Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4965: : Zifeiyu

"Two people, what do I need? We have all kinds of slaves here. We can be slaves to the Hercules of coolies, humanoid slaves that can be pets, and other slaves that can be used as food ingredients. Of course, if you are If you want to find two beautiful or overweight women to serve, we also have everything here!"

As soon as Li Tian and Situ Ningbing walked into the Qingfeng Tower, a man in the early stage of the Transcendent Master immediately followed and took the initiative to introduce Li Tian and Situ Ningbing to the slaves they sold here!

Seeing that Li Tian and Situ Ningbing didn't respond to him, this super domain owner Xiao Er did not feel discouraged, snapped his fingers, and continued: "It seems that both of you are not satisfied with the slave I just introduced. I want to be a slave with a higher level of cultivation. If this is the case, it may be a little more troublesome. We have followed the regulations of Qingfeng Tower. If two want to buy slaves with a cultivation level that exceeds the domain owner, then two must There must be at least one person whose cultivation level reaches the domain master..."

Li Tian snorted coldly, unleashing the spiritual power of his superdomain master's eighth-level initial realm, and then said coldly: "Now I am qualified to buy a superdomain master's slave, am I?"

While Li Tian released his spiritual power, all the customers on the first floor of Qingfeng Building, as well as the slaves trapped in the cage, turned to look at Li Tian at the same time.

Super domain master eighth level!

Powerful people in this realm are already powerful in Wonderland. Such powerhouses appear on the first floor and naturally attract the attention of others!

A strange look flashed across the eyes of the super domain master-level shop Xiaoer, with a smile on his face.

"Of course! Of course enough! Two strong people can go directly to the seventeenth floor of our Qingfeng Building! Where is the most powerful superdomain master slave in our Qingfeng Building! Let our colleagues at the top of Qingfeng Building come to accompany them. Let’s shop!” As he said, this superdomain master-level powerhouse didn’t know what tricks he used. It might be a mind-like communication, and soon a superdomain master-level powerhouse at the eighth level came down from the upper floor. .

This powerhouse's cultivation realm is higher than Li Tian, ​​reaching the mid-level 8th level of Super Domain Master!

Situ Ningbing and Li Tian subconsciously looked at each other when they saw that the Super Domain Master's eighth-level mid-level powerhouse was only serving as a shop assistant for Li Tian and others.

"It seems that the current Qingfeng Tower is only stronger than the Qingfeng Tower twenty years ago!"

It only took one look, Li Tian and Situ Ningbing understood their thoughts from each other's eyes.

Li Tian stretched out his hand to hold Situ Ningbing's hand and squeezed gently.

"Don't worry, the stronger the more interesting, only in this way can we subdue Qingfeng Tower, and we can quickly gain a foothold in the fairyland!"

Situ Ningbing immediately realized Li Tian's consciousness.

"Hello, two guests, I'm a guy on the 17th floor of Qingfeng Building, you can call my number, 17! 17 is my name!"

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing nodded slightly.

"I need to explain to the two in advance. If the two are only sightseeing, they can do sightseeing on the first floor of Qingfeng Building. Our Qingfeng Building will treat each other with courtesy. If the two need to go to the main floor of Chaoyu, even for sightseeing. , Our Qingfeng Tower also has a rule, that is, at least one of the two must buy our slaves, even if it only buys the lowest-level supradomain master slaves, our Qingfeng Tower also expresses gratitude! And if the two do not buy any slaves, When the two leave Qingfeng Tower, we will also collect money from a superdomain master's first-level initial realm slave..."

"Is this the minimum consumption?"

"You two can understand that!"

17 is polite everywhere, but in his words he is full of confidence.

Li Tian and Situ Ningbing didn't speak any more, but followed the fellow of the Super Domain Master's eighth-level mid-level powerhouse upstairs.

The second floor is the domain master-level strong slave, but Li Tian and Situ understand clearly that the guys in Qingfenglou here are also super-domain master eighth-level strong! Going up again, starting from the second floor, the guys on each floor of Qingfeng Building are all super domain masters at level eight!

Even if the number of people on each level is not too large, the number of these super domain masters at level 8 is already extremely large!

Good guy, what kind of power it is that has such a strong foundation!

Situ Ningbing also stretched out his hand to reach Li Tian, ​​and gently shook Li Tian's arm.

It meant to tell Li Tian that this Qingfeng Tower might not be easy to deal with, and to signal Li Tian not to act rashly.

But Li Tian stretched out his hand and squeezed Situ Ningbing's hand in turn.

"It doesn't matter, I am here!"

Now that Li Tian has decided, Situ Ningbing can only accompany him!

However, Situ Ningbing's heart felt a little uneasy.

Although Li Tian's cultivation realm is only in the early stage of the Super Domain Master's eighth level, Li Tian's strength is indeed beyond doubt. Even if it is a Super Domain Master's ninth-level peak powerhouse, Li Tian has a way to deal with it!

However, if she followed Li Tian, ​​it would definitely affect Li Tian.

17 Take Li Tian to look up layer by layer, and walk up layer by layer.

Li Tian said impatiently: "No need to look, let's go straight to the top floor! Let me see your top slaves in Qingfeng Tower! Buy the best slaves if you want!"

17 smiled slightly, and said, "This guest, the two top-most players will be able to board sooner or later, but our top-level slaves are powerful in the early stage of the ninth level of Transcendent Master. With the current two cultivation levels, I'm afraid ..."

The 17 words are very polite and polite.

Li Tian smiled slightly, not angry.

"Have you heard this sentence? How can you know the joy of fish?"


"Then I will translate it for you. You are not the **** me, how do you know that I can't surrender the slaves of the ninth-level superdomain master?"

17 Startled, he couldn't understand why Li Tian was suddenly angry!

His eyebrows jumped twice, and finally he suppressed the anger in his heart!

"This guest, I will take you to the top! But..."

"But what? You just lead the way, you just talk a lot!"

Situ Ningbing glared at Li Tian!

"Is this what you call reasonable?"

"Hey, I can't help seeing this kind of guy who looks down on people!"

Being scolded as a dog, 17's eyes flashed with hostility, and he thought coldly, "A good pair of dogs and men, now let you be crazy for a while, wait until you reach the top level, if you guys and dogs dare to play We, don't blame our Qingfeng Tower for turning you into slaves!"

"Hey, this little Pi Niang has thin skin and tender meat, especially her two long legs. It's really a good gun stand! If..."

While talking, 17 had already brought Li Tian and Situ Ningbing to the 17th floor!

This floor is empty, near the windows in the southeast, northwest, and there are a total of four cages!

One of the four prisons holds a super domain master ninth-level early powerhouse!

And there are only two guys on this floor of Qingfeng Building, who are also the cultivation bases of the ninth level of the Super Domain Master!

"So many super domain masters of the ninth level...really awesome!"

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