Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3197: Sunset Fortress

The small town where Li Tian is located is no more than 200 kilometers away from the Sunset Fortress in a straight line. However, although the roads in the two places are the same in this era, the damage is serious, and the speed of cars driving is far less than the high speed of the previous life.

Moreover, along the way, there will be attacks from zombies, zombies, and zombies in the sky. Fortunately, the children standing behind Li Tian have now grown up, and their combat effectiveness is still good.

After three days of traveling, along the way, some vehicles from other organizations gradually gathered at the airport. Although everyone had the same destination, they did not communicate with each other.

At noon on the third day, a city finally appeared in the sight of the team.

This is a city built on the edge of the desert. When he was on the edge of the city, Li Tian saw many wind turbines erected on the hillside. The blades of the wind turbines were still rotating, and under the generators, from time to time Some zombies can be seen.

As we continue to drive forward, a row of steel wire meshes welded by steel pipes with the thickness of arms and steel bars with the thickness of little thumbs appeared in front of them. The height of the isolation belt composed of these steel meshes is more than five meters. This isolation belt covers the entire city. After making a circle, if you want to enter this isolation zone, you must pass through a guard tower guarded by soldiers.

It is daytime, and the soldiers on the watchtower have just performed a routine inspection. Although it is only a routine inspection, the inspectors are not polite to everyone.

Like those bounty hunters, especially the high-level bounty hunters recognized by Sunset Fortress, these inspection soldiers are only routine inspections.

But for people like Li Tian who don't have any organization to recognize the strength, the faces of those inspecting soldiers are not very good. Li Tian was still very polite to each inspector and sent a second-level corpse crystal. After receiving the second-level corpse crystal, the faces of the inspected soldiers immediately showed a smile, and Li Tian and others did not issue it to enter the sunset fortress. Peer certificate of the main city.

As for other vehicles that have neither the strength nor the sense of the inspectors, they have to face the cold words of the inspectors, and those people can only get Luoxing and Luoyue Sun Global, the four small satellite cities of the sunset fortress. Pass.

Ignoring others, Li Tian and the others passed through the isolation belt and drove forward for less than five minutes. A small city surrounded by reinforced concrete appeared in front of them.

I took a look at this small satellite city, probably less than seven or eight square kilometers in size, but the small city is densely packed with uneven buildings.

This is one of the satellite towns.

Ignoring this small satellite city directly, Li Tian and the others continued to drive forward, and then walked forward for about three minutes, suddenly a big city appeared in front of them.

It is said that this is a big city because this fortress looks at the past, at least it already has a size larger than the general county before the end of the world. The entire fortress is surrounded by an ultra-high ten-meter-high reinforced concrete wall poured with concrete. There are four gates in the south, east, north and west of the fortress. Inside the fortress, buildings over ten meters above can be seen everywhere. Unexpectedly, at least seven or eight tanks were parked on the walls at the top of each gate in this fortress for defense.

"Get out of the car and be checked!" At the gate of the fortress, several soldiers in uniform with brand-new machine guns stopped the car and said.

Li Tian and others got out of the car. After checking the pass, the soldier said: "Please park your car in the parking lots on the left and right sides of the entrance. No foreign vehicles are allowed inside the fortress. Please be valuable in your car. Collect your belongings! It’s not as safe as you think."

Li Tian carried Xue Ji on his back, Situ Ningbing, Bai Jing, Manzi and others followed Li Tian, ​​and everyone stepped into the legendary Sunset Fortress.

Entering the gate of the sunset fortress, there is another scene in front of you. The street in front of you is quite spacious, and there are few vehicles on the two-way four-lane road.

"Aren't vehicles not allowed inside? Why are there still cars in the fortress?" the barbarian asked dissatisfiedly.

"No foreign vehicles are allowed to enter. The cars driving in this fortress must belong to those who are capable and qualified in the fortress!" Bai Jing analyzed.

I saw Li Tian and others entering the gate of the fortress, and saw a dozen people squatting inside the gate of the fortress wall. These people are of different ages. The oldest is about 60 or 70 years old, while the youngest is only 12 years old. . These people have ragged clothes, but their eyes are divine, just like hunters, their eyes constantly sweep into everyone.

Seeing Li Tian carrying a woman on her back, many people's faces immediately flashed with excitement, as if they had found their prey.

Wow, more than a dozen people gathered around Li Tian and others in the middle.

Li Tian saw that these people still carried a small card with the symbol of Sunset Fortress on their necks. The small card has two big characters written in block letters, and there is a line of small characters below it.

"Is it your first time to enter Sunset Fortress? Do you need a professional guide? I have been in Sunset Fortress for more than two years, and I know the Sunset Fortress well." said a man in his 30s.

"Don't listen to him, he just came to Sunset Fortress less than a year ago. I am the old man of Sunset Fortress. How many are these people who are planning to take refuge in friends? Or are they running to Sunset Fortress to recruit and expand? Or? Are you planning to participate in the Bounty Hunter level test in the Sunset Fortress?" The speaker is really an old man. This old man is in his sixties. Although his clothes are also ragged, his clothes are much cleaner and his body is not so clean. More peculiar smell.

Li Tian said: "I have an injured friend here. Now I need to send my friend to the best hospital in Sunset Fortress for treatment. Please also uncle to help me lead the way! As for the cost, I will naturally give you according to the standard! "

A smug expression flashed across the old man's face, as if he had already guessed that Li Tian would ask this question.

The old man restrained the trace of pride, shook his head, and said, "Don't mention the best hospital in the Sunset Fortress. Even the ordinary clinics in the Sunset Fortress are important now. Moreover, the medical accident department of the Sunset Fortress also inspects it. Great. If you are not held down in the sunset fortress, no outpatient or hospital will be allowed. Unless you can have friends or organizational departments willing to take you in!"

Li Tian was startled. He didn't expect to come to the Sunset Fortress so hard that he could not directly enter the hospital to treat Xue Ji's injuries.

"Why are there such regulations?" Li Tian asked angrily.

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