Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3977: Four parties come to congratulate (2)

Li Tian hasn't woke up yet.

Windsor knew that Li Tian was just asleep, and she was very sure of this.

After inspecting Li Tian, ​​the military doctor on the Cangshan ship also said that Li Tian was too tired and needed a good rest.

Fortunately, Li Tian has a cultivation base, even if he does not eat for a long time, it will not cause any harm to his body. So even if Li Tian has been asleep for seven days now, Li Tian's face still looks normal, without any sickness.

However, as Li Tian sleeps longer and longer, Li Tian’s brothers and women have gradually begun to worry, especially when the various forces on the West Jiuzhou Island come to Ruhr Island City for a pilgrimage to see Li Tian. , Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying and others were even more worried about Li Tian.

"Brother Tian, ​​you wake up quickly! Although Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying don't say anything, they are very worried about your safety!"

"And Tang Xiaolong, Shen Tao, and Gao Bi are all worried about you. We know that you will definitely have nothing to do, but it's not a way for you to sleep like this!"

"My god, there are more and more people migrating to Ruhr Island City, Ruhr Island City has become more and more prosperous, and the residents of West Jiuzhou Island recognize us."

"Also, when Situ Ningbing came here in the morning, he mentioned that the leaders and army commanders of the various forces who have come to Ruhr Island now have nearly a thousand people, and these people are all coming for you! "Windsor said as if talking to herself.

"If I kiss Li Tian, ​​will Li Tian wake up?" A thought suddenly came out of his heart that frightened Windsor.

Windsor shook her head abruptly, trying to drive this desire away from her head, but this thought became clearer and clearer.

"Winsor, are you crazy? This is Brother Tian, ​​Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, and Ouyang Shiqing. How can you have this idea?" Windsor condemned in his heart that he shouldn't have Such thoughts.

But condemning condemnation, Windsor still couldn't help thinking about such things.

"Li Tian is their man! I Windsor would not and should not have such thoughts, but if I kissed Brother Tian to wake him up, I believe they will not blame me!" Windsor Thought of it again in his heart.

Thinking of this, Windsor couldn't help looking around.

There were only two people in the room, she and Li Tian, ​​and Li Tian was still asleep at this time, and Windsor's heart was involuntarily surging.

Windsor crimson cheeks tiptoed to Li Tian's bed, looking down at Li Tian's face while he was asleep, there was a burst of happiness in his heart.

This man is not considered handsome by the standard. There are some scars on his face due to various battles, but the scars appearing on this man's face add a little more masculinity.

Compared with Shen Tao's childishness, this masculinity has an irresistible charm compared to Gao Bi's stupidity.

Windsor's heart started beating involuntarily, and her breathing began to swift.

"I just kissed! This is Brother Tian, ​​this is my Heavenly Brother in Windsor, and is the Heavenly Brother of our Celestial Legion. I believe that if just a simple kiss can make Tian Brother wake up, then I don't know how many people there are. Will rush to kiss Tian brother, how can it be my turn?"

Although Windsor comforted herself in this way, her mentality was still terribly nervous, her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and even her hands were sweaty.

"How could this be? Windsor, Windsor! Li Tian just treats you as a little sister, and you can only treat Li Tian as an older brother. It is normal for a sister to kiss your brother, and you are thinking about it in your heart. what?"

"Go down boldly, maybe Brother Tian will really wake up!"

Thinking of this, Windsor had already put her cheek in front of Li Tian.

The breath from Windsor has been sprayed gently on Li Tian's cheeks.

Windsor's heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and even Windsor feels her heart is about to jump out! And Windsor felt a warmth from the cheeks, through the neck and chest, gradually spread to the whole body, and Windsor felt that the whole world was about to burn.


Windsor cupped Li Tian's cheeks in both hands, closed her eyes, and her cheeks began to move downward.


When Windsor's lips were still seven or eight centimeters away from Li Tian, ​​such a voice suddenly came from Windsor's ear.

Windsor opened her eyes suddenly and was surprised to see Li Tian looking at her suspiciously.

Windsor hurriedly let go of Li Tian, ​​jumped up, and said nervously: "Brother Tian, ​​you are awake, I...I will tell others to go!"

Windsor's cheeks were flushed, and she escaped the room as if she were fleeing.

Li Tian sat up slowly and shook his head helplessly, with an awkward smile on his mouth.

Li Tian heard what Windsor said before, but at the critical juncture of Li Tianzheng's cultivation, he couldn't wake up and couldn't move his body.

Of course Li Tian can pretend to sleep and continue to enjoy the sweet kiss of Lolita Windsor, but Li Tian really treats Windsor as a little sister, and Li Tian definitely does not.

Li Tian closed his eyes and felt the pond in his body, the lotus leaves and lotus in the pond, and the seven forty-nine fish in the pond.

When Zhongtong Island was destroyed, Li Tian's heart formed in that square pond, and the nine-color corpse crystal had been transformed into the nine-color corpse lotus.

But at that time, the nine-color corpse lotus just took root and sprouted, but the pond was dry. If there is no water in the pond, the nine-color corpse lotus will inevitably wither and die, so Li Tian can only practice non-stop, using the spiritual power he cultivated as the pool water to irrigate the nine-color corpse lotus.

But what Li Tian didn't expect was that this practice would be seven days and seven nights, and he couldn't stop at all.

Immediately after the sinking of Zhongtong Island, Li Tian's whole body cultivation base disappeared completely with that final blow. And at this critical juncture, the nine-color corpse crystal in Li Tian's body unexpectedly changed into a nine-color corpse lotus.

As soon as the nine-color corpse lotus appeared, because there was no spiritual irrigation, it withered. This situation was unexpected by Li Tian.

Although Li Tian didn't know what this nine-color corpse lotus was, since the nine-color corpse crystal could have such a change, how could Li Tian easily let it wither.

Only at that time, the pond in Li Tian's body was dry, and Li Tian's body veins were also dry. Li Tian could only practice desperately to irrigate the nine-color corpse lotus.

But Li Tian found that no matter how he cultivated, the spiritual power he cultivated was far behind the speed that Nine-Colored Corpse Lotus could absorb.

Then Li Tian fell into this state similar to falling asleep.

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