Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3624: Qinling Maze

This time Li Tian didn't understand it at all!

But since Situ Ningbing said so, Li Tian was naturally very happy, and hurriedly asked: "How can this be Qingyun's second chapter? I can't even feel a little energy fluctuation in this scripture!"

Situ Ningbing said: "That's because this is not a translated version!"

"Translated version?"

"Yes, if I guess it's correct, as early as more than two thousand years ago, Lao Tzu went through here even or Qingyun second chapter. The apex."

"At that time, Qingyun should still be in Sanskrit, but Lao Tzu, a man with supreme wisdom, insisted on penetrating the Sanskrit Qingyun, and based on Qingyun's own understanding, he wrote two scriptures, one of which is called Dao De Jing, and the other Said Nine Suns Magic Art.

"Isn't this nonsense? It's also Nine Suns Magic Technique, why don't you say that it is the Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons?" said the male mourning monkey a little unconvinced.

If Li Tian hadn't experienced so much, it is estimated that Li Tian would have the same attitude as the mourning monkey, but now Li Tian fully approves of Situ Ningbing.

Then there are eight dragons under the underground palace of Tashan Temple in Beitang City?

Situ Ningbing also expressed any doubts about the male mourning monkey, saying: "In fact, what you said is completely possible! There is also a possibility that the Nine Suns Divine Art was translated from Qingyun's second chapter, and during this translation period , Lao Tzu has gained a lot of heart and wrote the Tao Te Ching. However, the Tao Te Ching now in our hands contains both the Tao Te Ching and the Nine Suns, and the two together is Qingyun."

Did Qingyun wait until Li Tian had time to practice? Now there is no point in arguing about this.

Li Tian collected the scriptures and changed the subject and said: "Stop talking about this, now we are all ready, let's explore the Qinling maze! Maybe there are other things that we should continue to argue about!"

Now that Li Tian has said so, the male bereavement said nothing. When talking about the Qinling Maze, the male bereavement immediately showed a serious expression and said, "You need to be mentally prepared, this Qinling Maze It’s far from the viewing platform. If we climb over the mountains, it is conservatively estimated that it will take about two days."

"What if you don't cross the mountains? How about flying over?" Li Tian asked.

"Fly? Do you have wings?" the male mourning monkey asked.

Li Tian directly summoned the mutant crow and said, "We can fly on bereavement! Will it be faster!"

The male mourning monkey looked at the little crow summoned by Li Tian, ​​and said disdainfully: "This little crow is not enough for me to stuff my teeth, how can I sit!"

As soon as the male mourning monkey's voice fell, the mutant crow's body immediately became more than ten times larger, and it was already more than two meters wide with its wings open. The mutant crow slapped the male mourning monkey with its wings and hit the male mourning monkey directly. After a horse, the mutant crow said disdainfully: "Who can't stuff his teeth?"

The male mourning monkey was taken aback, and hurriedly got up from the ground, looked at the mutant crow in surprise, and exclaimed: "This...this... can't sit down with so many of us?"

"Don't sit with so many people, just sit with me!" Li Tian said.

"Then what about us?" the male mourning monkey asked.

Li Tian flipped it over and summoned mutant bats. Each of these mutant bats was more than one meter, two or three meters in size with their wings open. Not to mention sitting a monkey, even an adult is enough.

The male monkey stopped talking immediately.


Qinling Mountains, the top of the mountain.

A row of mourning birds flew past the trees on the top of the mountain, scaring the low-level mourners on the ground hurriedly hiding in the tree cave and not daring to come out. These mourning birds were naturally Li Tian's mutant crows and mutant bat squadrons.

Sitting in front of these mutant bats were Tang Xiaolong, Barbarians and Dog Nose. In the middle were two mourning monkeys, followed by Xiao Tianyi and the captain.

As for the ladies such as Situ Ningbing, they were unwilling to practice in the space of Void Yaksha, while Void Yaksha was nestled on Li Tian's head, enjoying the rare sunshine.

At the beginning, the two bereavement monkeys were a little afraid, and worried that there would be other bereaved birds in the sky. But since the two bereavement birds were killed by Li Tian with the "red behead", they have never Encountered other bereavement attacks.

The other bereaved birds saw Li Tian and the others from a distance, turned around and fled.

In this way, the male and female lost monkeys are now talking and laughing freely, completely treating this Qinling maze expedition as an outing.

It has been flying for more than half a day, and the sun has gradually moved westward.

Looking at the old tree at the foot of the Cangcang, a piece of green that could not be seen, Li Tian only felt that human beings are really small in front of this nature.

"Here! I'll be here soon! Did you see the waterfall on the top of the mountain ahead? The entrance of the Qinling Labyrinth is under the waterfall. We will descend after passing this mountain!" The male wandering monkey pointed to the waterfall on the front mountain and said .

Following the fingers of the male mourning monkey, Li Tian and the others saw a waterfall on the top of the mountain.

The waterfall seemed to fly out of the mountain suddenly, and in the process of falling, it fell to the middle of the mountain and suddenly disappeared.

Li Tian and the others immediately speeded up their flight, flew over a mountain, and came to the foot of the waterfall. The mutant bat and the mutant crow slowly fell, and Li Tian and the others immediately jumped down.

Looking up at the waterfall from the foot of the mountain is even more spectacular, and under the waterfall, a black cave is very obvious.

"Li Tian, ​​we will send you here. We are waiting outside for the good news of your victory, so we won't accompany you in. The Qinling Labyrinth is said to be dangerous and abnormal. You must be careful!" Said with some fear on his face.

Li Tian didn't reluctantly, after thanking him, he led Manzi, Tang Xiaolong and others to start climbing the cliff.

For ordinary people, wanting to climb these cliffs is no different from climbing to the sky, but for Li Tian and others, this is nothing at all.

Li Tian controlled "Hong Zhan" to directly dig out caves with the thickness of a bowl on the cliffs, while Tang Xiaolong and Manzi cut down trees nearby and stuffed wooden sticks into those caves.

In less than an hour, an artificial plank road appeared from the bottom of the cave to the bottom of the waterfall.

Climbing up the plank road and coming to the foot of the waterfall, Li Tian and others discovered that there is an irregular platform of several hundred square meters at the foot of the waterfall. The water of the waterfall falls on this platform, and then flows along this platform to another. Both sides.

And under this waterfall, there really is a square hole, the waterfall half of the hole, half exposed.

"Ah! It's amazing! I didn't expect that the entrance of the Qinling maze would be in such a beautiful place!" Tang Xiaolong said with some excitement.

With such a beautiful scenery, Li Tian immediately took Situ Ningbing and others out of the space, so that they could also feel the waterfall.

However, as soon as the dog's nose came out, he twitched his nose a few times, and said to Li Tian, ​​"Boss, there are people in this cave!"

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