Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3214: Murderous

Since returning to Earth, Li Tian didn't know how many zombies had been hunted. Many times when the corpses were hunted at night, when he watched the next morning, he had no idea what zombies were eaten clean.



The sound of biting and swallowing zombies outside the window has not stopped,

I don't know how long it took Li Tian to feel that there was a glimmer of light in front of him. Li Tian looked up and found that the window that was still surrounded by the corpses of the zombies just now became empty. The corpses of those zombies were all swallowed up.

At this moment, outside the window, a three-headed dog over the size of a small calf stared at Li Tian with six fiery red eyes.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?" Li Tian was startled, "Hong Zhan" subconsciously held it in his hand.

"Huh!" With a sound, the three-headed bereaved dog directly ignored Li Tian and jumped directly from the corridor of the second-story building. With a bang, it seemed to have smashed a car, and then disappeared in the dark.

After the three-headed dog disappeared, the whole world seemed to be quiet, except for the heavy breathing of the barbarian in the room. Li Tian stood in front of the window and looked into the courtyard, and found that the zombies in the courtyard had disappeared.

Bai Jing turned over and found that Li Tian was still watching the night. He felt a little bit reluctant. He breathed, stood up, and came to Li Tian's side and said, "Go to bed! I'll watch the night!"


No more words this night.

The next day, when sunlight poured into the room, Li Tian and others all got up, removed the debris, and opened the security door. Only then did Li Tian know that the zombies last night were definitely not easy.

The heavy anti-theft door is covered with traces of zombies' claws everywhere, and the anti-theft net on the window has been bitten off by the zombies. If it weren't for those zombies to die too fast, it is very likely that the anti-theft net will be Those zombies broke through.

After simply eating something, Li Tian and others left the auto repair shop and continued to march towards the city of Fancheng.

After coming out of the repair yard, I walked a distance of about ten kilometers in a row, and I gradually felt the edge of the city before my eyes. There are hardly many vehicles on the spacious road, and the city feels empty.

Near the roadside, the former bus stop signs have been naturally eroded, the canopy has been shattered, and the steel light box billboards have been rusty.

After three years of natural forces invaded, the roads in Fancheng were full of weeds and groves. The plants in the green flower beds on both sides of the road began to grow wildly. The branches had already covered half of the road, and the rattan plants started to grow wild. The ground grows, and the recent low-rise buildings are entangled by these vines.

Going forward and walking along the highway, the number of cars parked on both sides has gradually decreased, but the buildings have become higher and higher. From time to time, Li Tian and the others could see wild beasts passing through the steel jungle.

"Those beasts don't seem to be infected by the zombie virus!" After seeing the beasts, Situ Ningbing said with some surprise.

Li Tian also noticed this detail. So far, all the zombies and poultry that Li Tian has encountered are carnivores, which means that the zombie viruses are likely to be spread through meat eating.

But this is Li Tian’s guess after all, and the animal samples Li Tian encountered are still too few to convince himself very profitably.

Li Tian and the other five were cautiously walking towards the city, and at this moment, Li Tian and the others suddenly heard a series of fierce gunfire coming from the front.

Li Tian exchanged sight with Situ Ningbing and Bai Jing and nodded at the same time.

The sound of gunshots in the front indicates that there must be someone in front, and the intensity of gunshots is heard, there are at least seven or eight people in front. When Li Tian and the others came out, they had agreed to avoid contact with other humans as much as possible. Therefore, after hearing the gunshots, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing and others immediately chose to take a detour and continue to walk into the city.

However, Li Tian and the others are afraid of what they will encounter.

Li Tian and the others had avoided the gunshots, crossed a street, and walked in the opposite direction to the sound of the gun god, but when they passed an intersection, they still encountered other bounty hunters.

This cross road is not spacious, at most it is two-way four-lane roads, and the buildings on both sides of the street are also some dilapidated small buildings. And in the middle of this crossroad, it seems that at the end of the world, a traffic accident happened. Seven or eight cars collided in series, and the cars collided together.

And when Li Tian and others passed through this intersection, the gunman on the four-story restaurant next to the street fired a gun on Li Tian and others.

Fortunately, the gunman's marksmanship was not very good. The first shot did not hit anyone.

"Fuck, you can miss it so close! You are a pig!" Hidden upstairs was a gang of bounty hunters approved by Red Blood. They came to Fancheng to receive bounty under Red Blood's order. Hunter level test.

This time, the red blood is responsible for the level test of the bounty hunter, but the legendary third character of the red blood, Red Wolf, therefore, these red blood bounty hunters take this bounty hunter level test extremely important.

Maybe if you perform well, you will be favored by Scarlet Blood. From then on, you will enter Scarlet Blood and become a part of Scarlet Blood. When that happens, you won't talk about the fragrant and spicy ones, at least you don't need to live the life of licking blood on the knife. Right.

Besides, now that Scarlet Blood has just put the defeated Seven Swords into their pockets and the Tianshan area is in their pockets, it is when they need manpower, and when they don't show up at this time, wait.

Therefore, the captain of the bounty hunter was still quite dissatisfied with the performance of his companion just now.

"Where are the people? Where are they hiding? This time look at me!" The captain of the bounty hunter held the sniper rifle of the snipers in the team, searching for the target through the scope.

"Huh? That woman is not afraid of death?" The captain of the bounty hunter saw a slim, black leather-clad woman in the scope facing him with a sniper rifle in her hands.

"Plack" a sniper rifle gun sounded.

Before the bounty hunter captain had time to pull the trigger, his body fell softly. And the sniper saw that a black bullet hole appeared on the eyebrows of his captain, and the black blood plasma was flowing out of the bullet hole.

"So strong?" The sniper was shocked. He didn't expect that he just fired a shot and was guessed where he was hiding by the opponent, and he was successfully counterattacked by the opponent.

"I'm afraid these people in front of you are not hunting targets at all, but cunning hunters!" The bounty hunter was shocked and immediately made an accurate judgment.

"Hurry up!"

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