Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3198: Ask me (1)

"It seems that this is the first time you have come to Sunset Fortress." The old man paused, and continued: "Sunset Fortress is the largest fortress within a few hundred kilometers in the vicinity. The permanent population here has exceeded 50,000. The four nearby satellite cities have a population of more than 100,000. However, there are only two hospitals in the fortress at sunset, and the number of approved outpatient clinics in the fortress is no more than 10. These outpatient clinics and hospitals are only responsible for receiving the fortress permanent personnel. Injuries. Once an outsider becomes ill, it must be tested by the fortress’s medical malpractice department to confirm that the patient’s injury is recognized as an ordinary injury, and then the hospital will be licensed to receive treatment orders."

The old man continued: "If the medical accident department detects that the patient's injury is contagious, for the sake of the safety of the sunset fortress, the patient is likely to be driven out of the fortress! This is also something that there is no way in this era! After all, no matter who it is, they will not make fun of the lives of the entire fortress!"

"But there are no absolutes in the world. If you can pay the price, there are still many underground clinics in this fortress who are willing to accept these patients! Of course, these clinics cannot be compared with regular clinics in that respect. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to go to the underground clinic. There are still many intermediary organizations in the fortress who are willing to take this risk. I still know many related intermediary organizations in this fortress, and these intermediaries are absolutely safe."

Having said this, the old man's eyes showed a hint of cunning, and there was some greed in his eyes.

"No! I still have some friends in the fortress! Please take me to the Supreme King Bounty Hunter Team!" Li Tian directly rejected the old man's proposal.

Hearing what Li Tian said, the old man showed some disappointed expressions on his face, and said to Li Tian: "Although the sunset fortress is not big, it is still very difficult to find an unknown bounty hunter. Maybe three. I can’t find the person you are looking for for five days. And I think the friend you are carrying should be suffering, or it is better to receive treatment as soon as possible."

"That is, find an intermediary organization to help you. Although it costs more money, it can at least save time!"

"I think they are poor ghosts, they can't afford the agency fees at all, let alone the medical expenses. Even if it's bad, we won't be able to pay even our guide fees!"

The guides around Li Tian and others immediately began to cooperate with the old man's words and said sarcastically.

The more these people say this, the more Li Tian can feel the silly words of these people, shook his head resolutely, and said: "Let’s find my friend first! Their Supreme King belongs to the bounty hunter recognized by the Sunset Fortress, look for It shouldn’t be too difficult. If you can take us to find them, I can pay double the guide fee!"

"If you don't have money, you have to pretend to be big heads of garlic. Anyway, I don't believe that they have money. If you want to be deceived, please go..." After someone said coldly, they turned and left immediately.

Soon, the dozen or so guides who were still around Li Tian and others just walked away completely.

At this time, the twelve or thirteen-year-old boy squatting at the door saw that everyone had dispersed, and then he came to Li Tian and said: "I have heard everything you said. I am willing to take you to find the Supreme King's reward. Golden Hunter Squad. You can call me the second tiger. After you find it, I hope you can fulfill your promise and will pay me double the guide fee!"

"No problem!" Li Tian said.

Follow Erhuzi to leave the sunset fortress gate and walk towards a low house on the root of a wall. After walking out a few hundred meters, Er Huzi looked back at the guides who were still squatting at the gate of the city and waiting for the target. With a bright smile on his face, he said to Li Tian, ​​"Fortunately you didn't follow them to the underground clinic. , Otherwise you will definitely fall into endless trouble."

Li Tian had some guesses in his heart. In order to confirm his own guesses, he asked: "Why do you say that? Are so many of us afraid that they won't succeed!"

Er Huzi did not refute Li Tian's words, smiled, and continued: "Although I don't know what method they used, I have seen too many people who followed them to find underground clinics or intermediary organizations, leaving the sunset in despair. The fortress."

Li Tian did not continue to ask, but instead asked: "My friend, the Supreme King Bounty Hunter team is indeed not well-known, how can you guarantee to find them quickly?"

"When the sunset fortress was built, I was here to discuss life. Although I dare not say that I know everyone in the fortress, but about every building in the fortress, what is in the building, and what is inside. People, I can still know nine out of ten! And the supreme king bounty hunter squad that you know, I happen to know too." Said Erhuzi's pride, the smile on the boy's face became brighter.

"Then the hospitals and clinics here are really as strict as they said?" Li Tian asked.

Erhuzi nodded and said, "In addition to hospitals and outpatient clinics, there are many things in Sunset Fortresses that have restrictions. For example, fresh water supply, medicine exchange, weapon exchange, etc., are strictly restricted. Of course, these are all restricted. It is aimed at ordinary people, and high-level bounty hunters, and core members of other organizations are not subject to these restrictions. If you are a bounty hunter above level 4, I will send you directly to the fortress hospital now?"

Li Tian shook his head. He had participated in the bounty hunter level test, but because of an accident, he did not earn the bounty hunter level seriously.

Er Huzi still kept a smile on his face, and said, "It doesn’t matter. Find your friend and ask your friend to take you to the clinic. It’s the same! But if so many of you want to live here, I’m afraid It’s not that easy!"

While they were talking, a few people had already arrived at the Things Street of the Sunset Fortress. On both sides of the street were two rows of low two-story buildings in front of them. The facades of the two rows of two-story buildings were densely hung with colorful flowers of various sizes. Various signs.

On the road facing the street, almost every door face gathered some people. Many low-level bounty hunters stood on the road fully armed, showing his high-end equipment to passing pedestrians in order to attract customers.

"This is the Street of Things. The low-level bounty hunter team of Sunset Fortress is mainly concentrated here. Although these bounty hunter teams have won the title of bounty hunter, they mainly rely on their own hunting of zombies to obtain corpse crystals. Will accept some low-end bounty missions. And the supreme king bounty hunter squad you are looking for is in front." Erhuzi said.

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