Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3183: Decided

"What?" Bai Jing and Manzi couldn't believe their ears, they stood up almost at the same time and asked in unison. .

"You heard that right! To survive better, we must strengthen ourselves, but we must not let the enemy sleep soundly on the side of our couch! Especially the guy like the dragon!" Li Tian said calmly.

"But, why is this? Isn't it a month later? And now we rush out, I'm afraid our human strength will not meet this requirement!" Bai Jing said bluntly.

Li Tianbai bowed his hand, motioned Bai Jing to sit down, and then calmly said: "It was very sudden, but I also had my consideration. This time the bounty hunter level test, various accidents happened, I thought it was just seven swords. Organized an ordinary bounty hunter level test mission, who knew that the Yin and Yang gates of the sunset fortress Sakura’s Legion were involved. It was also through this matter that made me understand a truth. Our enemies, our opponents are not kind-hearted Old man, they won’t give us enough time to prepare to deal with them, just like the Dragon’s organization. Who can guarantee that they will give us a full month? What if they suddenly launch an attack? Or next time Do we surprise us when we go to the free market?"

The entire conference room is quite quiet, yes, who can guarantee that the enemy will play cards according to the rules.

Li Tian paused for a while and continued: "Furthermore, how can we see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, how can we grow up without the baptism of gunfire. I feel that we are still too doting on these children. We can't let them continue like this. They have to be baptized by fighting and attacking blood, only then can they grow up quickly! What do you think?"

Xue Ji showed a pampered and eager look, learning the way the earthlings spoke, and said: "Then go out and fight! Just like when we grabbed back the temple!"

"Temple?" Bai Jing asked suspiciously.

"Bai Jing, what do you mean?" Situ Ningbing immediately changed the subject.

"I don't have any opinion! It may be a good thing to let these children experience wind and rain earlier!" Bai Jing said.

Manzi patted the table heavily and said with a simple smile: "Brother Tian, ​​I only have one request! Let me go alone!"

"And me!" The door of the conference room was squeezed open, and Li Dan fell through the crack in the door and fell to the ground. Li Dan said immediately after he got up from the ground.

"I'll go too! Could the dragon be more scary than the zombie?" Xin Yan, the little loli, also said with an expression of reluctance.

"I want to go too, this kind of showy thing can't let you guys take over!"

"That is, now we all feel that we are raised by stepmothers, this time let us participate anyway!"

The other children immediately geared up and said.

When Bai Jing saw this scene, he felt a little bit dissatisfied in his heart. At the same time, he was a little bit more pleased. Once Jiji, these children were alive numbly, but after Li Tian, ​​Situ Ningbing and others less than half a month After the impact, these children seemed to survive.

"It will die!" Bai Jing said crying.

"Not afraid!"

"We are not afraid of death!" a dozen boys and girls replied at the same time.

Seeing that the childish faces of these dozen boys and girls were full of fortitude and confidence, Li Tian knew that his goal had been achieved.

Li Tian is not a fool, how could he let so many children who are armed with short knives and the thugs who stabbed the dragon to go shopping, it is really the point, or it is Li Tian himself that ultimately decides the victory.

Li Tian said slowly: "Children! I know that you are not afraid of death, it is good! We live in this harsh environment. We want to survive and develop, so we can’t just sit back and let others bully us. We can’t wait for others to give us alms, and look at other people’s faces stubbornly."

"What will happen to you when facing zombies? Do you choose to close your eyes and sacrifice calmly? Or take up the weapon in your hand and fight the zombies? The answer must be obvious. Because of what? Because we don't want to die. , Because we don't want to be a delicious meal in the mouth of zombies!"

"Then facing the dragon? The same thing! I believe you should have heard such news more or less? That is because the dragon has coveted your big sister Bai Jing for a long time, and even went to the free market last time. At that time, I was thinking about taking the heads of Bai Jing, Xue Ji, and Wei Wei back to their bases, and the barbarians and I will be beheaded by them! Facing such a one will cut off the heads of all our men at any time. The evil gang that will take away our women, do we have to fight? For dignity! To survive!"




A dozen children shouted loudly at the same time.

"Okay, then let's get ready! Tomorrow we will go and serve the nest of the dragon. Tonight, I opened it up to eat and drink! Tomorrow we will go out and have a good fight!" Li Tian immediately Said.

When the Supreme King was in the room, Wang Rui, Wang Qiang and other Supreme Kings were all in this room. Since they haven't eaten food for a long time, several people are gorging their food.

They heard what the children shouted just now, but because of the long distance, they didn't hear clearly.

Seeing Li Tian coming in, Wang Qiang, a person who didn't speak but his brain, immediately asked, "What are you shouting? Fortunately, during the daytime, otherwise you would shout like this, and you wouldn't call the zombies!"

Li Tian did not explain the content of the meeting just now, but said bluntly: "I am going to send you to the free market tomorrow. I believe that many of your problems can be solved when you arrive at the free market! By the way, we also Go to the free market to change something!"

"In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. Today, we are very grateful for your hospitality to our Supreme King. How can you send us off again!" Wang Rui said embarrassedly.

"It's nothing, but there is a small town between our small town and the free market. There are some gangsters in that town. If you rush over, I'm afraid there will be some surprises, and I and that gangster have some My friendship, I will send you there tomorrow, he will sell me some face and won't embarrass you!" Li Tian explained.

"That's really great! But, do you have a car? We have so many people!" Wang Qiang asked.

"Don't worry! Cars are still necessary! Don't talk about a few of you, it won't be a problem to have more." Li Tian said.

Just when Li Tian was about to leave, Wang Rui followed and said to Li Tian, ​​"Do you want us to help?"

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