Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 539: Wanjian Cave

Plop, plop!

After that, Chen Qiaozhi, Ah Qiu, and Old Monster Na Ge all jumped down from above.

After the three of them jumped down, they were also completely taken aback. No one thought that there would be deep water below the dark cave, and the water was extremely cold and biting, making people's hair stand cold when touched.

"How about it, cool?" Tang Xiaolong said with a smile.

Chen Qiaozhi in front of him didn't pay attention to him, blinking at the deep hole.

"Is this the entrance to the secret room?" Chen Qiaozhi said silently.

"Probably it is."

"By the way, Qiao Zhi, you see there is a stone gate over there." Li Tian in front of him suddenly pointed to the tiny light about 50 meters in front and said.

Chen Qiaozhi and the brothers in front of him were taken aback for a while, raised their eyes and looked around, but there was indeed a noticeable tiny light in the place where Li Tian’s fingers were seen. The light seemed to be emitted from the stone cave and reflected. It is reflected on the stone gate on the water surface, so it is still relatively clear.

When he saw this Shimen for an instant, Old Monster Ge in front of him asked suspiciously: "This is the secret room?" His voice was extremely surprised.

Tang Xiaolong in front of him also looked over there in wonder.

"Go, let's swim over and have a look."

The brothers who were talking began to swim quickly towards the stone gate in the deep water in front of them.

When approaching the stone gate, Li Tian was surprised to find that the stone gate was quite old and it looked like it was carved artificially. The huge stone gate was half open, although it was open, it seemed that the inside was very wide, so Li at this time The sky cannot be cleared to see what's inside.

"I guess that Xuanyuan Sword might be right here, right?" Old Monster Ge said excitedly.

While talking, he crawled from the deep water to the side of the rocky shore.

At this time, the brothers also climbed up one by one from the deep water.

Standing in front of Shimen, suddenly a cold breeze blew towards them, and Li Tian frowned suddenly.

"Sword Qi!"

"What a terrible sword spirit!" Li Tian muttered suddenly.

The brothers around him were also suddenly startled, because they also felt the "cold wind" blowing out of the stone cave just now. In fact, the root is not wind, but sword aura...Senhan's sword aura.

When they all felt that what was blowing out of the cave just now was a sharp sword, Chen Qiaozhi on one side said in secret, "Could there be any masters in this cave?"

As soon as he said his words, Li Tian and the brothers in front of them were all startled, and then they couldn't help preparing everything for the enemy.

Li Tian stood at the forefront, winked at the brothers behind him, and motioned for him to go in first.

The brothers also nodded behind.

Then Li Tian accumulated all his strength on his arms, and at the same time, he swiftly stepped into the stone gate in front of him.

After Li Tian entered, Situ Ningbing outside Shimen and his brothers all stood there cautiously.

But after entering, Li Tian suddenly seemed silent.

Five seconds...ten seconds...

There was still no sound from Li Tian.

Situ Ningbing was worried and couldn't help but shout outside Shimen, "Li Tian..."

"Little boss." Tang Xiaolong also shouted outside.

But after they shouted out, Li Tian inside still didn't react at all.

This made the brothers depressed.

"What's going on? How did the little boss stop reacting after entering?" Tang Xiaolong said with an ugly face.

"Go, let's go in too."

After speaking, Situ Ningbing jumped first and entered Shimen.

And the brothers following behind also broke in at the same time.

I thought there were enemies inside this stone gate, but what about when they entered?

But seeing Li Tian standing there quietly like a stone, blinking a pair of unbelievable eyes looking forward.

The brothers who came in were all stunned at the same time.

OMG, what kind of picture is that like!

No wonder Li Tian was shocked there after he came in, no wonder he couldn't say a word in shock...because even the brothers who came in later saw the shocking scene, completely stunned.

This is the sky, the cave outside the cave!

Who can imagine that this cave is actually: sword!

Thousands of swords... inserted one by one among the big bluestone.

Wanjian Cave!

These swords are of different styles, some are long swords, some are short swords... some hilts are engraved with ornate patterns... some are engraved with strange beasts... kind.

No wonder Li Tian and his brothers felt such a terrifying sword aura when they were outside the cave just now! ! It turns out that there are so many swords in this cave!

Looking at the thousands of swords in this cave, Li Tian and his brothers were shocked one by one.

"Oh my God!"

"So many swords!!" Tang Xiaolong said in horror.

Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi were also shocked.

"The Nest of Ten Thousand Swords, this is." Old Monster Ge said with his eyes wide open.

The cave is divided into left and right sides, and there is a naturally formed stone road in the middle. Li Tian silently walked on it, staring at the sharp swords around, completely shocked there.

"Could it be that Xuanyuanjian is here?"

"Xuanyuan Sword is a magic weapon in the sword... even more famous than Mo Xie Sword... No wonder Xuanyuan Sword is in this Ten Thousand Sword Cave." Li Tian said inwardly.

"Little boss, with so many swords, is that the legendary Xuanyuan Sword?" Tang Xiaolong asked depressedly, looking at the many swords in front of him.

Li Tian also frowned.

He knew what that Xuanyuan sword looked like... At this moment, facing thousands of swords, how could he pick it out.

"Qiaozhi, do you know what Xuanyuanjian looks like?" Li Tian couldn't help asking Chen Qiaozhi.

Chen Qiaozhi shook his head and turned to look at Old Monster Ge.

Old Monster Ge went up and said, "Don't look at me, my old man has not been honored to see that ancient **** soldier in his life."

"What should we do then? We can't take away all these swords fuckingly? It's unscientific!" Tang Xiaolong muttered.

Li Tian was also depressed.

Facing these swords, he really didn't know which sword was Xuanyuan sword.

At this moment, he couldn't help but walk slightly to one of the epees about three feet long and 5 inches wide. The sword looked more gorgeous, and the hilt was studded with a pearl.

Kneeling down, Li Tian touched it with his hands.

When his fingers touched the body of the epee sword, a dragon scream came out of the sword.

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