Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3625: Qinling Maze (2)

Is there someone in the cave?

Li Tian couldn't help being surprised when he heard the dog nose say this.

The Qinling Mountains are vast. According to the monkey’s statement, even if the monkey’s actions are so sensitive, it takes three days to get here. Even if Li Tian and others ride on mutant crows and mutant bats, it takes more than half a day. Moreover, this cave is located in a remote place, and there are no traces of human life in a radius of tens of kilometers. How can there be people in this cave?

Could it be that the information about the entrance to the Qinling maze has been known to others? Then the man climbed quickly and entered the Qinling maze ahead of Li Tian and others?

"Huh!" "Huh!" After a few times, Barbarian, Situ Ningbing and others took out their weapons, put their weapons across their chests, made a defensive posture, and looked at the inside of the cave vigilantly.

Li Tian came to the dog nose and asked with some doubts: "Doug nose, you can't smell it wrong, right? This is a cliff! You have also seen the steepness of this cliff. If there is no cultivator, you will be able to climb up. It's hard!"

The dog's nose was asked like this, and worried that he smelled it wrong, so the dog's nose closed his eyes and twitched his nose vigorously.

"Little boss, you can't be wrong! There must be someone in this cave! And there is more than one!" The dog nodded and said seriously.

Li Tian knows that since the dog nose has followed him, the smell of the dog nose has not been wrong. Since the dog nose has been judged twice and has reached a consistent judgment, the probability of possible errors will be greater.

"Then can you tell how many people are there?" Li Tian asked.

The dog nose shook his head this time, and said with some uncertainty: "Little boss, I can be sure that there is at least one human in this cave. As for the others, I don't know whether they are zombies or other creatures, I'm not sure!"

By saying this, the dog nose is basically certain that the bounty hunters in this cave are not the first to climb.

"Goubi, Xiaolong, you two enter with me, and the rest of you are here to guard!" Li Tian said to Goubi and Tang Xiaolong.

Situ Ningbing held a butcher knife and said to Li Tian, ​​"Li, I feel that this cave is full of danger, I will go with you!"

As Situ Ningbing said, Xue Ji and Bai Jing also wanted to go in with Li Tian, ​​while Barbarians and Captain naturally didn't want to fall behind, and Wei Wei and Xiao Tianyi naturally wanted to participate in this kind of adventure together.

Li Tian's team this time is too large. It is obviously unrealistic to enter together, and if the cave is really full of danger, Li Tian alone can't take care of so many people.

Li Tian can only temporarily divide this team into two teams based on the strength and abilities of all members of this team. The first team is Li Tian taking Situ Ningbing, Tang Xiaolong, Goubi, Bai Jing and Xiao Tianyi to the cave. The second team is Xue Ji, Captain, Barbarians, 2D and Mutant Crows. They are in charge of the cave. Guard outside.

For the safety of their respective teams, Li Tianjiang Dixing Yasha and Feitian Yasha were also assigned to the second team.

After this division, Li Tian gave another compulsory order and promised that if the danger in the cave was eliminated, Bai Jing would shoot and give a warning, and then let the second team in, so as to calm everyone's complaints.

Li Tian and the others proceeded in a triangular phalanx, with Li Tian in the front, Goubi and Bai Jing side by side behind Li Tian, ​​followed by Tang Xiaolong, Situ Ningbing and Xiao Tianyi.

As soon as they walked into the cave, Li Tian and others immediately felt that the mountain was full of yin air, and the yin wind blew out from the cave from time to time, making everyone feel a chill.

The entrance to this cave looked like it was formed naturally, but as Li Tian and others kept walking in, they found more and more traces of artificial excavation. This kind of trace has undergone natural weathering for thousands of years, and it is difficult to see if it is not carefully identified.

Moreover, although the entrance of this cave was built under the waterfall, the cave as a whole was very dry, completely different from yesterday's Sangxiongxiong Cave. Li Tian suspected that this was because the cave was halfway up the mountain.

There is no light source in the cave. It is very dark. Dog nose and Bai Jing can't walk in this darkness, they can only turn on the flashlight.

With the faint light source of the flashlight, Li Tian and others can see the situation in the cave more clearly, but there is no special place in the cave, and everyone's mind is not at all looking at the cave building.

The walking speed of Li Tian and others is not too slow, but this cave is like a bottomless cave. After walking for five or six minutes, no one can see any changes in the cave.

And at this moment, the dog nose suddenly said: "Little...little boss, the man seems to have found us, and is constantly thinking about moving in the cave, but the speed of movement is very slow!"

"It doesn't matter, our purpose is to explore this Qinling maze, as long as it doesn't hinder our exploration!" Li Tian said.

At this moment, Li Tian and others saw that the cave was gradually getting taller and wider. When they first entered, the cave was no more than two meters high and two meters wide, and now the cave’s ground reaches the top of the cave. The height of at least has exceeded three meters, and the width has also exceeded at least three meters. Of course, this one has become taller and wider without knowing it.

And there are also some more stone carvings on the walls of this cave, but these stone carvings are also due to weathering, and basically you can't see what they are.

"Li, have you noticed that we seem to be walking downhill continuously." Situ Ningbing said suddenly.

When Situ Ningbing said this, everyone felt that it was really like this. It's just that the passage of this cave looks flat with the naked eye. If you don't feel it, it's hard to feel that this is going down.

Just as the width and height of this cave change unconsciously.

"Little...little boss..., what do you think it is?" The dog's nose shone the flashlight into the cave in the distance, his voice trembling.

The flashlight couldn't be seen to the end, and in the dark distance of the cave, there seemed to be a few egg-sized eyes emitting cold light, looking at Li Tian and others.

Because of the dog nose and Bai Jing's flashlight, Li Tian and others couldn't see the distant scene clearly. Li Tian immediately said, "Turn off the flashlight!"

"Pop!" The flashlight was turned off, the cave was plunged into darkness, and the eyes in the cave suddenly disappeared.

The eyes appeared suddenly and disappeared more suddenly, full of weirdness.

The dog's nose didn't have much strength and not much insight. He was so frightened that his whole body was trembling, and he said tremblingly: "No...it's not a ghost, right?"

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