Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2463: Millennium Ice Cave

In this way, with the help of Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing, they quickly awakened Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying.

After that Duan Muying and Ouyang Shiqing were sober, they both froze first, and then asked Situ Ningbing the same question.

But Fairy Baihua and Situ Ningbing didn't know where they were, so all the girls were suddenly depressed here.

"Oh my God, how did we get here?" Duanmuying looked around with her beautiful eyes wide open.

Situ Ningbing and the Baihua Fairy in front of them were also depressed.

"Could someone bring us here, right?" Ouyang Shiqing thought there.

With that said, the fairy Baihua frowned slightly.

"probably is!"

"Then the other party saved us?" Duanmuying asked.

Fairy Baihua said, "I dare not say this..."

"From now on, everyone be careful." Fairy Baihua asked Situ Ningbing and other beauties.

After hearing what Fairy Baihua said, Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying nodded silently.

"Where are the Cthulhu seniors? Will they also encounter our situation?" Suddenly Duanmuying on the other side blinked and asked.

As soon as he mentioned the evil god, Baihua Fairy's beautiful eyes were full of various worries.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to Big Brother and them... Encountered such a terrible storm... I hope that Big Brother and them will be safe." Fairy Baihua said with concern.

Situ Ningbing looked at the worried Fairy Baihua and comforted him: "Auntie Hua, don't worry, Senior Cthulhu has such a strong skill, I believe it will be fine."

After Situ Ningbing consoled the Baihua Fairy, Baihua Fairy could only nod silently.

Ouyang Shiqing in front of her blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the surrounding ice layer, while walking over slightly, then reached out her hand and touched the extremely heavy ice layer, and suddenly muttered in her mouth: The ice is so thick."

"Yeah, here seems to be an ice cave." Situ Ningbing in front of him also said slightly.

After Situ Ningbing finished speaking, the clever Ouyang Shiqing said, "Since this is an ice cave, there must be an exit...Let's look around and see if there is any exit. "

After Ouyang Shiqing said so, the Baihua Fairy and Duanmuying nodded quickly.

Then the four women began to search in this ice cave.

After searching for a while, Situ Ningbing suddenly found a thin gap in the ice room.

After seeing it, Situ Ningbing became excited.

"Auntie Hua, poetry, there is a door here."

After Situ Ningbing suddenly screamed, the fairy Baihua, Duan Muying, and Ouyang Shiqing all ran over.

After running over, I saw the ice gate embedded in the ice.

"Push this ice gate, let's go and take a look outside." Fairy Baihua said there.

After she finished speaking, the Situ Ningbing and all the beauties nodded, and then they began to push open the ice gate with force.

With the efforts of the four beauties, the heavy ice gate was finally pushed open creakingly.

After pushing away, but seeing them, he cautiously walked out of it.

After they walked out, the sight outside made them all stunned.

My God, this is a palace carved out of ice! ! ! !

No one would have thought that under these thousand years of ice, there would be such a huge "palace".

The thick pillars inside are all made of thousand-year-old ice, and the space is huge, and there are all kinds of living utensils inside... It's just that those living utensils are all made of thousand-year-old ice.

Standing in this space, gusts of cold air surged from all around, but Fairy Baihua and the others didn't feel cold at all at this moment, because they were all shocked by the shocking scene before them.

"Oh my God, what is this place? It is so spectacular?" Duanmuying blinked her beautiful eyes.

Ouyang Shiqing also grew up there and said, "Yes, I feel like I really want to be dreaming..."

"It's almost like a palace here."

At this moment, several beauties were completely taken aback by the wonders in front of them.

Just when they were shocked by the sight in front of them, suddenly a slight footstep came from the left side.

"there's noise."

The fairy Baihua was the first to hear the faint footsteps, and after hearing the footsteps, he quickly spoke to Situ Ningbing and the others.

Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing were also extremely alert. After hearing what Fairy Baihua said, they hurriedly hid in a thick icicle next to them.

After hiding, he blinked his beautiful eyes and carefully looked at the left side.

They want to see who is coming from that footstep.

While they were hiding here and observing the icy pillar, they saw an old figure slowly coming out.

The old figure had gray hair and turned his back to them...walking out of the ice cave in front.

Situ Ningbing and Ouyang Shiqing in front of them couldn't help being stunned when the beautiful women saw the old figure.

"Hey, why is this figure so familiar?"

Just as they felt this way in their hearts, suddenly their old figures turned their backs in front of them...Suddenly they spoke.

"Little girls... don't hide them... come out quickly."

As the old and vigorous voice uttered, the Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing and the others were all stunned.


They were discovered long ago?

Since it was discovered long ago, Baihua Fairy only walked out slowly with Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying.

After stepping out, Fairy Baihua stared at the old man cautiously...At the same time secretly luck in his hands! Because she is afraid that the other person is a "wicked person".

"Old man...who are you?"

"Why are we here? And what exactly is this place?" Baihua Fairy asked suddenly.

At the moment when the Baihua Fairy's voice suddenly uttered, the old old man suddenly laughed strangely.

"A few little girls... Don't be nervous... This is a thousand-year-old ice cave." The old man said while turning his back to them.

Upon hearing this, Fairy Baihua was stunned: The thousand-year-old ice cave?

"Old man...you...you...brought us here?" Fairy Baihua continued to ask.

The old man suddenly smiled, turned his face and said, "Forget it...I think it is." After finishing speaking, he slowly turned his face that looked like an old fairy!

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