Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3521: Panic in the city

Unexpectedly, the panic came, and the calls of the director of the Kyoto City TV station were blown up.

Originally, the TV station wanted to use this news to attract attention and increase ratings, but it did not expect to bring such results.

Although three years have passed since the end of the world, people have not yet escaped from the panic when the end of the world came. Although the city of Kyoto has its own high-level zombies, the citizens of Kyoto are well aware of it, but as long as There are ten major legions, as long as there are two major associations, their hearts are still safe.

But this sudden news broke their peace of mind and plunged them into panic again.

It cannot be said that Kyoto City is the lifeblood of the whole country, but Kyoto City is after all the headquarters of the six major legions and two major associations, and now Kyoto City is the largest city inhabited by humans in the country.

The chaos in Kyoto City will inevitably involve six major legions and two major associations, which will have an extremely serious impact on the entire human society.

At ten o'clock in the morning, all the heads of the ten major legions and the two major associations gathered together and held an emergency meeting.

These corps who still had some contradictions during their visit to Japan did not have a quarrel in the face of human justice.

The meeting was short, and the participants reached a consensus in the shortest time and came up with a solution.

At twelve o'clock at noon, thousands of soldiers from the Kyoto City Coalition Force directly entered the TV station and forcibly took over the Kyoto City TV station.

All TV programs that were on the air were cut off, and it was only a few minutes later that they resumed broadcasting.

However, the citizens of Kyoto City discovered that the commanders of the Tenth Legion appeared on the TV.

The commanders of these corps reassure the people one after another, telling the people that the news that was made early today is that the TV station is being used by unscrupulous people, and that a series of related responsible persons of the TV station have been dealt with.

But the panic has already been caused, and it is not just a matter of disposing of a few people, and it can be eliminated with a few words of comfort.

At this time, the Agricultural Industry and Commerce Association directly opened a warehouse to distribute grain, took out their reserve of grain, and began to sell it without restrictions, in order to restore the fear of zombies among the citizens of Kyoto City.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the fifth game of the Forbes Power Contest was going on normally, but very few people came to watch the game.

In the fourth group of the game in the morning, 200,000 spectators retired one after another, which affected the fourth group of the game, and the fifth group of the afternoon might be even more affected.

The audience with a few people made the contestants somewhat unenthusiastic.

At this time, these spectators were even more envious of the third group of games. At that time, the entire auditorium was full of seats, and there were also leaders from the top ten legions and two major associations.

This is also helpless.

Although the TV station has been controlled by the coalition forces, the TV is also continuously broadcasting interview videos of the commanders of the ten major legions. The coalition forces want to use the strength of the ten major legions to appease the people, but the effect is limited, but the panic has not passed.

It is still unrealistic to eliminate this panic in a short time.


Li Tian went to Jun Hun’s office in Kyoto, but he had a closed door. Mu Yunlong was not in the office, but like the commanders of the other ten legions, he was still on the Kyoto TV station. .

Kyoto City TV Station, meeting room.

In this conference room that can hold nearly a hundred people for a meeting, there are only a few dozen at this time.

But these dozens of people are those who really stand on the top of the country.

All the commanders and some super-core cadres of the ten legions such as Mu Yunlong of the Army Soul Legion, Huangfu Kunpeng, Duanmuying of the Sakura Legion, and Yin Yang of the Yin Yang Gate are all listed. In addition, the five members of the Bounty Hunter Association Members of the old association, as well as Chairman Tang of the Agricultural and Commercial Association are also there.

There are two others who do not belong to these organizations and legions, but they are equally noble. They are the Vice President and Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of Forbes Power Contest.

These elites gather here and are discussing one thing, which is to restore the confidence of the people in Kyoto.

If this panic continues, then sooner or later, there will be riots in the entire Kyoto city, and even high-level zombies will take advantage of it. I am afraid that there will be a zombie invasion at that time. Is Kyoto City still safe? The big problem.

It was not someone else who presided over the meeting, it was the little lady who was the core cadre of the army soul.

The little lady turned on the projector, linked the notebook on his desk to the projector, and then said: "Dear army commanders, heads of the two major associations, and heads of the competition organizing committee, hello. What happened in Kyoto last night The zombies attacking the Army Soul Legion must be clear to everyone, so I won’t repeat it here. Let me talk about the results of the Army Soul Legion’s investigation into this matter from last night to today’s noon!"

"After investigation, we found that the defensive area around Kyoto City is heavily guarded, and the city walls have not been damaged. Therefore, it is certain that the level 12 zombies that suddenly appeared did not enter through the city walls and gates of Kyoto City. "

The little lady paused, and then said: "Since we did not enter from the city wall, we focused our attention on the sky and underground. However, according to the information from the Kyoto City Air Defense Command, there was no appearance over Kyoto City last night. We’ve never been to bereavement. So, we finally locked the target underground. Please see everyone!"

A picture appeared on the big screen of the conference room. In the picture, countless zombies were piled up together, but the picture was a bit gloomy. It seems that the shooting place should belong to a sealed area with poor lighting.

"This is the zombies we found in the sewage and drainage channel underground in Kyoto City last night. A total of 153 zombies were found. Among them, there were 30 zombies at level 12 and 27 zombies at level 11. , The rest of the zombies are all level 9 to level 10. These zombies have been wiped out by us without exception."

The little lady reacted to the ppt every few seconds and kept playing all the pictures on the ppt. Then she continued: "Unfortunately, our Army Soul Corps has limited manpower and time is relatively short. After a night of investigation , We have not found where these zombies entered this underground passage. But it is basically certain that the underground passage in Kyoto City is no longer safe, and it is not ruled out that there will be more zombies from here. Pouring into the earth’s world through the passage."

The little lady finished her story, and the big screen was frozen on a beautiful night view of the new Kyoto city.

However, this night view is not beautiful in everyone's eyes, as if countless zombies are rushing into Kyoto City through the underground passage of Kyoto City in the endless darkness.

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