Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3520: Night Assault Army Soul (2)

Among these five cars, except for individual drivers, all are the core cadres of the military soul. .

If these core cadres can let the twelfth-level zombies escape in their hands, then they will not be in the army, and they can directly find a small legion to squint.

The little lady, in fact, is not a woman, but a man who looks a little bit youthful.

This man looks harmless to humans and animals, but if you think of the little lady as a believable man, then you are very wrong, and wrong.

This little lady is a fierce man who dared to challenge Huangfu Kunpeng.

But every time this guy would be beaten by Huangfu Kunpeng with a bruised nose and swollen face, but this guy did not change his life. Once the injury was well, he would immediately challenge Huangfu Kunpeng again.

Now Huangfu Kunpeng is protecting Mu Yunlong, and has no intention of intervening in dealing with these zombies, the little lady is the absolute main force among these people.

I saw the figure of the little lady wearing a big red dress flashing past, and the little lady had already appeared in front of a twelfth-level zombie.

The twelfth-level zombies have completed the change, and the long bones thorns are like dense raindrops stabbing the little lady.

The little lady gave her feet on the ground lightly, and she leapt directly, crossing her legs, facing those white bones and thorns, it was a whip leg.

"Kacha!" With a sound, those long bones were kicked and broken by the little lady.

And a red light flashed, and the little lady's body had already come behind the twelfth-level zombie. The little lady's two white arms stretched back, and directly grabbed the twelfth-level lost neck, with a sudden force. There was a back fall directly.


After the change of the twelfth-level zombie, the huge body was directly thrown from behind by the little lady, but the head of the twelfth-level zombie had already been in the hands of the little lady.

"Kacha!" With a sound, the little lady smashed the head of the twelfth-level zombie and rushed to another zombie.

In just ten minutes, nearly twenty level 12 zombies were wiped out.

These mad guys dragged the corpses of Level 12 zombies with their hands, dragged the zombies around the street, and then piled all the corpses of these zombies together, and the little lady dug out all the corpse crystals of these zombies.

Mu Yunlong didn't say a word from beginning to end, just as he watched the twelfth-level zombies being slaughtered.

Even Mu Yunlong didn't even say "leave a living", because this is already Mu Yunlong's habit after the end of the world.

Mu Yunlong has never had the habit of staying alive when dealing with zombie enemies.

"Legion commander, there are a total of twenty twelve-level zombies, all of which have been annihilated, please instruct!" The little lady walked over with a bag of corpse crystals in her hand and said.

"Have you found anything?" Mu Yunlong said.

"Yes, these twelve-level zombies are in ragged clothes. Although they appear here out of thin air, they don't seem to have been mixed into the city of Kyoto. They should have entered from outside the city today. As for how they got in. , And why do we still need to investigate this for our military soul!" said the little lady.

"Give you one day, after the preliminaries are over tomorrow, I need the result!" Mu Yunlong said.


After saying this, the little lady didn't follow the army soul's convoy, but beckoned, and quickly disappeared in the streets of Kyoto City with He Jin and the twin sisters.


On the second day, the Forbes Power Contest preliminaries proceeded as usual, as if the twelfth-level zombies sneaked into the army soul never happened.

However, people who are attentive will find that there are more coalition soldiers outside the arena today than before, and getting in and out of the city gates of Kyoto has become more difficult.

Li Tian didn't go to the arena to watch the game, but spent time in the room to practice, so he didn't know what was happening outside.

But soon, his door was knocked open by Tang Xiaolong.

"Little boss, it's not good. I heard that the army soul's motorcade was attacked last night." Tang Xiaolong said anxiously.

Li Tianteng stood up and asked anxiously: "Is my grandpa injured? Do you know who did it?"

Tang Xiaolong shook his head and said: "I heard that at that time, nearly twenty level 12 zombies suddenly appeared in Kyoto City and attacked the army soul motorcade. However, this motorcade was all the core cadres of the army soul. And Huangfu Kunpeng was also there, so apart from the two drivers who died, no one else was injured."

As long as Mu Yunlong was not injured, Li Tian was relieved.


"How come there are so many high-level zombies in this Kyoto city? What do the soldiers of the coalition army do for food?" Li Tian said angrily.

"It's not clear yet, but now the top ten legions have already begun operations and are investigating this matter." Tang Xiaolong said.

Li Tian thought in his heart: "Originally, I was thinking about waiting until the finals were finished, and I had a little grade before going to see Grandpa. It seems that I must go to see Grandpa now."


This incident actually spread to the headquarters of the Allied Forces in Kyoto that night.

Although the coalition forces reached the scene as quickly as possible and blocked the scene, trying to control the news, what happened last night quickly spread through the streets of Kyoto City.

The culprit is the Kyoto City TV station.

The reporters of these TV stations rushed to the scene as soon as the incident happened, and before the coalition came, they had finished filming and hurried back to make news overnight.

Although the reporters of the TV station did not photograph the scene of the Army Soul Corps fighting with the zombies, nor did they photograph the corpses of the twelfth level zombies, they did photograph the site destroyed after the battle.

The big pits on the ground, the crashed cars, the cut light poles, and so on, all show that there has been a very tragic battle here.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when the Forbes power competition started, Kyoto City TV broadcasted these images. The headline used by Kyoto City TV was: "Zombies are coming. Is Kyoto City still safe?"

In conjunction with the host's provocative language, ordinary people in Kyoto city quickly fell into panic.

By noon, this panic had reached its peak, and all the supermarket food had been sold out.

Any food, drinking water, and even diapers were all sold out.

The venue of the Forbes Power Tournament in Kyoto City was actually empty and there was no spectator. The same was true on the streets of Kyoto City. The usual prosperity disappeared completely and turned into a monk.

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