Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4964: : Reasonable Li Tian

Li Tian didn't know that he actually had the name of a demon king in Wonderland!

Although it was very unfriendly, Li Tian still accepted it angrily!

The devil is the devil!

The robbers of the Tiger Roar clan, left dozens of corpses and fled!

The one who ran was called a fast, no matter how Li Tian called, he couldn't stop at all!

When Li Tian performed "Eighteen Claws of the Dragon", the powerful dragon still attracted the attention of the powerhouses in Wonderland.

These powerhouses who were originally in and in cultivation flew up from the fairyland main island one after another, wanting to see what is sacred, they dare to go wild in the fairyland.




Super domain master ninth-level powerhouse.

An all-in-one super domain master ninth-level powerhouse!

At least fifty or sixty powerhouses of this realm flew out of the fairyland main island quickly, looking at both sides of the battle from a distance!

"It's the robbers of the Tiger Roar! It seems that they kicked on the steel plate this time!"

"Hahaha, these guys also have today, I really want to give this picture a thumbs up!"

"But I don't know where the fool came from. When encountering these little **** from the Huhou clan, he also released his supernatural power!"

"Tsk tsk, it's a sledgehammer, what a waste!"

"I'm afraid it's a strong man who just came down from the miracle mountain, want to be awe-inspiring!"

In the eyes of these powerhouses, Li Tian is just an idiot who doesn't know the power of God!

These powerful men watched the tiger robber robbers who fled from the wasteland with interest, and soon they noticed the purple flood dragon released by Li Tian!

"This...this feeling is..."

"Is it him?"

Li Tian’s moves are a bit different from twenty years ago, and Li Tian’s appearance has also changed a lot, but these powerful people still instantly recalled the scene of Li Tian, ​​the demon king, killing the Qingfeng poster twenty years ago. !

"Fuck! It's the Demon King who is back!"

"You talk first, I'm leaving now!"

"The old wife next door is waiting for delivery, I'll go see..."

Then, these incredible powerhouses sandwiched their tails, turned and hurried back to the fairyland!

Li Tian is not terrible now, after all, he hasn't done anything to these powerful men.

But these powerhouses clearly remember that twenty years ago, because of onlookers Li Tian fighting with Qingfeng original poster, some unlucky ones were directly killed by the demon king Li Tian!


Is it easy to cultivate to the ninth level of Super Domain Master?

Being beheaded by this demon king in this way is worthless!

Li Tian put away the purple dragon, and said helplessly: "Why are all gone? It seems that these super powers in Wonderland still don't welcome us!"

"It's not that we are not welcome, but you are not welcome!" Beast Boy corrected!

"Hey, just wait for you! But I like it!" Li Tian smiled sly!

Li Tian smashed everyone to the wonderland!

Those super powerhouses hid, but the ordinary powerhouses in the immortal realm did not know that Li Tian, ​​the great demon king, had returned.

The fairyland is still full of flowers, and it is very lively!

"Li, now that we have arrived in Wonderland, what are we going to do next?"

"I'm thinking about how to find Tang Xiaolong and Youanrou quickly, but my brain can't think of an effective way, so I can only use the most primitive and savage method to launch a crowd of tactics, and to subdue some strong And let these strong men find it for us!"

"Are you going to unify Wonderland?"

"Haha, you have a good idea, but unfortunately I can't do it with my current ability! But letting the other powerful strengths of Wonderland give me Li Tian a face, it shouldn't be difficult to help me!"

The beast boy is full of black lines!

You Li Tian has the face of a fart in Wonderland.

These powerhouses are just afraid of killing you when you bastard!

It's just that he dare not say it clearly.

"Li, do you remember Qingfeng Tower?"


"The owner of the Qingfeng Tower was beheaded, and the strong of the Qingfeng Tower also suffered heavy casualties. This force of the Qingfeng Tower may have disappeared now, so this Qingfeng Tower should belong to you. I believe other strong people in Wonderland will not do it. There are opinions. Under the reward, there must be a brave man. As long as we take out all the boundaries of Qingfeng Tower and Qingfeng Tower, as long as anyone can provide effective clues to find Tang Xiaolong and the others, we will put the entire boundary of Qingfeng Tower and Qingfeng Tower strength Give it to them, I think there will be many strong people coveting!" Situ Ningbing said.

Li Tian nodded.

This method is much better than his method of using force to solve it!

Moreover, Li Tian also thought of a way!

The seventeenth floor of Qingfeng Building is entirely made of metal!

It is entirely possible to treat Qingfeng Building as a building, and then make a huge building advertisement.

For example, write ‘Tang Xiaolong, I miss you! I think you can't sleep as much as you think! ’Similar promotional language.

In this way, as long as Tang Xiaolong, Youanrou and others come to Wonderland, they will definitely see this advertisement!

Moreover, other powerful people who have left the fairyland will also remember this slogan, and then spread this slogan to the entire metal world.

So I'm not afraid to find Tang Xiaolong and the others.

"Tsk tusk, I'm a **** genius!" Li Tianqing couldn't help sighing!

Revisiting the old place, don't have a taste.

Li Tian and others went straight to Qingfeng Tower!

Before arriving at Qingfeng Tower, Li Tian and others discovered that Qingfeng Tower had already been occupied by other powerful people at some point, and that Qingfeng Tower had reopened!

However, this time Qingfenglou is not in the business of ‘human meat buns’, but has become a slave ‘concentration camp’ and a trading center for the slave trade!

Qingfeng Tower, all kinds of races, all kinds of creatures come in and out, so lively!

"It seems that Qingfeng Tower has already been occupied, and it might be difficult to come back now!"

"It doesn't matter, I will know it with emotion and reason, and make sense with the current owner of Qingfenglou! It's just that so many people follow me in, I am afraid it will cause misunderstanding! Beast boy, you take four or five Let the Sea-Monster clan go and change the first ingredients! We are all qualified people. We can trade crystals as much as possible not to grab them, and don't destroy the harmony of the fairyland!"

Beast Boy had a black line on his face. He hadn't planned to **** it, but now that Li Tian said it, it seemed that he couldn't justify it if he didn't **** a bit.

The several Sea-Monster tribes who were spotted were suddenly very excited!

Everyone is gearing up, ready to do it!

I rub! These guys are not misunderstanding, right?

"I said you guys are so excited to get wool? It's just going to buy some food! You must listen to the arrangements of the beast boy, do..."

"We understand! Hey, Boss Li Tian, ​​don't speak so bluntly. Too blunt is not good!"

"I'm going! You guys..."

Ok! Li Tian is really helpless! What he said, these guys can no longer listen!

Four or five people were taken away by the beast boy, Li Tian looked at the crowd around him!

"You guys stay here, Ye Meijing and Liu Jimeng look at them! Ye Meijing has the highest cultivation base here!"

Ye Meijing originally refused, but when she heard Li Tian's last words, a smile appeared on her face.

"Relax! They will leave it to me!"

Li Tian took Situ Ningbing into Qingfeng Tower!

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