Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7277: Haoran

Mao Hui rushed to the side at this time and picked up the peach wood sword on the ground, only to hear a word in his mouth, the peach wood sword in his hand also began to release a pale golden light, the next second, I only heard her drink again. The peach wood sword in his hand came out, as if possessing spirituality, and quickly rushed to the ghost general.


The sound of the intersection of gold and iron immediately rang, and the flames were seen everywhere, and the golden light was like a needle beam trying to penetrate the body of the ghost general.

He only heard the ghost sneer and said: "Dare Haoyue Zheng Hui in the firefly, do you really think that you can be my opponent with your half-hearted exorcism? It's just wishful thinking?" He said At the time, he directly pinched the peachwood sword in front of his chest with his hand, and then a group of ghost fire rose up, but it was only a matter of a moment, and he easily burned the peachwood sword in front of him.

When Mao Hui saw this scene before him, the expression on his entire face changed.

She did know that the monster in front of her was very powerful before, but she had never imagined that this monster was so terrible. Only at this moment, he destroyed his mahogany sword. It was not at the same level as the ghosts and spirits he had dealt with before. Looking at the ghost fire in front of you, watching the ghosts in front of you, for a while The whole person fell into a dead silence.

She was completely subdued, and she didn't know what to do at this time.

The ghost will approach Mao Hui in front of him step by step, and Mao Xiaofang on the other side is also trying his best to stand up to protect his daughter. He can't just watch his daughter die in the hands of this ghost, right?

But his body was seriously injured, and even trying to stand up at this time was very strenuous. The previous battle was a challenge for him.

To complete this challenge, it is not so easy to do.

Looking at Mao Hui in front of him, even though he tried his best, his body fell to the ground quickly after standing up several times. He knew that he might not be the opponent of the ghost general at all.

At this moment, Li Tian appeared in front of him and said, "You should lie down here honestly. Your current physical condition can no longer support you to continue strenuous exercise. You can continue doing this. Just let yourself go to death faster."

"Then what do you want me to do? Do you want me to watch my daughter and die in this guy's hands?" Mao Xiaofang was also angry when he saw Li Tian appear in front of him to stop him. It's reached the point where it is today, how could he really do nothing like this before, lying on the side watching his daughter die in the hands of the ghost general?

Seeing the horror in Mao Hui's eyes, as a father, of course it is necessary to end all this as much as possible at this time.

"Don’t worry about these things. For me, this exorcism town has no meaning for existence. We have been testing your humans for hundreds of years. Now we have all the things we want to do. I did it successfully, and I don’t need to continue to use this method to deal with you anymore. I think you know very well what it will be like. This battle should have come to an end long ago, right? "The ghost general over here sneered, with an epee in his hand, and said: "You are the most powerful exorcist, and now you have lost in my hands, in this small town, can you still find The second person, will you deal with me?"

Gui Jiang said nothing wrong in this statement. Mao Xiaofang is a top master in this exorcism town. If even Mao Xiaofang loses to the hands of the ghost general, then this exorcism town will definitely not find a second person. Can deal with the ghost in front of him.

Li Tian placed Mao Xiaofang on the ground carefully, and said, "It's okay to leave it to me here, but it's just such a ghost general, he is not so powerful yet."

"You? You have lost your memory now, and you are already unable to protect yourself, so you still say these things in front of us?" Of course, Mao Xiaofang is not willing to believe in a person who has lost his memory. How could this young man in front of him be in front of him? As for the opponent of this ghost general, he had already noticed it when he fought with this ghost general before. This opponent was far more difficult than they thought.

It is impossible for this young man to defeat this ghost general.

Not to mention that he has lost his memory now, even if his memory is all intact, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the opponent in front of him.

"Senior, don’t worry, I naturally have a way to defeat this guy. The biggest feature of me is that I never like to talk nonsense. Since I said I can defeat it, I can definitely defeat it, but it’s just a small It’s just a ghost, I’m not qualified to be put in my eyes.” Li Tian stood up slowly, protecting Mao Hui behind him, staring at the ghost general: “Now if you are willing to take your people If you disappear in front of me, you can still save your own dog's life."

The ghost looked at Li Tian with a little bit of surprise in his eyes.

He thought this young man would have to say something brave, but he didn't expect that he would come here and tell him something to scare him, and he sneered all of a sudden.

"Haha, I really laughed at me. You humans are really interesting. Now that you are all going to lose in my hands, you still dare to laugh so arrogantly in front of me, you are just kidding me. If you really have the ability to kill me, shouldn't you just do it now? Keep me, but you can raise a tiger."

"You really think highly of yourself. In my opinion, even if you are giving you hundreds of years, you are not my opponent, so I have already given you face when I let you go." Li Tian said, this Shi's face is full of confident expressions: "But looking at you, you are not ready to accept my condition. You want to stay here and fight with me, right?"

"Of course, everyone in this small town will die here today. No one can slip away from us. I don't care who you are. Even if you are today, there is no way to stop me."

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