After thinking about it, Li Tian found a hidden place, and then the figure flew past like a wild goose, and then found a shelter to hide his whole person slightly.

After hiding, he began to wait.

He wants to see who the front team is.

After waiting for a while, I saw that the team was getting closer...I could already see a team of dark figures coming here quickly.

As the team of people got closer and closer, Li Tian not only took a closer look, but with this look, he saw the demon blood illusionist wearing a black robe riding a black steed toward this side!

Behind him was a large group of extremely tall barbaric half-orcs.


When Li Tian saw this group of demons, he was not only slightly startled.

"It turned out to be a group of **** members of the demons."

"I just don't know, how did these members of the Demon Race suddenly withdraw to the rear? What are they doing?"

Li Tian thought in his mind.

At this moment, the team of the Demon Race is getting closer and closer.

As they approached here, suddenly Li Tian's figure flew out from the side.

When Li Tian's swift figure flew over...the horses suddenly seemed to be frightened...there was a neigh...Suddenly the two horses in the front roared, and then stopped anxiously.

The two blood illusionists wearing black robes sitting on the horses didn't react at all, and they threw off the horses with a plop.

The other half-orcs were also horrified.

Look carefully, but see Li Tian's voice and shadow standing motionless in the middle of the stone road, blocking the path of these demons.

However, those frightened half-orcs and the two blood illusionists who fell from the horses, raised their eyes and saw that when Li Tian was standing in front of them, they were shocked for an instant.

"Is it a human?"

"A **** human?"

Just listen to those two illusionists getting up from the ground and shouting there.

At this moment, the tall and barbaric half-orcs also "swiftly" pulled out the giant swords from their waists...then they took a fighting posture, glaring at Li Tian there.

But what about Li Tian?

He glanced at the members of the Demon Race coldly, and said directly: "I don't want to get blood on my hands today, don't force me! I just want to ask you something... If you can answer, I will Let go of your life."

The cold words came out of Li Tian's mouth.

When the demon guys heard Li Tian suddenly say this, the two blood illusions headed by him immediately said angrily: "Damn human beings, do you think we are afraid of you?"

"Go on, kill this **** human."

The blood illusionist thought that he could kill Li Tian with a lot of people, so he yelled at this time.

After the orcs heard the blood illusionist's command, they suddenly screamed one by one, then raised the giant sword in their hands, riding their horses towards Li Tian.

Li Tian looked at the half-orcs who rushed over, and not only sighed slightly.

"Why do you want to force me?"

When the words were uttered, a terrifying murderous aura burst out all over his body suddenly.

In an instant, his hands opened slightly, and the powerful spiritual power emerging from the palms of both hands instantly wrapped around his hands.

Immediately afterwards, a purple thunder and lightning appeared on Li Tian's right hand, but what about his left hand? At this moment a golden flame appeared.

The right hand is: Thunder!

The left hand is: Yanhuo.

Suddenly, both hands came out, but seeing the sky suddenly thundering, smashing, smashing, terrible lightning beams shot down from the air.

Those half-orcs who had rushed over on their horses were hit by thunder and lightning from the sky before they could react.

Ah, ah, ah.

Accompanied by the tragic cry, only the half-orcs who rushed over were hit by thunder and lightning, and then died tragically on the ground.

And what about the other side?

As Li Tian sent out his left hand, the flames immediately burned toward the half-orcs.

The extremely vicious flame...burned on the half-orcs, and the half-orcs fell down from the war horse one by one, and then fell into the flames screaming, wailing,

The scene was horrible.

At this moment, Li Tian seemed to have turned into a god.

He controls the thunder and lightning with one hand, and the flame with the other.

It seemed that the whole creature was controlled by him in his hands.

In a blink of an eye, the more than twenty half-orcs were all buried under thunder and lightning and flames.


Looking at this tragic killing, the two blood illusions were already scared.

"Oh my God, this human... actually can double-line illusion?"

"He can use lightning and fire illusion at the same time?"

The two blood illusionists suddenly dared not fight at the moment they screamed, and at this moment they ran towards the rear like crazy.

They want to escape.

Looking at the two escaping blood illusionists, Li Tian suddenly snorted, and the invisible aura in his body suddenly burst out, immediately after his "slave aura technique" was suddenly performed.

One hand suddenly fell down, and on the ground was a sharp huge sword that fell from the hands of a half-orc.

Li Tian stretched out his hand and waved, and suddenly the huge sword "swish", stabbing at one of the escaped blood illusionists.

With a chuckle, the blood illusionist who was still running away only felt a pain in his heart. He lowered his head and saw that there was a **** giant sword stuck in his chest...

Then with a scream, the whole person knelt on the ground with a thump and died.

Another blood illusionist, seeing his companion being killed, screamed and ran forward.

Li Tian stretched out his right hand slightly, and said coldly, "Come back."

Then an invisible breath dragged the escaping blood illusionist... suddenly the blood illusionist was completely controlled by the aura.

Then amidst his scream, his body was suddenly sucked back from a distance.

When he arrived in front of Li Tian, ​​he plopped, but he saw that the blood illusionist fell at Li Tian's feet.

"Don't kill me...Don't kill me..." Suddenly the blood illusionist of the demon race knelt on the ground, begging to Li Tian, ​​begging and knocking his head there.

Li Tian glanced at him and said, "I don't need to kill you, but you have to answer a few questions."

"As long as you don't kill me...what questions...I answer..." the blood illusionist cried out in fear.

After hearing what the blood illusionist in front of him said, Li Tian smiled slightly.


"I ask you, what are your team doing? Isn't the base camp of your demons right in front? Why suddenly you retreat?" Li Tian looked at the blood illusionist on the ground and asked suspiciously.

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