Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3215: Killing like hemp (2)

"Quickly retreat? I'm afraid I can't go anymore!" Li Tian broke into the door. The barbarian held a machete and a two-dimensional military stab. The two followed Li Tian one by one.

Seeing that the three people who broke through the door turned out to be holding cold weapons, the few people in the red blood approved bounty hunter team hiding here to ambush all had a question in their hearts.

These people are not crazy, are they? Want to fight us with a gun if you take a knife?

"Fuck him!" One of the bounty hunters took up the Bayi automatic rifle in his hand and prepared to shoot at Li Tian and others.

"Huh" a red light flashed.

The man only felt his body heat, and he pressed the trigger before he came, and he felt as if he had been cut in half with a sharp knife.

"Puff!" A stream of blood rose from the bounty hunter's chest, and the blood sprayed so high that it even sprayed blood red on the roof.



The blood sprayed on the roof kept dripping, and the room was immediately quiet and abnormal.

Everyone was frightened by Li Tianshen's haunting hands. At this time, no one dared to act rashly.

Li Tian nodded with satisfaction, and the anger in his heart disappeared a little, and said, "I am very angry. We are both human beings. I don't ask that we can help each other, but at least don't use knives behind your back. Why avoid this embarrassment, I I've avoided other bounty hunters, but you still attacked us."

"Fortunately, your sniper marksmanship is very stinky and did not harm us. Therefore, I am angry, but I don’t want to kill. But some of you don’t know how to promote, such as the gunman who was going to continue to kill us. Hands-on people."

"Now, I ask you a few questions, if your answers satisfy me, I will consider letting you go!"

Li Tian said calmly.

When Li Tian said this, behind Li Tian and the others, a gunman slowly descended from the stairs upstairs, raised his gun, and aimed at Li Tian and others.

"Haha, let's leave the boast to you and look back at the actual situation. Consider letting us go! It's really funny. In this apocalyptic world where the country dies and the legal system collapses, you are still so naive. You will let us go, but Have you ever considered whether we will let you go! Obediently throw away the weapons in your hand, and I will consider leaving you the whole body! Hahaha"

A man in front of Li Tian and the others laughed brazenly, but his smile stopped abruptly after only a few seconds.

A figure flashed out of the corridor below, and the bounty hunter who was standing behind Li Tian pointed at Li Tian and others with a gun. Before he realized the danger, he found that his neck had been cut by a sharp saber.


"Gudu" blood kept running down his neck.

"Kill!" Li Tian was really angry this time.

People in the troubled world are not old-fashioned. This is true and true. Even if Li Tian intends to give these people a chance and want to let them go, these people simply don't have this consciousness.

In that case, Li Tian did not hesitate, and would never give these people a second chance to harm themselves.

Fortunately, Li Tian left behind and let Situ Ningbing, who was born as a killer, check whether there were other people hiding here.

The barbarian action is savage, the two-dimensional action is spiritual, Li Tian's red cutting monster.

Especially Li Tian, ​​at this time can definitely be described as killing people like hemp, Barbarian, Two-dimensional, and Situ Ningbing each beheaded their own targets, and Li Tian has controlled "Red Behead" to behead five or six people in a row.

Killing doesn't blink, and killing is like numb.

Seven or eight screams were heard continuously in the room, and the bounty hunters who were arrogantly not giving Li Tiansheng Road just now had turned into a pile of dead bodies.

"Clean the battlefield! Get out of here with speed!" Li Tian said to the barbarian.

Manzi followed Li Tian for some time, and Manzi was deeply influenced by Li Tian.

Mosquito legs are also meat. Although these corpses are worthless, the skins on these corpses have been cleaned by barbarians. Two-dimensional also put away these people with ammunition.

"Li, what do you want to say?" When the battle was accepted, Situ Ningbing walked to Li Tian and asked.

Li Tianknow nodded, and said: "I understand!"

Yes, Li Tian already understands. After more than a month of adaptation, Li Tian has gradually adapted to this apocalyptic earth.

Human nature can be kind, but kindness must not be abused, especially when deep in danger, this kindness may become the culprit for killing yourself.

One sentence I understand shows that Li Tian is infinitely helpless.

Yes, Li Tian is the lone star of Tiansha. Li Tian has seen too much life and death, but deep in Li Tian’s heart, he is not a murderous madman, even if Li Tian stands on the top of the earth and becomes One of the most powerful men on earth, Li Tian will not kill innocent people at will.

But at this time, Li Tian had to make this decision.

If people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, I will punish them.




In these last days, there is only one way to kill Li Tian to go.

Since then, after Li Tian returned to Earth, his mind began to gradually change.


Continuing to head towards the city of Fancheng, Li Tian was silent a lot, and the accompanying people clearly felt this change of Li Tian.

There is no ideological burden for the barbarian to kill. In the past three years, the barbarian has seen too many tragedies with his own eyes. Human beings become zombies and eat their dearest family members; and for some food or drinking water, it is entirely possible to stage these things encountered today.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?" Manzi asked as he approached Li Tian.

"Barbarian, don't disturb me, I want to be quiet!" Li Tian needs to think carefully, he needs to think about how he should go in the future.

The end of the world has come, even if Li Tian retrieves Duanmuying and Ouyang Shiqing, they cannot be alone.

In this world of great controversy, what should Li Tian do?

"Who is Jingjing? Is she pretty?" Manzi asked Li Tian with a simple smile.

Li Tian looked at Manzi's honest smile, and suddenly understood, he laughed.

Yeah, who cares about him quietly? I just walk my way, follow my own way, no matter how others think of me, I am Li Tian or Li Tian.

I, Li Tian, ​​once stood at the top of the world and became the most powerful man in this world; Li Tian also stood at the top in the alien world and became the most powerful man in the alien world; now I am Li Tian back again To this last-day earth, I can still go back to the top again.

Since this is my goal, no matter who he is or who stops me, I will kill him.

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