Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3498: Long Ao's ambition (1)

Once you step into the arena, the battle has already begun.

One hundred and two players entered the arena from the four entrances of the arena. Those novices who were still silent with excitement and tension were still waving to the surrounding spectators. As soon as the old players entered the arena , He continued to rush forward, and his body quickly disappeared between the buildings on the half street.

"Why... what are you running?" A novice still looked at the silhouettes of those veterans in doubt, thinking in his heart.


As soon as the player's voice fell, he heard the sound of drawing a knife from behind him.

And the novice will turn his head away, and want to see the look of the person pulling the knife, he will feel a sudden burning pain in his legs.


The blood sprayed out from his legs, and his trousers were covered with blood in an instant, and the novice fell to his knees with a "puff", and rolled on the ground holding his two injured legs.

Long Ao lifted the blood-stained blade in his hand, licked the blood on the blade with his tongue, and then stepped on the novice's body and stomped hard a few times before he said coldly and proudly: "Abstaining?"

Isn't this a **** sneak attack?

The host hasn't announced the start of the game, so why did he start a sneak attack?

The novice looked around anxiously, hoping that someone could come out to uphold justice and justice.

However, the novice was quickly disappointed. The moment Long Ao pulled his knife, the other contestants quickly fled to the side.

"Idiot, knowing that Long Ao is the number one potential player on the ranking list, he even dared to stand beside Long Ao."

"I don't know how to live or die! Sins committed by heaven can be forgiven, and sins committed by yourself cannot live."

Long Ao was condescending, with a sneer on his face, lifted the blade in his hand, and said coldly: "Three, two, one..."


The cold light flashed, and the blade of Long Ao directly slashed the novice's arm.

And this shot was obviously heavier than the first time, and this shot almost cut off the novice's arm.

Long Ao's blade directly slashed the novice's arm, and even cut on the bone, making a scratch on the bone.


The novice suddenly let out a tragic cry, and the beads of sweat on his head fell to the ground one by one.

"Three, two..." Long Ao continued to count down coldly.

Although the novice was a bit unwilling, he had thousands of thoughts and ambitions in his heart, but at this time, I was a fish, but he had to use the only movable arm to pull out a white handkerchief from his pocket and forcefully Wave the handkerchief.



"Haha, no loss is Long Ao, who ranks first. He picked up a point right after he played."

"My bet on Long Ao is right!"

In the audience, the audience who saw the battle on Long Ao's side immediately let out a cry of exclamation, and then began the chattering discussion.

At this time, the contestants who were still watching Long Ao and the novice fighting just now, as soon as the novice raised the handkerchief, they ran away towards the half of the street.

When a dozen or so heavily armed staff saw the newbie waving a white handkerchief, they immediately walked in and dragged the newbie into the designated abstention area like a dead dog.

When we arrived in this area, we had other staff to provide emergency care for this player.

However, judging from the novice's wound, it is estimated that even if this person is healed, his arm is also broken.

At the same time, the remaining one hundred people have been hidden in the buildings on the entire arena.

The arena is not big, that is, it's only half a street, but it's not too small. When a hundred people enter the arena, it's like a hundred ants enter a room.

But this is the case, there will always be people coming together, and there have been sporadic battles.

The vast majority of battles are equally matched, and the two sides of the battle are indistinguishable from each other. After these players know that they will not be able to win each other for a while, they immediately separate and choose other players to start.

But there are also a few combatants who have a large gap in strength between the two sides. Once this happens, the weaker party will start to flee frantically.

For these losers, keeping the green hills is not afraid of losing their skills.

Anyway, the battle will last for five hours, this has just begun, there is no need to fight hard.

For those players who have the upper hand, it is definitely not easy to fly the duck, that person is a point.

And among the more than one hundred people, there are always a few who have absolute confidence in their own strength, and walk slowly toward the center of the street from the four entrances.

Long Ao is one person.

Holding the knife, Long Ao glanced across the buildings on the left and right. In his eyes, he could see the players hiding inside.

Fifty meters ahead, there is a player hidden behind a wall.

There are two players in the room at one hundred and ten meters ahead on the right. It seems that the two are from the same legion.

Two hundred meters ahead left...

On the roof of a building more than a hundred meters away, stood a man holding a heavy bow. This man had long hair and his hair was braided. The bow is already full, and the arrow feathers that are more than 1.5 meters long and the thickness of the baby's arm have been placed on the string, and the arrow is facing Long Ao.

The archer was carrying a total of five arrow feathers behind his back, which were the same as the arrow feathers in his hand.

Each one is one meter and five meters long, the baby's arm is thin and weighs 15 kilograms, the arrow is made of pure steel, and the arrow body is made of green bamboo from the south.

"Whoo!" A sound.

The arrow shot out, drove the air to make a sharp noise, and shot towards Long Ao.

In Long Ao's eyes, the arrow grew bigger and bigger, as if a wooden stake of basketball thickness was shot at him.

Long Ao sneered, and ran violently, sprinting in the direction of the arrow, while the knife in his hand was gently lifted up.


The blade in Long Ao's hand slashed directly on the arrow.

"Qiang!" A cry.

The arrow was slashed aside by Long Ao with a blade, and flew out with Long Ao's cheek.

And the archer saw that this arrow was easily picked aside by Long Ao, and he knew in his heart that Long Ao was really hard to deal with.

And once Long Ao and his distance were close, then he was a little dangerous.

The archer smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, then turned and fled in the other direction.

Long Ao sneered all over, and did not go after the archer.

"Just leave you for the end!" Long Ao said with a sneer.

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