma, lying motionless there.

"Ningbing, poetic love..." At the moment when she saw Situ Ningbing and Ouyang poetry, the fairy Baihua in front of her hurriedly ignored her injuries to see Situ Ningbing and the others!

"Ning Bing, wake up, wake up, wake up." The fairy Baihua in front of him quickly ran over, grabbing the delicate body of Situ Ningbing and shaking vigorously.

But seeing that there were still traces of ice on the body of Situ Ningbing... After being shaken by Fairy Baihua, layers of tiny ice crystals fell on her body.

"Ningbing!" Fairy Baihua shook the Situ Ningbing and shouted vigorously.

But what about Situ Ningbing? Under Baihua Fairy's yelling, her body finally reacted slightly, and then her beautiful eyes opened slowly.

The moment Situ Ningbing opened her eyes, she also felt her head gloomy first.

"Auntie Hua?" She raised her surprised eyes at the fairy Baihua who was in front of her.

After seeing that Situ Ningbing was sober, the fairy Baihua immediately burst into tears of joy, and said happily, "Ningbing, are you finally sober?"

But seeing that Situ Ningbing touched his heavy head with one hand, while looking at the transparent ice room in front of him, he said in surprise: "Auntie Hua, where is this? Where are we?"

Following Situ Ningbing's question, the fairy Baihua said, "I don't know where this is...I found you just after I became sober."

Listening to Fairy Baihua saying this, Situ Ningbing let out a scream of "Ah".

"I remember... I remember... Our plane crashed, didn't it?" Situ Ningbing recalled, touching her aching head.

The fairy Baihua said: "Yes."

"But... why did we get here?" Situ Ningbing said, looking at the thousand-year-old ice road around him.

The fairy Baihua shook his head and said, "I don't know this."

"Forget it, I can't care about that much, let's wake up poetry and Duanmuying first." Fairy Baihua said.

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