Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7276: Ghost

Li Tian sat down again, but the situation outside sounded more complicated than before.

Sure enough, the fighting intensity of these ghosts and spirits was constantly changing.

From hundreds of years to the present, their war with humans has basically been the upper hand from the very beginning to the tie at the back. Humans are constantly improving, and later they can even suppress these ghosts and spirits.

However, according to Li Tian’s view, for hundreds of years, the strength of the ghosts and spirits faced by humans should have been at the same level, and there will be truly powerful existences. This is why they have treated these ghosts. The understanding of spirits has always been limited, because they can't really understand everything. After all, they don't mean to deal with you with all their strength. Of course, you can't really find the weakness of their entire group.

But for some reason, the ghosts and spirits nowadays are completely different from before. They appear more frequently, and there are some powerful ghosts and spirits that humans have never seen before.

In this way, these exorcists, even some experienced exorcists, would start to be a bit tricky.

How can they deal with these unknown existences?

At this time, being blocked by Mao Hui, Li Tian had to give up, but his perception should have felt himself, these exorcists in Exorcism Town, they have not been able to hold on for long, it can be seen that they are in the festival. The look of retreat.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly cracked open with a ‘click’.

Immediately afterwards, Mao Xiaofang flew in and slammed heavily on the ground. The peach wood sword in his hand fell to one side, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and there were a lot of torn marks on his body.

he got hurt!

At this time, standing at the door was a general wearing dark black armor. His face was as pale as a zombie, his eyes were gleaming with green light, and his voice was ethereal: "Human Taoist priest, your end has come."

"Let's spend more time on this side. There are countless masters among human beings. How can you spirits be able to deal with it? Even if you can defeat us today, it won't take long for you to lose." Mao Xiaofang looked at it. The ghost general in front of him roared and said, completely not paying attention to the opponent in front of him.

Mao Hui rushed forward anxiously and helped him up from the ground: "Father..."

"Don't, don't worry, I'm fine, but it's just a ghost. Wouldn't your father still be able to deal with such a small character?" Mao Xiaofang patted Mao Hui's small white hand, his eyes flashing Resolutely.

What he didn't say was very clear. He had never seen the ghost general in front of him before.

Recently, ghosts will appear more and more frequently.

But there has never been any powerful role.

But now it's different. The ghost in front of me will never be seen before. Whether in terms of his appearance or his combat power, there has never been such a ghost before.

Mao Xiaofang was also a very powerful exorcist Taoist, but in front of the ghost generals, there was no resistance at all.

"Humans, just use your blood to make my strength stronger." As the ghost said, he was about to rush forward and completely drop Mao Xiaofang. For them, the human in front of them. There is no value at all. Since they cannot be defeated, there is no need to continue to use this human to measure the combat effectiveness of other exorcists.

"I said, you rushed in like this, didn't you put others here in your eyes? It seems that ghosts are ghosts. Although your identities are somewhat special and different from humans, you seem to be stronger than humans, but you His mind is much more difficult than humans." Li Tian on one side stood up and looked up and down at the ghost general in front of him.

At this time, the ghost general was also looking at Li Tian in front of him.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, but it makes the ghost general a little curious.

He is different from humans, and his way of perception is also completely different.

But Li Tian in front of him looks like a human, but he doesn't have the necessary conditions that a human should have. It is like a soul, but he looks like an entity, always feeling something is wrong, but again I can't say it, there was a gleam of doubt in the green eyes, and he asked, "What are you, don't you be afraid that I will kill you?"

"Kill me? I'm afraid you don't have this strength."

"You leave here soon. These things have nothing to do with you. These ghosts and spirits are very powerful. You can't deal with them by yourself. Find a way to run." Mao Xiaofang saw that Li Tian was even arguing with this ghost at this time. He was also very anxious in his heart. He knew very well that Li Tian's strength was not the opponent of this ghost general at all. If he really wanted to start, he could definitely kill Li Tian in seconds.

This kid had no memory of himself at all at this time, and even if he did, he might not be able to tell what the ghost is in front of him.

An opponent that he can't defeat, how can he defeat it?

"Father, don't talk, just leave things to me. Anyway, I'm ready." Mao Hui said sadly, but his eyes were very firm.

She knew that at the point where she was today, she had to stand up.

Regardless of whether one's own strength can really defeat the ghost in front of him, but things have reached the point where they have no way of retreating, they can only move forward indefinitely, even if it is very difficult in this process. , The very painful price is also not hesitated. This is their duty, and the ghost in front of them must be completely wiped out.

"Little baby, your father is not my opponent. How can you be my opponent? It's ridiculous to die in such a hurry." The ghost general turned to look at Mao Hui and snorted coldly: "You Mao in the north The exorcism clan is nothing more than that. We have given you a little bit of pressure, and you have no way to deal with us. It's ridiculous."

As the ghost talked, he slowly approached Mao Hui. It seemed that he was really ready to let this little girl die in his own hands.

Although Mao Xiaofang wanted to stop it, his body couldn't live up to it at this time.

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