Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3182: Ready to do it

Seeing Li Tian's excitement, Wang Rui immediately plunged into cold water and said: "Don't be excited, I have already said very clearly. It is difficult to live smoothly in Sunset Fortress, unless you have enough. Strength and enough money can't sin against any organization. Otherwise, even if you are lucky enough to enter the Sunset Fortress, you will just change your environment and continue to live your difficult life."

Li Tian nodded. What he thought before was really too simple, thinking that as long as he sends Bai Jing and others to the sunset fortress, his mission will be completed. You can analyze according to what Wang Rui said. If Li Tianzhen did that It was tantamount to sending Bai Jing and the others from one fire pit into another.

Perhaps Bai Jing would choose Wang Rui's path for the second time in order to take care of those children.

"It's really lucky for me to know you. It made me understand a lot about the sunset fortress, and it made me mentally prepared, at least not to let me crash into the sunset fortress, hitting my head and breaking the blood!" Li Tian Said sincerely.

"Who else is my brother with whom? Today, our Supreme King is mixing up a meal with you. In the future, when you come to the sunset, we will definitely take care of you! Hahaha" Wang Qiang grabbed Li Tian's shoulders. , Said with a smile.

"Okay! You must take care of us then!" Li Tian said with a smile.

Soon, Li Tian and the others returned to the town.

Only a few days away, there is hardly any change in the town.

Before entering the town, Li Tian and the others heard a few shots.

Several of the Supreme Kings immediately became nervous, and unanimously took out their short spears. Wang Qiang held Li Tian with his pistol already on Li Tian's waist and said, "Brother, I hope this is not your welcome ceremony! "

Li Tian was not surprised by Wang Qiang's performance. If you think about it in another way, maybe Li Tian has already started directly.

"If it were me, I would understand it as a welcoming ceremony, not a horror!" Li Tian said calmly.

Wang Rui nodded, and said to Wang Qiang: "Qianzi, don't be ashamed. If Brother Li Tian really wanted to lead us into the circle, he wouldn't do that!"

"Hahahaha, I'm joking with my Li Tian brothers!" Wang Qiang explained with an awkward smile.

"Open your sister, put the gun away, don't let others laugh!" Wang Rui pulled a crossbow on Wang Qiang's back, and Wang Qiang immediately yelled.

There was a cold sweat in Li Tian's heart, and this woman didn't use her brain. You said that if you smoke Wang Qiang, if Wang Qiang pulls the trigger with excitement, then isn't I Li Tian lying down?

No, you have to send these no-brainer goods quickly! Li Tian immediately made a wise decision.

"Brother Tian is back!"

"Brother Tian is back!"

The first person to see Li Tian coming back was Li Dan. After seeing Li Tian leading people into the town through the telescope of the sniper rifle, Li Dan immediately shouted excitedly.

As soon as Li Dan shouted, many boys and girls rushed out of every corner of the town. These boys and girls surrounded Li Tian and the people of the Supreme King, and asked excitedly: "My God, the bounty hunter tested it. What was the result? You must have passed!"

"Sure, if Brother Tian fails, then everyone else must be out of play!"

"Wow, my god, are they new recruits from you? Let me take a look, one level two bounty hunter, and the other four are level one bounty hunters!"

"My god, you quickly bring out your bounty hunter badge!"

"That's right, Brother Tian should be a bounty hunter of level three or above at least!"

Seeing so many boys and girls looking at him in admiration, Li Tian also hoped that he could take out a bounty hunter badge to make these boys and girls excited for a while.

However, this is really not there.

Li Tian showed a trace of embarrassment, coughed, and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, some accident happened. I didn't get the bounty hunter badge!"

"No? Brother, you must be joking with us!"

Seeing that Li Tian didn't mean the slightest joking, the faces of these boys and girls showed uncontrollable loss.

Li Tian is their sky now. Only when this sky is high enough and wide enough can they have enough stage for these birds flying under the sky to play and show.

"Barbarian, let the children go back!" Bai Jing walked over with a black sniper rifle on his back and said to the somewhat disappointed children.

Xue Ji and Situ Ningbing also followed.

Seeing the three goddesses appearing in front of Li Tian at the same time, Wang Qiang immediately showed a humble expression and said, "Brother, this is heaven. With so many beauties, what kind of sunset fortress are you going to!"

Hearing what Wang Qiang said, Bai Jing's face turned red.

After a brief greeting, Li Tian introduced them to each other again.

Hearing Li Tian said that Wang Rui and the others’ team of supreme kings was a bounty hunter team living in the sunset fortress. Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji didn’t feel anything, but Bai Jing was envious to death, and immediately pestered Wang Rui to demand the king Rui told her about the situation at Sunset Fortress.

Back to the hotel on the second floor of the base, the five Supreme Kings were arranged, and the two-dimensional was responsible for the food and safety of these five. Seeing that Li Tian’s base was both safe and sufficient in food reserves, Wang Qiang once again proposed his paradise theory.

Li Tian can only haha.

The base has a special room as the base's meeting room. At this time, in the base's meeting room, Situ Ningbing, Xueji, Bai Jing, Manzi, and Li Dan are among the core figures.

Li Tian glanced across the faces of several people, and said with a serious face: "This time I participated in the bounty hunter test. I encountered many accidents and met many powerful characters."

Situ Ningbing's face couldn't help showing some worry. For Li Tian, ​​Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji, this world is quite strange. But Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji knew Li Tian's strength, especially Situ Ningbing. If Li Tian said they were strong, then it can be seen that those people's strengths are really not weak.

Li Tian did not see Situ Ningbing's concern, and continued: "In this test, due to various accidents, I did not receive the level approval of the bounty hunter, which made our companions and those who admired me a little lost and some injured. But, also because of this bounty hunter test, I deserve a blessing in disguise, and my strength has also been greatly improved."

"You have also seen the five people who followed me back today. They entered the Sunset Fortress three years ago, but they barely settled now." Li Tian seemed to be talking outside the body, but then Li Tian's voice changed. , Said: "Get ready, I'm ready to do something against the dragon!"

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