Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3892: Blood beast

Immediately, the Silver Guard would suddenly wave the ninja sword in his hand, and the blood beads flew out of the ninja sword instantly.



The vast majority of these blood fell on the two clones.

After the blood fell on the body, it was like a living worm, and it began to squirm quickly, looking for a hole in this clone's body.

There was a wound on this clone's body, and the blood quickly penetrated from the wound of this clone.

As soon as the blood entered, the avatar's wound began to spurt blood continuously.



But at this moment, the blood turned out to be hot boiling water, and it began to bubble on the bodies of these two avatars.

There were dozens of blood-colored bubbles popping out of the wound that was just a centimeter away.

And the skin of this clone began to bubble out, even on the head. These bubbles grew bigger and bigger, and they had turned blood red, as if they would burst at any time.

The clone was rolling on the ground in pain, but it was completely useless.


As the first blood bubble splashed, the blood bubbles on this clone's body began to burst one after another, and the clone instantly became covered in blood.

Suddenly, a sharp claw covered with blood on it emerged from the avatar's chest. The claw seemed to be tearing apart the body of the avatar, and kept scratching his skin.

"Hiss!" With a sound, the claws suddenly tore the clothes on the clone's chest completely, and even peeled off the skin on the clone's chest.

A blood hole was torn open in this clone's chest in an instant.

Then a mouth protruded, and a **** head poked out from the blood hole.

There seems to be some fluff on this head, and two copper bell-like eyes are shining with pale yellow cold light. Even Li Tian in the sky, when he sees this **** head, he has a feeling of lingering fear .


As soon as the head came out and the body was still in the body of the clone, he opened his mouth and began to swallow the body of the clone with mouthfuls.

After a few seconds, the **** monster jumped out of the clone's body.

Blood beast.

This is Kazama Ginbei's ultimate move, the blood beast.

A blood beast created with his own blood as a medium.

This blood beast is huge, like a dog or not a dog, like a cow or a cow.

The four sharp claws are like sickles, grasping on the ground, and the concrete floor is like a loess ground.

After suffering this kind of damage, the clone had already lost its strength support and fell weakly to the ground.

The blood beast looked down at the clone, showing a look of disdain, raised its claws, and the two claws separated the clone into several segments.

Then the blood beast lowered its head, opened its blood basin, and began to chew and swallow the corpse of this clone.

In less than half a minute, this clone was eaten clean by the blood beast, and the blood beast still felt unsatisfied, and kept licking the blood on the ground with his tongue.

But at this time, another blood beast also had its head out of which clone.

But as soon as the blood beast came out of its head, one of Mitsuji Ueda's clone jumped up and hit the blood beast's head with the iron rod in his hand.


The power of this iron rod was very huge, and the blood beast's head had just come out when it was completely broken up by this rod.

Blood was splattered, and several nearby besieged clones were splattered with blood.

"Haha, it's just a blood beast whose hair hasn't grown up yet, and it's not that I killed it with a stick. Haha, as many blood beasts as there are, my uncle will kill as many blood beasts!" The clone said with a smug smile.

However, as soon as his voice fell, several blood blisters appeared on his face, and these blood blisters began to bulge continuously, as if they would burst at any time.

The same was true for the two clones next to him, and the wounds of those clones began to blisters.


A avatar let out a scream, and his chest was the same as before, with a **** sharp paw sticking out.

A few seconds later, three more blood beasts emerged from the corpse, and the previous blood beast was added, and there were four blood beasts.

After these blood beasts were formed, they were completely unafraid of the iron rod attacks of those clones, and their attacks had fatal damage to those clones.

And although Kazama Ginbei's face was pale, but his face was more excited.

"Mitsuji Ueda, this blood beast is my first time to use it. Even the abdomen Tiancong never knew that I had such a killer move. Hehe, now I should let you see my strength!" Wei Kuang said with a smile.

When the four blood beasts heard the Ginbei Kazama laugh wildly, the blood on their bodies became more vivid like burning flames, and the blood beasts' minions became sharper.

The four blood beasts began to counterattack, and constantly threw down the clones and tore them to pieces.

At this time, the number of Ueda Mitsuji's avatars had dropped sharply from more than 100 to 20 or 30.

These avatars who don't know death at all, and don't fear death, even if they face blood beasts whose strength is far beyond them, they are still rushing towards those blood beasts like moths fighting fire.

In the sky, Li Tian sitting on the mutant crow saw this scene and frowned involuntarily.

Those clones were clearly seen by Li Tian carefully, but Li Tian could not see clearly these blood beasts.

Li Tian quickly thought about what he should do if he encountered this Kazama Ginbei.

But Li Tian thought a lot, but still didn't know how to deal with these blood beasts.

"Hey, Master Li Tian, ​​if you want to deal with these blood beasts now, maybe my dark cage can help you!" Feitian Yasha flapped her wings and flew in front of Li Tian.

Void Yasha immediately said disdainfully: "Huh, it's not your turn to take action here. You should continue to practice in retreat! Although these blood beasts are powerful, they can't escape under my Void Master's Void Blade. The big deal is this Major General They are all thrown into the void, so that they will never return to the earth. I think the blood on the silver soldier can cut out a few blood beasts!"

The "Hong Zhan" in Li Tian's hand also shook abruptly, as if to say he was still there.

But since this "Red Slash" was trained by the female fog man, Li Tian never had the opportunity to communicate with the sword spirit.

"It looks like the battle below should be over!" The mutant crow said.

However, as soon as the mutant crow's words fell, something unexpected happened below.

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