Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3157: Level test

"Idiot!" Li Tian sneered in his heart, and continued to chew the green apple in his hand.

It has been more than a week since he returned to Earth. Li Tian missed this green fruit so much. According to Bai Jing, the price of this green fruit is almost the same as the price of a crystal. For ordinary people living in the heat of water, even the most basic safety and food and clothing cannot be solved. Eating green fruits is a very luxurious thing.

Since Qi Jiancai generously took out these things to entertain, Li Tian was naturally rude.

Li Tian grabbed a green apple in one hand and chewed it, and in the other hand stuffed a bunch of grapes into his mouth. Li Tian's ugly appearance made the people sitting on the left and right of Li Tian stunned.

"Too embarrassing? Can you still participate in the bounty hunter level test with such a quality?"

"Is he born a poor ghost? Hasn't he eaten fruit?"

Li Tian completely ignored the feelings of others, and pretended to be innocent, stuffing the fruit into his skin.



"Haha! You continue to say, if you don't eat the fruit in front of you, I'm not welcome!" Li Tian completely ignored the flies' evaluation of him, and directly put the fruit on the plate in front of them into the bag. .

"Everyone!" At this time a man in his forties walked up on the stage in the center of the tent. The man was straight, like a steel gun.

"Wow, it turned out to be the Shelipu Ding of the God Sword in the Seven Swords Organization!" The man sitting on Li Tian's right obviously knew the man on the stage, and immediately called out the name of the man on the stage in surprise.

"Relic patch? Who is it?" Li Tian asked puzzledly.

"Asshole, it is Shelipu Ding, a natural immune person, the famous She God Sword in the Seven Swords Organization. In the entire Seven Swords Organization, he is the third senior figure. His strength is unfathomable. It is said that he can tear it with bare hands. Open the zombie's brain! So you'd better manage your mouth, don't let people tear your mouth to pieces because of nonsense!" The person said immediately.

Li Tian immediately put away his contempt, and seriously looked at Shelipuding.

Shelipuding did not see Li Tian and others in the audience at all, holding a microphone in his hand, and continued: "Everyone who is qualified to be present is our human elite. Some of you have passed the bounty of our Seven Swords. Hunter level test, today is to participate in the level test. And some people are the first time to participate in our seven swords bounty hunter level test. Others are here because they know the bounty hunter mission released by our seven swords Coming here! On behalf of Qijian, I would like to welcome you all..."

Speaking of Shelipuding patted his palms gently, and the people in the audience slapped their palms sparsely.

"Not much gossip, let's go directly to the topic." Shelipuding made a gesture to the audience, and soon someone pressed the button, and the four LCD monitors slowly fell from the top of the tent.

The same picture appeared on the four monitors at the same time. The aerial photographs of the LCD monitor showed a small village on the northwestern border. The village was full of ruined houses, and there were dead bodies everywhere between these ruined walls.

The picture continued to zoom in, and it could be seen that many of these dead corpses were wearing Seven Sword costumes, and many more were zombies.

But whether it was the dead of these Seven Swords or the corpses of these zombies, without exception, their heads were hollowed out by something.

Suddenly outside the screen, there was a rapid sound of machine guns, and the person in charge of the aerial photography gave out a burst of exclamation. Then, the screen began to shake violently, and it could be seen that the person in charge of the aerial photography was constantly backing away.

With the sound of several pistols, blood was splashed, the camera also fell to the ground, and the figure of a zombie appeared in the screen.

The picture ends here.

Shelipuding pointed to the LCD monitor and said: "This is the picture taken by Seven Swords in Ele Village in the southwest of Tianshan Mountain last week. Compared to everyone knows that Ele Village has the largest open-pit coal mine near Tianshan. Swords are of vital importance to the entire human race. Since the establishment of our Seven Swords, we have been thinking about taking back the village of Eto that has been occupied by zombies. However, the village of Eto is so dangerous that it is not an ordinary Seven Sword warrior. Take it. It is conservatively estimated that there is at least one evolutionary zombie above level 5 in Ezhe Village, which is the one that appeared in the screen just now. Therefore, we set this bounty hunter level test and exam in Ezhe Village."

"For the newcomers who participated in the test for the first time and the bounty hunters below the level two, the requirement of our Seven Swords is only to allow you to attack the outskirts of Ezhe Village. As long as you hunt and kill at the outside of Ezhe Village, you can complete the corresponding When the number of missions is required, the signal flare will be released, and our Seven Swords Special Operations Group will be responsible for receiving home."

Speaking of this, Shelipuding looked around for a while, paused, and continued: "As for everyone who has reached the level of the bounty hunter above level 3, you need to invade the village of Ezha and kill enough numbers corresponding to the level. After the zombies, please return by yourself. For bounty hunters of level 5 or higher and other organizations, your target is the open-pit coal mine. There is only one target, and that is the level 5 or higher in Ezhe Village Zombies! As long as you complete this assessment, Qi Jian is responsible for sending your assessment results to the bounty hunter organization."

While Shelipuding was speaking, the staff of Seven Swords constantly came to register all the bounty hunters present.

Registration is not complicated. If you are a newcomer, you only need to provide the corresponding name, gender, age, and habitual weapon information. If you are already a bounty hunter, it is even simpler. You only need to take out your bounty hunter rank badge and put it on an electronic device.

Seeing that Li Tian is a newcomer, the bounty hunter sitting on Li Tian’s left immediately smiled as his predecessor taught his back and said: “Rookie, if you show sincerity enough, after the level test starts, maybe I can give you something. protection of."

The bounty hunter sitting on the right laughed and said, "You'd better exchange for some large diapers. Don't be scared to pee your pants! Hahaha"

"Go away! This kid is mine!" Liu Dong had already walked to Li Tian's side, and said rudely to the people on both sides of Li Tian.

Seeing the sign of the Sakura Legion on the body of the visitor, the two immediately closed their mouths obediently, and began to blame Li Tian, ​​the plague god, for why they provoke the members of the Sakura Legion.

Liu Dong looked at Li Tian condescendingly, and looked at Li Tian sneerly, and said, "Boy, in the test, I will make you die ugly! Oh, yes, the woman who followed you just now is called Bai Jing, right? Hey, after I kill you, I will find her, and it will be great!"

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