Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3893: Ninjutsu illusion

"It's useless! It's useless! Even if you kill all these clones, it's useless!" Ueda Mitsuji sneered. ,

And with this sneer of Ueda Mitsuji, the bamboo shoots near the green bamboo in Ueda Mitsuji's hand began to grow out, really like bamboo shoots after a rain, all growing out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After these bamboo shoots grew out, they did not turn into green bamboos, but exploded into flowers in an instant.



Colorful substances are constantly floating in the air along with the exploded bamboo shoots.

Although the Kazama Ginbei was on guard, he couldn't see these colorful substances at all. With his breathing, many of these substances entered his breath.

"This... what is this?"

Kazama Ginbei froze in place.

At this time, the concrete pavement around Kazama Ginbei, the grass on both sides of the road, the woods behind the grass, and the houses all disappeared.

Instead, there is a country breeze that crisscrosses the rice paddies.

Nearby, a water buffalo was wandering in the cultivated land. A farmer with a hat, a whip in one hand, and an iron plow in the other, was driving the buffalo forward.

In the distance, a landmark imitation of Tang Dynasty building in Dongying Island is built on the mountain.

Several young girls in Dongying island country costumes walked past the front of Kazema Ginbei with peach blossoms. One of them giggled at Fengyu Ginbei in a charming manner, as if she was deliberately teasing Kazama Ginbei. same.

Not far away, several samurai wearing Dongying island ronin costumes and samurai long swords quickly walked towards the Kazama Ginbei, and when they were seven or eight meters out of him, they knelt down one after another, and then He walked a few meters forward with this attitude, and came to the front of Ginbei Kazama, and said loudly, "Sir Kazuma Kotaro, when did you return from Edo? The subordinates did not go to meet the adults. Hope the Lord atones!"

"Kazema Kotaro! I am Kazema Kotaro? The building in the distance is Odawara Castle!" Kazama Ginbei said to himself with a look of excitement on his face.

The most glorious time of the Fengmo clan was during the Warring States Period of the Dongying Island Kingdom. At that time, the Fengmo clan occupied the entire Odawara City and became famous throughout the Kanto region.

This generation of Wind Demon Kotaro is also the most famous in the Wind Demon clan.

"I am Fengma Kotaro, I have restored the most glorious moment of my ancestors, hahaha!" Kazama Ginbei said with a wild smile.

In the sky, Li Tian saw Kazama Ginbei standing on the spot like a wood, talking to himself like a fool, and frowned involuntarily.

Since the colorful substance exploded from which bamboo shoots, this Kazama Ginbei has become like this, and those blood beasts controlled by Kazama Ginbei lost control and were taken by Ueda Mitsuji. The controlling vines were broken up.

At this time, the dozen or so vines each convolved this sharp green bamboo, aimed at Kazama Ginbei, and might pierce Ginbei's body at any time.

Once these green bamboo poles pierced Fengjian Yinbingwei's body, I am afraid that the ten will be deadly.

"Li Tian, ​​you are optimistic, this is the fate of the partner you choose! In West Jiuzhou Island, no one is the opponent of the abdomen Tiancong adults, whoever it is!" Na Ueda sneered at the sky. Li Tian said.

As he said, the dozen green bamboos were controlled by those vines, and slammed into the body of Kazema Yinbingwei.

Two of them pierced the heart of Ginbei Kazama.


At this moment, Ginbei Kazama was already awake, but it was too late. Blood slowly dripped down the green bamboos. The blood dripped on the ground, and was quickly dried by the high temperature of the ground. It turned into a pool of red.

"It turns out that all this is an illusion, cough cough, Oda Mitsuko's illusion has reached this level, I have no regrets for losing. But... But, I am so unwilling." Kazama Ginbei's face There was a pained expression on his face, and blood was constantly pouring out of his mouth.

Ueda Mitsuji said to Kazama Ginbei, "This is how you betrayed the abdomen-sama Tencong! Now it is you, and soon it will be your turn to take refuge in Li Tian. Do you know about Miyazaki Prefecture and Kumamoto? The prefecture's Shinnin is also rushing here, and the abdomen-sama Tiancong has already left Fukuoka, and will soon arrive at Ruhr Island. At that time, Li Tian and all his people will die here."

"Bah, dreaming! You still don't understand Li Tian too much, let alone the abdomen clump, even if his ancestor Hanzo is resurrected in the abdomen, he may not be able to kill Li Tian! You idiots! Hahaha! Sooner or later they will be killed. Li Tian beheaded, we just die sooner or later," Kazama Ginbei said with a sneer.

"Ahem!" Yinbingwei coughed again, then raised his head and said to Li Tian: "Li Tian, ​​I know you don't trust me! Now...now, I can't make you trust anymore. It's a pity that I can't cooperate with you and restore the glory of the Wind Demons. I'm so unwilling, so unwilling! After my death, the Wind Demons are officially extinct, I'm so unwilling!"

Ginbei Kazama repeated it three times in a row, so unwilling to do so.


Li Tian suddenly jumped from the sky, and then used two consecutive teleports, and landed steadily in front of Kazama Ginbei, looking down at the appearance of Kazama Ginbei kneeling on the ground miserably. Said: "Do you want to restore the glory of your ancestors? Follow me, Li Tian, ​​and become my Li Tian's assistant in this Dongying island country. I promise you can restore the glory of your ancestors!"

Ginbei Kazama's head was already hanging down because he heard Li Tian's words and raised it again, and said weakly, "It's late, everything is too late. If you and I joined forces before, we joined forces to kill Mitsuji Ueda, then It's possible! But... ahem!"

Kazama Ginbei coughed quickly, and with each cough, blood from the wound on his body kept flowing out!

At this time, several figures in the distance continued to gallop in this direction. Looking at the appearance of those people, it was undoubtedly a ninja.

"Hahaha, yes, Li Tian, ​​you missed the best chance! Now the Shangren from Miyazaki and Kumamoto prefectures have arrived. The five of us have joined forces. I don’t believe you can still be our opponent. !" Ueda Mitsuji said with a sneer.

Li Tian did not hesitate to Ueda Mitsuji, and continued to ask Kazama Ginbei: "Will you follow me and give your soul to me! Let me help you achieve your ancestral glory? Say!"

"I...I do!" Ginbei said weakly.

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