Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2786: There is movement ahead

The pain in his stomach has completely disappeared.

At the moment when both eyes were opened, I only felt radiant, and the spiritual power of the whole body increased sharply for some reason...even Li Tian himself felt it.

"Old Long, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore...I'm all right." Li Tian said in surprise immediately after his body recovered.

Lao Long, who was sitting on the ground leisurely, suddenly smiled when he heard Li Tian say so, and glanced at Li Tiandao: "Little baby, do you feel any changes in your body?"

Li Tian was startled at this moment, and then said: "I feel it."

"How does it feel?" Long asked with a smile.

Li Tiandao: "I feel that the spiritual power of the body has increased a lot..."

Old Long said: "Well, it seems that you have finally absorbed the strength of Yin and Yang Flame Wine, very good, very good."

"Little Wawa, let me tell you, the old man's Yin and Yang flame wine is hard to drink for many people in the entire Spirit Earth Continent. Today you kid has drunk more than half of my wine gourd. You are really greedy!" Old Long laughed while talking there.

It turns out that Li Tian drank too much just now! He actually drank more than half of the wine in the wine gourd...no wonder his stomach hurts.

After hearing this, Li Tian smiled awkwardly, looked at the old Long Dao in front of him and said: "Old Long, what is the effect of your Yin Yang Flame Wine?"

Na Long said: "Efficacy?"

"This yin and yang wine is made by the old man using all kinds of medicinal herbs in his whole life, and it is used to increase the physical and spiritual power."

"Little baby, now, your physical spiritual power has reached an unprecedented level in this continent... At this moment, you have absorbed my Yin and Yang wine... I think there should be no one on the entire continent that has more spiritual power than yours. It's horrible."

"It's just that you have fewer illusions... Little Wawa remembers the words of the old man, you have to learn the qi illusion forbidden technique on your body, and the forbidden technique on it is the greatest for thousands of years in the Spirit Earth Continent The illusion left by the ancestors...Three points of learning, can be dominated! Seven points of learning, you can be holy! Ten points of blood, can reach the sky...Hahahaha."

When Li Tian heard this, he was shocked.

He did know that there were many weird Qi illusions on the Qi illusion forbidden technique.

Last time in the valley of life and death, Li Tian learned one of them because of time: Shenglongquan!

But just a single dragon fist defeated Otis, one of the two chaos demons... If he had learned all the remaining Qi illusions, how violent would it be?

Just when Li Tian was thinking so excitedly in his mind, suddenly, he saw that Long Lao's body slowly "floated".

Li Tian was stunned at the moment, looking at the body of Old Long who suddenly floated, and immediately said in surprise: "Old Long...you...where are you... going?"

Old Long's body has reached the midair, as if walking on the ground. At this moment, he said without looking back: "The old man has passed this era, and this place is no longer suitable for my existence."

When Li Tian heard it, he was stunned.

After thinking about it, he shouted, "What about me? What should I do?"

Old Long said: "Do what you should do, do what you need to do."

"The battle between humans and demons is imminent, little baby, you must take up this responsibility."

After the words were finished, the figure of Old Long suddenly disappeared into the void.

Watching Old Long disappear into the void like this, Li Tian was stunned all at once.

However, Na Long had already disappeared like this.

After Long Lao left, Li Tian stayed alone on the wilderness.

His eyes looked around...He looked at a desolation, except for the high and low hills and some woods, there was no living thing at all.

Thinking of what the old Long said just now, Li Tian couldn't calm down for a long time.

"What should I do now?"

"Should I continue searching for Ningbing...or...should I help humanity first?" Li Tian hesitated in his mind.

In fact, he really wanted to find his favorite again, Situ Ningbing.

But he had to take care of the overall situation, because mankind now needs him even more! And just now when Na Long was leaving, he personally told Li Tian...He must be responsible for his anger.

In the end, Li Tian hesitated for a long time...but seeing him finally made up his mind.

"Ningbing, I'm sorry, I need to help humanity first." In the end, Li Tian chose to take care of the overall situation.

He decided not to look for Situ Ningbing first... Anyway, Situ Ningbing would not recognize him for a while... Even if he finds her now, it is of no use. For the present plan, he has to help humanity first, and then the next step. He then figured out the matter of Situ Ningbing.

After making up his mind in Li Tian's mind, he was ready to do it.

Looking around the deserted surroundings, Li Tian didn't know the south, east and northwest. He looked at the direction of the sun at this moment, and then muttered: "The old dean and the empire's army should be in that direction."

After Li Tian checked the direction, he stretched out his figure and began to fly forward.

In the process of Li Tian's flying, he felt that his internal strength had increased by leaps and bounds again for some reason.

Moreover, even the spiritual power of the body is more full than before.

In one flyby, Li Tian had already swept more than ten meters away, and it didn't take much effort.

"My internal strength has strengthened again, and even my spiritual strength has become higher and higher!!" Li Tian thought secretly in surprise.

"Is it all caused by Long Lao's Yin-Yang Flame Wine?" Li Tian darkly interlined.

Thinking like this, Li Tian said in a pleasant surprise: "I now finally know how wonderful Long Lao's Yin Yang Flame Wine has."

At this moment, Li Tian, ​​who was excited in his heart, accelerated his body skills even more, and quickly swept towards the distant wilderness.

When Li Tian skimmed out of this barren land, he saw a winding stone road, which led to the direction of the dark swamp.

At this moment, he is walking along this stone path step by step.

When Li Tian was marching, his ears suddenly stood up slightly.

"There is movement ahead."

Li Tian's current perception ability has completely exceeded the scope of imagination, especially after the increase in internal strength, his five sense perception ability has reached an astonishing level.

At this moment, he already felt from the wind that there was a team of men and horses rushing towards here quickly.

From the sound of the wind, Li Tianneng could hear that there are definitely no fewer than twenty people.

It's just that he still can't tell whether the opponent is a demon? Or is it human?

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