Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3392: Zombie Evolution (1)

Entering Beitang, Li Tian did not go very quickly. .

But Li Tian's purpose is very clear, that is, to go to the clock tower in the center of Beitang, so Li Tian walks in a straight line with almost no extra detours.

The zombies that occasionally appeared on the street rushed towards Li Tian with their teeth and claws. They would soon be "Red Slash" under Li Tian's control and cut them with a single knife. As for the corpse crystal, Li Tian would dig it out without hesitation. For the foodie Xiao Tianyi, I also have a little more peanut-like corpse crystals so that the snack food can be used as a snack.

Therefore, Li Tian has not encountered danger even now.

Li Tian felt more shocking as he went.

The once lively and prosperous city is now terribly peaceful.

When human beings exit the city, the city is occupied by plants, and plants become the real masters of the city. Green plants grow wantonly. Before, the plants on both sides of the highway were kept in order because of the maintenance of sanitation workers, but those plants have grown wantonly in the middle of the street.

On the streets, fallen leaves, dust, and garbage are everywhere. The former mansion has now become a paradise for birds and rats.

"No matter who it is, no matter how bright it is, it will become a mist over time with the passage of time! Only time is eternal!"

"It's no wonder that from ancient times to the present, from the earth to the other world, so many people are pursuing powerful power and the way to pursue immortality. Only immortality can make a mark in the long river of years, and will not be long. Flooded by the river for a long time."

"The earth world, human history, from the beginning of ancient humans to the present, is only a few million years, and the history of civilization recorded by mankind is only a few thousand years."

"In ancient and modern times, people who have left a great reputation in history, no matter what great achievements they have, are now nothing more than a pile of loess."

"In the gradual history, only strong people like the old Sixiang and the old Wuji have managed to survive the gap of time."

"But whether it is the old man of the four elephants or the old man Wuji, after all, they have not stolen the secrets of heaven, stealing eternal life, and ultimately they will not escape the fate of becoming a handful of loess!

"Is this the ultimate fate of my Li Tian?"

"Beauty Xiangyu, am I going to watch Situ Ningbing and the others finally become old women?"

"There must be other ways. In the earth world, the four elephant elders have a life span of more than a thousand years, while in the other world, Xue Ji, Yang Shen, Wood God and others, their one does not have a life span of hundreds of years or thousands of years!"

At this moment, Li Tian thought a lot more, this is because he watched Beitang's decline.

Suddenly, Li Tian's "Red Slash" began to reveal a joy of joy, and that "Red Slash" wanted to escape Li Tian's control and wanted to fly out!

This feeling is too familiar to Li Tian. As long as there is such a feeling, it means there are bugs.

But why does "Red Zhan" have such an unshakable feud with Chongzi?

"Red Slash" came from another world, and the insect, according to Li Tian's speculation, was probably from the Three Corpses.

Li Tianyi stretched out his hand to control "Red Slash" in his hand, then crossed his chest, and said to "Red Slash": "No matter what grudges you have with those **** bugs, you are willing to follow me back from another world. On the earth, you choose me to be your master. Now that I am your master, you should abide by some rules set by the master. You can also play the trick of betraying the master again, but when the time comes, don’t Blame me for turning you into a pile of molten iron with fire!"

When Li Tian said this, he could obviously feel "Red Zhan" trembling slightly, as if he agreed with what Li Tian said, and it seemed to be afraid of Li Tian.

After Li Tian said this, "Red Zhan" seemed to have a lot of sensibility. Although he still wanted to fly out, he did not lose control.

"Don't worry! If there are bugs in Beitang City, I will definitely find the bugs and let you kill them! You don't need to be so worried." Li Tian said again.

While speaking, Li Tian saw a man standing on the opposite street. The man saw Li Tian talking to himself, and even smiled at Li Tian.

"Red Zhan" was shaking excitedly in Li Tian's hands, while the nine-color corpse crystal vortex on Li Tian's chest was spinning at an accelerated rate. At this moment, these two little guys simultaneously sent a signal to Li Tian. The man of is a zombie, and a zombie with a level higher than nine.

This is just the outskirts of Beitang. It is still a long way from the center of Beitang. How can you encounter zombies above level nine?

Li Tian's heart immediately became alert.

But Li Tian was more alert because of the sudden appearance of this zombie, and more alert for the safety of Situ Ningbing and Tang Xiaolong.

The zombie beckoned to Li Tian, ​​then turned and left.

After seeing Li Tian not following, the zombie stopped again, and continued to beckon to Li Tian, ​​as if to say that Li Tian would follow him.

Li Tian felt very surprised, but at this time the curiosity in his heart was attracted by the zombie that broke out hastily.

The so-called art master is bold, the current Li Tian's strength has surpassed the tenth level zombies, located between the tenth level and the twelfth level. Li Tian hasn't seen the zombie in front of him yet.

Li Tian followed without hesitation.

After the zombie saw Li Tian following, it speeded up and continued to run forward.

After running for more than ten minutes, the zombie ran into a narrow street with a row of trees planted on both sides of the street. On both sides of the street are three or four-story low buildings. Such streets abound.

But Li Tian was particularly surprised and stopped abruptly.

The zombies in front also stopped, as if they were waiting for Li Tian to continue following him.

Li Tian walked slowly on this small street, staring at the trees on both sides.

Because these trees, each tree is densely covered with corpses. Although these corpses have been air-dried, the clothes on their bodies have been severely weathered, and they are almost uncovered, but the clothes are stained Is the badge of the bounty hunter.

These are not the corpses of zombies, but the corpses of bounty hunters.

There are hundreds of bounty hunter corpses hanging on this street. Seeing these, how can I not shock Li Tian.

Although these bounty hunters and Li Tian have no relatives, but after all these are humans, Li Tian still feels a little unbearable.

"Huh!" With a sound, Li Tian released "Red Zhan", rotating around Li Tian's body.

"Why brought me here?" Li Tian asked sharply.

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