Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 540: Collapse

Good sword!

It's really a good sword, Li Tian sighed there.

Although this sword is heavy, it is extremely sharp, and judging from the length of the sword, it is undoubtedly a famous sword, but Li Tian felt that the sword in front of him was not the Xuanyuan sword he was looking for!

How could the ancient gods be so unpredictable?

Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi over there also began to find Xuanyuan Sword around, and they looked at them one by one.

Sometimes they can't help but touch the hilt of the sword stuck in the stone!

"Hey, this sword is quite fun." But seeing Tang Xiaolong suddenly say over there.

He found a relatively short sword, about two feet long, inserted alone on a large bluestone. The blade was blue, as if rusty, and the hilt was pure black, which looked strange.

Tang Xiaolong stretched out his hand to touch the short sword in front of him. After touching it, he saw the sword buzzing.

Tang Xiaolong thought it was very interesting, and he felt good in his hand, so he was about to pull it out.

But just when he was about to draw the sword, he drew it lightly, but did not draw it out.

Tang Xialong couldn't help being startled. He murmured in his mouth and said, "Nima, it's so tight!"

"I still don't believe that you can't pull out this gadget."

Tang Xialong, who was talking, held the hilt of the short sword with both hands, and continued to pull it hard.

Push hard, push hard!

Finally, this guy slowly drew the short sword in front of him from the stone!

But just as he continued to use his force to draw the sword, a loud bang suddenly came from the entire cave... At the same time, the entire cave began to experience violent turbulence!

Li Tian and the brothers who were looking for Xuanyuan Sword over there were all taken aback, almost unsteady at their feet.

"What happened?"

Li Tian was shocked and looked around.

Chen Qiaozhi and Old Monster Ge looked at each other...

At this moment, they turned their heads to take a look, and couldn't help but stare at Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong was depressed all of a sudden, his hands were still tightly holding the sword that he had just pulled out from the bluestone with the greatest strength... his face was full of stunned.

"What are you kid doing?" Old Monster Ge suddenly roared.

Tang Xiaolong felt aggrieved, and said, "What did you do! I just want to see this sword."

"You kid, can you stop moving!" Old Monster Ge said angrily.

Tang Xiaolong blinked aggrievedly. He also felt the sensation of breaking the sky just now, so at this moment he couldn't help but glance at the sword he pulled out in wonder...

With a scream, he quickly let go of the sword in his hand, and he threw the cold sword to the ground.

But the moment he released his hand, a loud noise suddenly rang from the entire cave.

At the same time the whole ground began to shake.

The brothers were all stunned for a moment.

"What the **** is going on?"

"It seems to collapse?"

"No! Then don't we all have to be smashed to death..." Old Monster Ge said with a shocked face. ,

Even Li Tian had a look of fear on his face. If the cave really collapsed, he and his brothers would undoubtedly be buried alive in the cave today.

Seeing that the rumbling sound became louder and louder, the entire ground also began to shake violently.

Brothers shook all of a sudden!

"Find a place to hide." Li Tian said in shock.

As his voice just fell, the shock began to become more and more violent. With the shock, the stone walls above began to continue to fall.

Li Tian in front of him hurriedly ran to hold the shocked hand of Situ Ningbing, and hid in a corner.

There was a bang, followed by a loud noise!

Then a huge stone above fell from there, and slammed into the Ten Thousand Sword Cave with a thud.

At this time, Chen Qiaozhi, Old Monster Ge and Tang Xiaolong...They also began to find a place to hide.

The rumbling boulders began to roll down from above and hit the ground heavily.

Fortunately, Li Tian and the others evaded in time, otherwise they had to smash the boulders to death.

The ground is still swaying, and there are constantly falling rocks on the top of the Ten Thousand Sword Cave. Li Tian and the others are hiding in the corner, only to see the limes walking in the air...the sight cannot see the shock in front scene.

"Sick ghost... Are we going to be buried here alive today?" Old Monster Ge gasped and said unwillingly.

Chen Qiaozhi was also full of horror, closed his mouth and said nothing.

The ferocious stones fell one after another from above, and the earth's surface was shaken by it, as if a huge earthquake occurred in this Ten Thousand Sword Cave.

At this moment, Li Tian held Situ Ningbing in his arms tightly.

Situ Ningbing was also holding Li Tian's hand.

"Ningbing... It seems that we are going to be trapped here to die today." Li Tian looked at Situ Ningbing in his arms and said with a helpless smile.

Situ Ningbing smiled slightly, and there was no trace of sorrow on his delicate face. Instead, he nestled his head in Li Tian's broad chest and said affectionately, "It's okay!"

"As long as I can be with you, I will be happy even if I die." Situ Ningbing said.

Li Tian in front of him listened to his lover's words and couldn't help holding her tightly in his arms, muttering: "Fool!"

The Wanjian Cave seemed to collapse, and the rocks fell one after another...

Just when Li Tian and his brothers were ready for all deaths, suddenly the entire Wanjian Cave that was shaken by it suddenly returned to calm.

The underground shock just now seemed to disappear suddenly...

Li Tian and the brothers hiding in the corner were all taken aback.

"The collapse seems to have stopped?" Old Monster Ge said excitedly, blinking there.

Chen Qiaozhi next to him was also full of joy. He wiped the lime on the glasses with his hand and said, "It seems to be."

"Aren't we dead?"

"Yeah, we are not dead."

The collapse really stopped.

The rumbling, like an earthquake, stopped abruptly, and only the stone powder that Neel was still floating down from above...

Li Tian was also full of excitement at this time.

Pulling away a large rock in front of him forcefully, he pulled Situ Ningbing beside him and got out of the gap in the rock.

"Xiaolong, Qiaozhi, are you all right?" Li Tian called out anxiously after he got out of the crack in the stone.

"Little boss, we are all right." But he heard Tang Xiaolong's voice behind the big rock on the left.

Li Tian was undoubtedly excited to hear that the brothers were all safe and sound.

I ran over quickly, but saw Tang Xiaolong and his brothers hiding in the corner.

However, the stones piled up in front of them blocked their way out, and Li Tian quickly moved his hands away from the big stone in front.

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