Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3163: Tertiary loss

"Fuck, this is the big guy you brought in?" Li Tian couldn't help cursing when he saw the zombies that Alslan brought back.

Nothing else, just because the zombies that Alslang ushered in this time were indeed a lap larger than the zombies just attracted, but this size is definitely not the fat before the death of the zombie. What made Li Tian even more depressed was that there were two zombies behind the zombies that were a circle older.

The three zombies moved very fast, chasing the fat man in the shape of a product.

"Who the **** made you shoot three arrows at once? Don't you think I'm too relaxed and deliberately punished me?" Li Tian whispered at the fat man.

The fat man looked fat and didn't run too slow at all. He turned around and got into the temple and said to Li Tian, ​​"No, how could I go and find death by myself. I only shot one arrow and hit it." The fat zombies were gone, and the two zombies behind the fat zombies also chased them!"

"Should it be a level 3 zombie?" The fat Alslan suddenly asked as if he wanted to understand.

The speed of the zombies was very fast. Before Li Tian could say a few more words with the fat Alslan, the three zombies had already arrived at the temple gate.

Li Tianyi turned around and got in from the hole, holding the "Red Slash" in his hand to make a defensive posture.

What Li Tian didn’t expect was that after the three zombies surrounded the entrance of the temple, they did not continue to walk in. The two second-level zombies kept waving their paws and "clicked and clicked" to remove the windows of the small temple. A fat zombie stood behind two second-level zombies with **** eyes.

The fat zombie was still talking vaguely in his mouth.

"Zombies can talk?" Li Tian was taken aback, and asked Alsrand back to ask: "This fat zombie can talk, what is he talking about?"

Arslan said without hesitation: "It seems to be, meat... delicious meat..."

Li Tianmantou has a black line. He didn't expect that the fat Alslan and the fat zombie would have a common language. It seems that ordinary people in the world of foodies are really hard to understand.

With "click, click" a few times, the wooden windows were damaged more seriously. One of the zombie instinctively rushed towards Li Tian, ​​while the other zombie was still destroying the window.

Facing the claws of the zombies, Li Tian's body turned back slightly, avoiding the attack of the zombies, and the "Red Slash" in his hand turned around. If the fat Alslan looked carefully, he would find the "Red Slash" in Li Tian's hand "He didn't hold it tightly in Li Tian's hand, but was nearly a foot away from Li Tian's palm. This distance invisibly increased Li Tian's attack range, allowing Li Tian to face the zombie. Sudden attacks can be more relaxed.

"Puff!" With a sound, "Hong Zhan" directly chopped the paw that the zombie extended into two pieces, but the zombie didn't know the pain at all, and the other paw immediately grabbed Li Tian.

Li Tian controlled "Hong Zhan" to retreat and escaped the zombie's attack again. Then Li Tian turned around and stabbed, "Red Zhan" inserted diagonally in from the zombie's lower jaw and came out from the top of the zombie's head.

Li Tianjiang "red cut" with a draw, and the zombie immediately fell to the ground softly.

The corpse crystals on the head of the zombie were rushed away. Another zombie had already damaged the window and attacked in.

Fat Alslan sent an arrow in time. This arrow shooting technique can be said to have reached Alslan's highest water. The feather arrow passed through the zombie's eyebrows, and the zombie's brains flowed out along the arrow space.

With one arrow killed, the zombie also arrived on the ground.

"Meat...wow...meat..." The third-level zombie said vaguely and slapped the temple door. This solid wood door was completely slapped by the third-level zombies.

"So powerful attack power! If this slap on us, we probably don't even have a chance to react!" Fatty Alslan said, hiding behind the corner of the temple.

"Nonsense!" Ordinary people's bodies are swollen, and with such a gravitational blow, they will be crippled without death.

Li Tian leaped back, avoiding the splashing sawdust.

The fat zombie smashed through the dilapidated windows and door frames, staring at Li Tian with red eyes, and some dark gray saliva smelt from his mouth.

"Fatty, you should prepare your bow and arrows first. After a while, you will listen to my order. When I say that you will shoot arrows, this one will hit the zombie's eyes. Otherwise, we will be in trouble! Li Tian controlled "Hong Zhan" in his hands, cautiously, and whispered to the fat man.

"Understand!" Facing the third-level zombies, the fat man has no resistance at all. Now that Li Tian can charge and kill in front, the fat man has some confidence in his heart. Pulled up the bow gently, drew a feather arrow, and draped it on the bowstring.

Fatty's movements were very small, but the third-level zombies were still aware of it and looked up at Fatty. However, these third-level zombies seemed to understand that Li Tiancai in front of him was his greatest danger. They just glanced at Fatty, and then they looked It fell on Li Tian again.

At the moment when the zombie's eyes slowly fell on Li Tian, ​​Li Tian shouted, "Hands".

Fatty Alslan's feather arrow "swish" and passed through the right side of Li Tian's head. With a "duh", it shot the third-level zombie in the cheek.

The third-level zombie even let out a scream, took a step back, and immediately rushed towards the fat man.

"Miss! I didn't even hit!" The fat man had all his heart to die at this moment. At this critical juncture, he unexpectedly missed. It is important to know that the visual system of a zombie is not developed. Once one eye of the zombie can be shot to death, it is extremely beneficial for close combat with the zombie.

Li Tian screamed and rushed forward, his legs knelt on a wooden board and slid forward, while Li Tian's waist naturally bends back, and the manipulating "red cut" in his hand slashed to the third level. The legs of the zombie.

At this critical juncture, Li Tian was already unable to save the fat man, and the only chance to save the fat man might be this one.

"Red Slash" is not a divine weapon. Li Tian's body was drawn two meters away. Looking back, the third-level zombie who had lost his legs had already kneeled one meter away from the fat man.

This is so, the third-level zombies did not give up, supporting their bodies with both hands and constantly moving toward the fat man.

"Wow!" The fat man was scared to death. In a panic, the bow and arrow in his hand shot another arrow. This arrow was unbiased and directly inserted into the zombie's mouth. The arrow feathers were still in the zombie's mouth, and the arrow was already taken. A string of black blood came out near the back spine of the zombie.

"Damn! I let you climb!" Li Tian stood up and manipulated "Red Slash" directly from behind the zombies. "Red Cut" red shadow flashed, and four third-level zombies had already lost four, leaving only their heads and bodies lying on the ground, looking at the fat man with his mouth closed.

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