Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3497: Who is he (2)

After Li Tian left the betting window, Xiao Li also came here.

"Thank you for betting on a level 4 corpse crystal. As a player, I choose Li Tian from Heaven!" Xiao Li said.

"Then whether you choose to bet to enter the final or choose to enter the final with the first result, the odds for the two are different!" said the staff member.

This corpse crystal was originally given to Xiao Li by Li Tian. Xiao Li thought for a moment and gritted his teeth and said: "Betting on the first place to enter the finals. Eh, five more third-level corpse crystals!"

Speaking, Xiao Li took out five corpse crystals from his skin and passed them in.

In the eyes of this staff member, although Xiao Li's bet amount is not large, he is also a gambler.

The difference is that the gambler just now has more capital, while Xiao Li's capital is less.

After receiving the receipt, Xiao Li raised his head and looked at the odds on the LCD screen. He firmly grasped the information signed by Li Tian in his hand, and said silently in his heart: "Li Tian, ​​this time I will give up my life to bet with you. Put!"

After Xiao Li left, several people who bet on Li Tian came one after another. The amount of these people's bets was not large, the largest was an eighth-level corpse crystal, and the smallest turned out to only bet. A first-level corpse crystal.

But the appearance of these characters made the staff member panic.

Xiao Qiuman, the core cadre of the Bounty Hunters Association.

Mo Jianyuan, the core cadre of the Bounty Hunter Department.

Wu Lao, the five elders of the Bounty Hunters Association.

The commander of the Longteng Litian Legion, Long Yin.

Duanki Sakura, the commander of the Sakura Legion.

Huangfu Kunpeng, the first master of the Army Soul Legion.

Mu Yunlong, the commander of the Army Soul Corps.

The tyrant Gao Gang, the commander of the Black Dragon Legion.


The staff member looked at the list of these betting staff and swallowed involuntarily.

"This...Who is this Li Tian? How could there be such a master, a master, a master to support Li Tian!"

"Or...or should I support Li Tian? Just a little support. Even if Li Tian can't win, I will lose a little corpse crystal, but if I win? Then I will make a lot of money!" The staff member quickly placed himself a bet on Li Tian to enter the finals in the first place.

Even if there are so many big figures supporting Li Tian, ​​for a large audience, it will not have much impact on Li Tian's approval rate. Li Tian's ranking is just another step forward.

When Tang Xiaolong and others came to the hall, their faces were not pretty.

After a day and two nights of assaults, they have obtained a lot of corpse crystals, but compared with the corpse crystals obtained by the other three nominated legions in the Five Old Society, there is still a gap.

"Now it seems that we can only rely on Tian Ge's personal strength competition ranking!" Tang Xiaolong said.

Situ Ningbing nodded, looked up at Li Tian's approval rating on the LCD screen, and said, "However, Li's approval rating is still very low now. Let's support Li together!"

"How to support?"

"Let's put all the corpse crystals in our body on Li Tian to enter the finals!" Situ Ningbing said.

"Hey, play the big one if you want to play, or let's bet the little boss to enter the finals with first place!" Tang Xiaolong said with some excitement.

"Okay! That's it!" Lily said.

At this time, Kong Qing also came to the hall. After hearing Lily and the others say this, he sneered in his heart, sneering at Li Tian's strength even more.

"If that's the case, then I will support Li Tian, ​​too?" Kong Qing walked to Lily and interjected.


Don't look at me like that. Li Tian is the man of the regiment commander after all, and I'm also cleaning up when I came to support him. "Kong Qing said with a smile.

"Give me a bet on a first-level corpse crystal, Li Tian entered the final with the first place!" Kong Qing passed a first-level corpse crystal in and said to the staff in the betting window.

Tang Xiaolong wanted to rush to beat Kong Qing in anger, but was caught by Situ Ningbing's hand!

"Xiaolong, don't care what others think, as long as we support Li!"


After about an hour, the final game time was set.

Starting in the afternoon of the first day, it was the first group of games.

From the next day, the second group starts in the morning, and the third group starts from the afternoon to the evening.

On the third day, it was the fourth group in the morning and the fifth group in the afternoon.

The competition time of each group is within five hours. Once the competition time of this group starts, then all the 102 contestants of this group must enter the central area of ​​the competition field.

Then within the stipulated five-hour period, there was an unruly chaos.

Any player can attack other players.

Even these contestants can form a team to attack other contestants.

After all, there are ten places in a group that can make it to the finals.

If there are members from a legion in a group, this situation is entirely possible.

As long as the contestant has the fighting ability of the zombies, it is judged as a failure.

Similarly, if a contestant thinks that he can no longer participate in the competition, he can choose to escape to the specified area, as long as he escapes into this area, it is judged to abstain.

The final ranking of all contestants is based on the number of injured and defeated other contestants to get points.

Theoretically, the top score can reach 101 points.

And then use this point to schedule the final top 50 results.

However, in terms of last year’s results, the best result of last year’s group first was 37 points, which means that within the prescribed five hours, this player made the other 37 players incapacitated. Or let these players choose to give up automatically in his hands.

Li Tian's group is the third group, and the time for the competition is tomorrow afternoon, so Li Tian can enter the auditorium of the Arena today to learn about the strength of other players.

Li Tian is a contestant, and all contestants have special seats for contestants, so there is no need to buy tickets specially.

Li Tian held the contestant card and passed the contestant channel to the contestant seat.

Through the huge glass windows, Li Tian can see that the auditorium of the Arena is already crowded.

In the last days, there is not enough entertainment, this Forbes power competition will become an annual event.

There were enthusiastic spectators sitting in the audience. Almost all of these spectators had a handbook of information, discussing the players they supported and betting on.

"Gentlemen and ladies, today we ushered in the opening of the annual individual competition again. Now let us usher in the first game of the year with the warmest applause. Please enter the first game..."

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