Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3162: fly a kite

Li Tian didn't hesitate, "Red Zhan" had already appeared in his hands, leaning against a wall, cautiously making a defensive posture. .

"Fatty, don't act rashly, just look at the situation!" Li Tian said softly to Alslan.

Arslan nodded heavily, his hand movement was very stiff, although he was scared, but after shaking several times, he still lifted the feather arrow to the zombie outside the window.

The zombie outside the window has two deep red eyes, like two small lanterns in the dark. The zombie is lying in front of the window of the small temple, with its claws on the edge of the window, and it creaks. The zombie's visual system is not developed, and this zombie is no exception, twitching its nose constantly, smelling in the small temple.

With a "click", the wooden window ridges under the zombie's claws had already been snapped. The zombie seemed to smell fresh meat, and suddenly became agitated, and the two claws began to grab the window ridges madly.

The wooden window is under the claws of the zombie, almost indistinguishable from the paper.

A large hole with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters was caught in a few clicks of the window edge. The sawdust flew around, and the expression of the zombies became more and more excited.

"Shoot him, shoot the head!" Li Tian said to the fat Alslan.

"Swish!" With a sound, a feather arrow passed through the window and hit the zombie's right eye.

I have to say that Fatty Alslan's strength is amazing. This ordinary feather arrow can directly penetrate the zombie's right eye, and the powerful strength makes the zombie back a few steps continuously.

But the zombie was not dead, and after a black liquid flowed out of his right eye, the zombie stood swayingly, and rushed towards the window of the small temple frantically.

"Boom!" With a sound, the wooden window of the small temple was directly knocked out of a large hole the size of a person, and the zombies had already rushed in.

This zombie seemed to have a certain amount of wisdom, and after rushing into the small temple, he went straight to Arslan.

Alslan backed back in fright, drew out the arrow, and did not put the bow and arrow on the string again several times in a row. Seeing that his face was covered with black liquid, his appearance was extremely terrifying, and Alslan wanted to pull it out of his waist. The scimitar, but failed several times.

As the zombies approached step by step, Alslan could already smell the rotten flesh on the zombies.

Seeing that Li Tian's body had moved to the side of the hole knocked by the zombies, Arslan's heart sank, and he was most worried about Li Tian leaving him to escape.

Arslan knew in his heart that people do not want to die for themselves, and if he encountered this situation, he would choose to escape without hesitation.

This is human nature.

Alslan was cold in his heart, and he shouted in despair: "Brother God! Save me!"

With a "poof", a knife blade emitting a dazzling red light was slashed diagonally. After the red light, the zombie's body was split into two parts, and the head fell to the ground with the body, and the mouth was closed, as if Still saying something!

"Save the words and wait for the next life to talk about it!" Li Tian knelt down, and "Hong Zhan" forcefully inserted into the zombie's head.

Along with the black brain, a light blue corpse crystal fell out.

"It's a second-level corpse crystal! This zombie is a second-level zombie! No wonder he will chase me! The biggest difference between a second-level zombie and a first-level zombie is that after a second-level zombie is attacked, it will counterattack the attacker."

After seeing the fallen corpse crystal, Fatty Alslan's eyes flashed with envy, but it disappeared quickly. He understood that this corpse crystal was not something he could use. If it weren't for Li Tian, ​​his life would be explained here today, let alone obtain the corpse crystal.

Li Tian picked out the corpse crystal from the brains of the zombies, took out a piece of fur cloth to wipe the corpse crystal clean, took it in his hand and took a closer look, the corpse crystal of this zombie is indeed not used with the first-level corpse crystal, there are rules Geometry.

"Fat man, my purpose here is very clear. I want to hunt more zombies, get more corpse crystals, and take the bounty hunter level test by the way, and your goal is to take the bounty hunter exam, hunt zombies by the way, and get some corpses. Jing. So our two goals are almost the same, and there will be no obvious competition. Since you choose to follow me, I can guarantee that you will be able to test the level of the bounty hunter at night, and I can also guarantee your safety. As for these corpses crystal……"

Li Tianhua didn’t say wow, the fat man immediately interrupted and said, “It’s yours. These corpse crystals are all yours. I am very happy to pass the bounty hunter level test. If I can get some dead crystals, I will be very happy. Satisfied! Haha"

What Li Tian wanted was Fatty’s words, Li Tian is different from Fatty. Fat Alslan is a ranger. He is full and the whole family is not hungry, but there are more than 20 friends who are waiting to be fed behind Li Tian, ​​and he has to give an explanation to the dragon after January, so he needs a lot of death. Need to quickly improve the strength of his partners.

Since the fat man is so on the road, Li Tian doesn't mind taking the fat man.

Throwing the corpse of this zombie outside the temple, Li Tian saw that there would be a zombie wandering around aimlessly every tens of meters outside the temple.

Li Tian immediately thought about it, and said to the fat Alston: "Do you want to complete the bounty hunter test mission tonight?"

Arslan nodded in excitement immediately, he really wanted to leave this **** place quickly. As long as you complete the number of zombie hunting levels specified in the mission, you can leave this **** place, and then return to the Sunset Fortress to be respected by others.

"Have you seen the zombie over there? Shoot him with a bow and arrow. After you shoot, you will run into the small temple. I will take care of the rest!" Li Tian said.

Arslan immediately understood that this kind of dispatch is called kite-flying, which is to use his long-range attack ability to attract zombies, and then Li Tian, ​​a close to violent fellow, will solve the battle.

Only the combination of Alslan and Li Tian can use this kind of dispatch.

The bow and arrow used by Alslan would not make a huge noise like a gun when attacking, so as long as it hits a zombie, it will attract this zombie instead of other zombies.

Arslan immediately gained confidence, the excited expression on his face could not be concealed, he tiptoed out of the temple door, rolled up his large bow, hitched a feather arrow, swished at the zombie nearest to the small temple, and shot an arrow.

After shooting an arrow, Arslan immediately turned around and ran into the temple, while Li Tian hid behind the temple gate and gave a fatal blow to the zombies who rushed in.

Soon and again, the combination of Li Tian and Arslan quickly hunted down three zombies. The small temple was full of rotten flesh, and the entrance of the temple had become a slaughterhouse.

Arslan went out to fly a kite again. After Li Tian collected the zombies in the zombies' brains, he threw the corpses of the zombies out of the temple gate. Just last night, the fat man ran over like a wind, and shouted in a low voice: "My God! Get ready to do it, this time attracting a big guy!"

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