Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3391: Little bat changes

Xiao Tianyi and the captain were stunned. They didn't expect to be taken advantage of by mutant bats when they both gave way to each other.

After the pure power of the corpse was swallowed by the mutant bat, the mutant bat fluttered a few more wings, flying higher and higher, as if to break free from Li Tian's control over him.


Tang Xiaolong was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the mutant bat controlled by Li Tian would even run away after swallowing the power of the corpse.

"Xue Ji, give me your sniper rifle, I want to shoot this bird down!" Tang Xiaolong said angrily.

"Hey, bats are not birds! It's scary to be uncultured!" The barbarian said with a mocking expression watching Tang Xiaolong jump anxiously.

Tang Xiaolong ignored the barbarian's ridicule, and had already taken the sniper rifle from Xue Ji's hand and pointed the muzzle at the bat that was still flying upwards.

"Look at where you go!" Tang Xiaolong muttered to himself.

At this moment, the mutant bat flying in mid-air suddenly exposed himself with a "clam".

"Damn, it's dead? This... If you ask about bats, Brother Tian, ​​you have to testify for me! This mutant bat is a mutated bat that I don't understand, suicide!" Tang Xiaolong did not expect this mutant bat to fly. After being in the air, it turned out to be such a result, he couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Exposure? Are you sure you shot to death?" Manzi asked.

"I haven't shot yet, how can I kill the bat?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't argue with his words now.

"Huh? Look, this mutant bat is not dead!" Xue Ji said, pointing to the blood mist floating in the sky.

Yes, although this mutant bat exposed itself, the blood mist that was exploded did not fall to the ground, but remained suspended in the air.

"How can this be? It's amazing!" Tang Xiaolong returned the sniper rifle to Xue Ji, surprised.

"Yes, how can you still be suspended in the air?" The Barbarian asked questioningly.

"Wow" Xiao Tianyi raised his head and looked into the sky curiously.

No one explained what happened to the mutant bat in the sky, just as no one could explain why this eschatological era suddenly came.

"Look, what is that?" The barbarian suddenly pointed to the blood mist in the sky and said.

Among the flesh and blood that had been blown to pieces, a bean-green crystal was suspended in the middle, and the crystal was entangled by strands of things that looked like silk threads, and the other end of the silk thread covered the blood mist. The flesh and blood and the bits and pieces are connected together.

Those flesh and blood and scraps were also suspended in the midair, following the strands of silk threads slowly converging toward the bean-green crystal.

"It's the power of the original corpse! It must be that this mutant bat's level is not able to withstand the power of such a large corpse original, so it will expose itself, but with the self-exposure, the power of that large corpse original becomes blasted to pieces. , And the zombies of the mutant bats began to take over the power of these corpses at this time, and began to continuously absorb the power of the corpses!" The captain guessed.

No one talks anymore, no matter it is Tang Xiaolong, the barbarian, or Xiao Tianyi, now they are raising their heads, curiously watching what changes the mutant bat will have next.

I saw in the sky, the blood mist kept condensing, and kept gathering together, turning into pieces of flesh and blood, and these pieces of flesh and those silk threads kept converging. Together.

Soon, the mutant bat in the sky had the body of a bird.



As time went by, a pair of fleshy fleshy wings grew out of that body, and after the fleshy wings grew out, they began to flash their wings.



There were two more sounds, and a pair of **** mucus claws grew under the mutant bat's body.

In this way, the embryonic form of the mutant bat was already in the sky.

After another few minutes, the claws and wings of the mutant bat gradually took shape.

But in the midair, there were still some flesh and blood that were not implicated by those silk threads, and the mutant bat flew directly, swallowing the flesh and blood in the stomach.

After ten minutes, the mutant bat has completely recovered its appearance. At this time, on the wings of the mutant bat, the previous broken hairs grew a little bit longer, and the body of the mutant bat has grown a few inches. Before, this mutant bat had a body the size of an owl, but now this mutant bat is almost the size of a vulture.

"This mutated bat has a bad situation, swallowed the power of this corpse, and evolved! This is much faster than you can shoot birds with a gun!" The captain said to the barbarian.

"Hey, good luck! Good luck!" Tang Xiaolong had a smile on his face at this time.

As the mutant bat's strength increased, Tang Xiaolong felt that his strength had also been improved, and laughed openly.

The mutant bat was not affected by self-exposure in the slightest. It flew in the sky for a few laps freely, even made a few dives, flew in front of Tang Xiaolong and others, and then flew into the sky.

Whenever the mutant bat **** its wings and flies by, Tang Xiaolong can smell a **** wind, and the flapping wings of this mutant bat are extremely windy and extremely fast, and the mutant bats have long wings. A few spikes like steel needles came out.

If it is to deal with this general bounty hunter, the sharp claws of the mutant bat and the spikes on the wings are enough for these bounty hunters.

Tang Xiaolong couldn't hide his smile anymore, and laughed loudly. Following Tang Xiaolong's beckoning, the mutant bat swooped and flew towards Tang Xiaolong as if it had understood Tang Xiaolong's gestures.

Seeing that the mutant bat was about to fly to Tang Xiaolong's hands, Xiao Tianyi suddenly issued a "wow" and leapt directly, and pounced on the mutant bat.

Pounced on the mutant bat, Xiao Tianyi excitedly hugged the mutant bat's neck with his hands tightly, and slapped the mutant bat's wings with his two little feet.

The mutant bat was frightened, and immediately flew up again, while the little Tianyi sitting on the mutant bat was excitedly babbling, as if to announce that the mutant bat had become his little Tianyi's mount! "

Tang Xiaolong was stunned, all these changes were really fast.

It took a few minutes for Tang Xiaolong to react. This mutant bat seemed to have rebelled and followed Xiao Tianyi.

"This mutant bat belongs to me!" Tang Xiaolong said coquettishly like a child.

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