Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3978: messenger

Finally got it through.

At this moment, the lotus leaves and blue waves of the pond in Li Tian's body were full of sky, and seven or forty-nine small fish in the pond were swimming happily.

Whether it's lotus leaves or blue waves or these little fishes, these things are all spiritual power!

You must know that there were only seven or seven forty-nine fish in Li Tian's body, and there was only a trickle in his veins. Then Li Tian's strength could easily slash the abdominal sky cluster. So now Li Tian's strength has reached a high level?

Li Tian also wants to know!

Li Tian clenched his fists, feeling this powerful force in his body.

"Now my strength is much stronger than before I fell asleep. If you use numbers to describe it, adding that my strength was only one hundred before, so now my strength should be at least three hundred!"

"Although this is just accumulation of quantity, it is already amazing enough! But I don't know what level of cultivation should I reach now according to the strength level of the Netherworld?" Li Tian thought in his heart.

"If we destroy Zhongtong Island again, this time, Li Tian will never fall asleep because the power in my body is completely exhausted! I may not even need the help of Xiaoyasha or a small hot pot!"

Thinking of destroying Zhongtong Island, Li Tian suddenly thought of his Heavenly Qiong Lian.

Before Li Tian fell asleep, the Qiong Spear that day was still in the sea. Now Li Tian has returned to the Cangshan Ship in Ruhr Island Bay, but where is the Qiong Spear that day?

At this time, Xukong Yasha and other four small Yasha followed the little hot pot and pushed in.

The little hot pot arrogantly walked in the forefront, followed by four little things, as if they became the boss of these little guys, and his face also showed an unbelievable expression.

But Li Tian soon discovered that he was thinking too much.

The Void Yasha's figure flickered, came directly behind the little hot pot, stretched out his hand, and directly threw the little hot pot into his space.

"This new **** doesn't even have a sense of consciousness. He dares to pretend as if he is the boss here!" Xukong Yasha said disdainfully.

Then I saw that Li Tian had woke up, and a few flashes of Void Yasha's figure appeared by Li Tian's side, and jumped into Li Tian's hands, and said with happiness and sweetness: "Master Li Tian, ​​Nong My family is so worried about you!"

The expression changes in the first few seconds before and after this Void Yasha was so fast that Li Tian couldn't react.

"Master Li Tian, ​​your Heavenly Qiong Spear has been taken out of the sea by Hai Yasha, and now it has been sent to the space by me. Don't worry about staying there!" Xukong Yasha said.

Li Tian nodded.

"During the time I was asleep, nothing happened to West Jiuzhou Island, right?" Li Tian asked.

Void Yasha immediately showed a triumphant expression on his face and said: "Of course not! Master Li Tian, ​​you don’t know. Since you sunk the Zhongtong Island, all the forces on West Jiuzhou Island have been It was completely shocked, and even if they were given some courage, they would not dare to be presumptuous!"

"It's not just that I don't dare to be presumptuous! Now the whole West Jiuzhou Island, all the powerful legions and the big leaders of the organization have gathered in Ruhr Island City, as if they are going to worship, no, they are here to worship Yours, Master Li Tian, ​​they are waiting cautiously for you in Ruhr Island City!" Dixing Yasha said.

Li Tian nodded slightly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

This is the effect he wants.

Killing chickens and monkeys, sometimes it is not necessary to kill all monkeys, as long as the monkeys know the fear and know the fear, this goal will be achieved.

At this time, Kobi and Shen Tao rushed in.

Seeing that Li Tianguo really woke up as Windsor said, the faces of these two guys were filled with unconcealable joy. The two guys shouted a few times, but he didn't know what else to say.

The silence speaks!

Seeing these good brothers so worried about themselves, Li Tian felt a little guilty in his heart when he was happy.

"Where did Windsor go?" Li Tian asked.

Shen Tao and Gao Bi rushed to answer: "Windsor said she was going to report to Sister Ningbing and the others about your waking up. They have already taken a boat to Ruhr Island City!"

"Okay, let's all go to Ruhr Island! Tell Ningbing and the others that I have woken up, and it is time to meet those who come to worship me!" Li Tian stood up and said.

After leaving the Cangshan ship, Li Tian sent Shen Tao, Gao Bi and others into the space of Void Yasha.

I haven't played happily with Li Tian for some time, and the four Xiaoyashas are not willing to enter the space of the void Yasha anyway. These four little guys crawled on Li Tian's left and right shoulders, clinging to Li Tian's clothes, looking at Li Tian in a pitiful manner.

Li Tian had no choice but to let these four Xiaoyasha sit on his shoulders.

Li Tian summoned the mutant crow, making the mutant crow look like a roc, and then Li Tian jumped on the mutant crow and flew quickly towards Ruhr Island.


Ruhr City.

Although the bigwigs of all parties who have been waiting for a long time in Ruhr Island City are afraid of Li Tian's powerful strength, they are slightly dissatisfied with Li Tian in their hearts.

These big guys arrived here without stopping as soon as the news of the sinking of Zhongtong Island came here. The earliest one has been here for a full week, and even if it comes a little later, it has been two or three days. .

However, in these days, except for several legions and organization leaders who can rank in the top ten of West Jiuzhou Island in terms of comprehensive strength, they are fortunate enough to be received by Duanmu Ying, everyone else has no chance to meet Duanmu Ying, let alone. It's Li Tian.

The news from Ruhr Island City was that Li Tian was currently in the process of training, and it was not convenient to meet him. However, I haven't seen Li Tian for a long time. In private, many people wonder if Li Tian was injured when he attacked Zhongtong Island.

Although everyone guessed so, they still did not dare to show it.

The streets of Ruhr Island are still bustling, and these bigwigs still gather in twos and threes, while secretly talking about their conjectures, while at the same time telling when they will be interviewed by Duanmu Ying.

We must know that the top ten army commanders received generous promises after being received by Duanmu Ying. The corps or organizations that these ten big bosses belonged to have been given the right to manage a city and the right to operate the city within ten years.

"Our legion is not weak, and we don't know when we will be interviewed!" a big boss exclaimed.

At this moment, a mourning horse slowly walked in from the gate of Ruhr Island City. The mourning horse's footsteps were vigorous, and it stepped on the ground to make a crisp and rhythmic sound.

"Da da!"

"Da da!"

Everyone's gaze was involuntarily attracted by this funeral horse. Everyone saw the funeral horse riding a samurai wearing the ancient costumes of Dongying Island, with two long swords stuck in the waist of the samurai.

Apart from an ancient costume, this samurai seemed to be invisible.

But when everyone saw the banner on the back of the samurai, they couldn't help but involuntarily took a breath.

"That... isn't that the banner of the fierce fighter? Why did the fierce fighter send someone here?"

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