Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3156: Bounty Hunter

"Boy, it's better not to let me meet you in the wild! Otherwise..." Before leaving, Liu Dong raised his right hand and made a beheading gesture on his neck.

Bai Jing couldn't help but feel a little worried, and said: "This is troublesome, the Sakura Legion is stronger than the Seven Swords and the Sunset Fortress."

Li Tian looked careless, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, a smile appeared, and he said, "You don't have to worry. Don't you see that he has been scared by my overlord's aura?"

"are you crazy?"

"Isn't it? He just said that if he met me in the wild, he would kill himself!"

Bai Jing gave Li Tian a glance. For this man with extremely strong strength but slow response, Bai Jing couldn't help it.

Bai Jing just hoped that this episode would pass soon.

"There is also a third-level death crystal! First exchange for two Type 85 sniper rifles, then exchange for two short guns, and exchange the rest for bullets and gasoline!" Li Tian said.

After Bai Jing’s popular science, Li Tian knew that the first-level crystal was just a mass of light yellowish substance, while the second-level crystal had obvious shapes, the third-level crystal was a regular triangular prism, and the fourth-level crystal was Quadrilateral, and so on.

But as for the direct exchange ratio between zombie crystals and corpse crystals, Li Tian probably also understood.

There is no clear limit on the specific exchange ratio, but according to the current customary exchange ratio, the first-level corpse crystal can be exchanged for fifty to one hundred first-level zombies, and the second-level zombies can be exchanged equally with the first-level corpse crystals. . The second-level corpse crystal can be exchanged for fifty to one hundred second-level zombies. The third-level zombies can be exchanged equally with the second-level corpse crystals. Zombie crystals above level 3 and zombie crystals above level 4 are already rare. Therefore, the zombie crystals and corpse crystals of the above levels are calculated based on the original corpse energy contained in the round zombies and corpse crystals.

After choosing all the things needed, Li Tian took out the three-level death crystal payment.

Seeing that what Li Tian took out was the third-level mourning crystal, the Seven Swords personnel who were in charge of receiving customers in the tent immediately showed respect to Li Tian.

"Dear Sir, I don't know how you obtained this third-level crystal in your hand?" Seven Swords members asked.

"I killed a sad eagle and dug it out of the head of the sad eagle. Is there any problem?" Li Tian asked inexplicably.

Hearing Li Tian's answer, the Seven Swords member immediately respected Li Tian, ​​and even the tone of his speech was completely changed, saying: "Dear Sir, I don't know if you are interested in joining Seven Swords. We welcome Seven Swords. All kinds of powerhouses join! For humanity!"

Bai Jing's heart immediately became nervous again. She knew that as long as Li Tian showed her own strength, she would be very popular, but she did not expect that the famous Seven Swords would also throw an olive branch at Li Tian.

"I'm sorry, I don't have such an idea for the time being. My purpose for Freedom Market today is very simple, I just want to change some of the materials that my team and I need!" Li Tian refused without hesitation.

"I'm really sorry to disturb you. I didn't mean to force you, but a strong like you should not be buried. The door of Seven Swords is always open to the strong."

"If you really don’t want to join Seven Swords, I can recommend you to participate in the bounty hunter test of Seven Swords. If you pass the test, you can get the title of bounty hunter issued by Seven Swords. This title will be redeemed next time. You can get discounts recognized by many organizations, including Seven Swords, when you purchase items. And the rank title of a bounty hunter is also a recognition for you." The Seven Swords member was not discouraged, and continued to persuade.

Li Tian glanced at Bai Jing. He had been away from the earth for a few years, and he had never expected that the earth had changed so much. Those professions that only exist in legends or movies have actually been staged in real life.

"The bounty hunter organization is a relatively loose organization, an organization recognized by the top ten legions. As long as you pass the corresponding level test, you will get the corresponding level title, and the bounty hunter organization will issue the corresponding badge. And this The badge represents the level strength of the bounty hunter. The level of bounty hunters is divided into nine levels. Local groups like Seven Swords can only issue titles and badges below level five. Bounty hunters can accept corresponding levels according to their level. Level tasks, get rewards after completing tasks."

"Bounty hunters are very free and can not be restricted by any organization, and the corpse crystals or zombies obtained can be exchanged for more materials in the corresponding organization. That is, the so-called certain discount. However, the level exam for bounty hunters It's very strict. I heard that even if you want to pass the bounty hunter level test organized by a local organization like Seven Swords, you must at least enter the wilderness to hunt five third-level zombies or five second-level zombies!" Bai Jing Hurriedly said in Li Tian's ear.

Li Tian nodded gently, and said, "It's interesting! I can try it!"

Bai Jing knew what Li Tian had decided, and she couldn't reverse and restore it at all.

"Bounty hunter level test is still very dangerous, you must pay attention to safety. I...we will all be waiting for you to come back!" Bai Jing said with some dismay.


"Great! Sir, I have recorded the items you have just purchased. Now I will send you to the bounty hunter level test first. I will deliver the items you choose to you. Entrance of the sword.” The Seven Swords member immediately said excitedly.

Following this member of the Seven Swords to the most important huge black tent in the free market, the outside of the tent is also a circle of stalls, and the goods sold at the stalls here are obviously much higher.

All kinds of military clothing, accessories, holsters, bullets, everything.

There was a truck parked on each side of the tent. The truck turned out to be a huge generator, and the generator was extremely roaring.

Li Tian always felt that Seven Swords should have a military background, otherwise it would be impossible for Seven Swords to have so much military equipment for sale.

"Mr. Li Tian, ​​please here!" Seven Swords members led Li Tian into the tent.

There is a cave in the tent, and the space inside the tent is nearly 1,000 square meters. Surrounding the tent is a circle of sofas. In front of the sofa, there is a coffee table with various drinks and fruits on it. At this time, there were already some people sitting on the sofa in twos and threes, and these people were enjoying the wine, tasting the fruit, and chatting.

"Mr. Li Tian, ​​please go to the sofa area to rest first, and our staff will register one by one in a while. After a short break, someone will come to follow up the level test of the bounty hunter!" After saying this, this A staff member retired.

Li Tian sat on the sofa, picked up a green apple and chewed it.

"Huh?" Li Tian suddenly felt a sense of alertness. When he looked up, he saw Liu Dong who was wearing a black cherry blossom army staring at him with a sneer.

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