Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7757: conquer

"What do you want us to do?"

"It's just helping us fight. To tell you the truth, Donglu is also in war now, and it's far worse than your Xilu. If our Donglu is dealt with by those guys, I think their next goal is Xilu. Then there are other parallel worlds. At that time, no one can stop them." Li Tian looked at Roger and said.

"How do I believe what you said is true?"

"You don't have the right to choose. For me, you have done so many things, just to save the world. I don't catch a cold for you Xilu." Li Tian said calmly: "My purpose is to make these unstable All of the factors have been removed. As for your situation in Xilu, it has nothing to do with me. You don’t need to worry so much. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, it will be easy to say whatever it is afterwards, right?" He squinted Looking at the guy in front of him, I believe Roger will not reject himself at this time.

Things have developed to the point where they are today. If Roger is really smart, he will clearly understand that he should do something at this time. If things continue like this, their entire alien dragon can It's really going to disappear in this world. At this time, Li Tian was not joking with them. Every word he said was very serious. If he really took action, this guy would not be so easy to deal with.

Looking at Li Tian, ​​Roger smiled helplessly at this time, and said: "It's really helpless to what extent things have developed today. Many times we think we can control everything, at least here or this. It looks like, but after meeting you, I found that the situation is completely different from what we thought before."

"To control your own destiny, you also need to be strong enough to do all of this. It’s just that if you are capable of doing so, you can’t do so many things, so if I were you, I would be honest. Do what you should do, don’t think about those very boring things.” Li Tian slowly returned to a normal state, and said: “Well, this is a deal. You cooperate with us and this war is over. Yes, whether you want to stay in Donglu or stay here is naturally your own business, I will not impose it on you, but if you are not willing to cooperate with me at this time, then your memory will be erased After that, this place will be real and will no longer exist."

"You have said so. Obviously, we have no choice. Anyway, we have to let you enslaved. It would be better if we honestly cooperate with you, so that if we really have any credit, we will have a good end. "Roger said.

"It's right to think so." Li Tian said, then stood up, Xianyuan slowly injected into Roger's body, and said: "There may be war between East and West, but it shouldn't. It’s now, now that we actually all have a common enemy, a relationship between the lips and the teeth. Helping us is also helping you. You may not be clear now, but if you have really seen their power, you will know. I said nothing. fake!"

After slightly helping Roger suppress the injuries in his body, Li Tian let this guy into his own small universe.

"This battle really made me see a truly powerful master. It seems that when you fought Taixuan before, you didn't go all out."

"Senior is absurd. Isn't this also a normal thing? We are just fighting, and we are not really desperate. Naturally, I will not use all of my strength." Li Tian smiled, and The battle of the Eastern Emperor Taixuan is just an experiment. Let’s see if the ancient witches in front of you are really that powerful. They just want to deter them with their own strength and let them follow them back to the East. land.

If you really go all out to fight as soon as you come up, it looks like I'm going to fight to the death with you, the final result will be a ghost.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that the situation like today came into being.

"Well, now that things have reached the point where they are today, I think you know what we are going to do next, so go back."

"Well, I'm going back!"

When Li Tian and Donghuang Xuanqing once again returned to the territory of the ancient witches, they could see that they were preparing for battle. Li Tian had made such a big disturbance before, and they must still be to blame.

"Brother, you're back." The first time they got here, they saw Donghuang Xuanqing flying directly up, looking at the two of them, and cautiously asked.

"How is the situation?" Donghuang Xuanqing asked.

"The previous battle should have caused the people of the empire to discover that people from Donglu had invaded. I don't think it will take long for them to come to our troubles, so they are actively preparing for the war here." Xuan glanced at Li Tian and said, "Your kid's movement this time is really not small. Even our side has heard the terrible power released by you. If it is really going to be in your state. When the time comes, the world will be destroyed, and it will truly be an omnipotent existence."

"Haha, the predecessors laughed, this kind of power should be just a little trick for you, and you won't take it to your heart at all." Li Tian smiled, and did not take this statement to heart. This kind of thing It's easy to say, but the real thing to do is not to talk about that simple, destroying the world, looking at the gods, how many people can find such power.

"It’s not that I’m joking. We’ve all felt your energy fluctuations here before. There are really not many people able to display such a powerful force in the entire God Realm, so you don’t need to talk here. What are we being humble? It doesn't matter what your ability is your ability." Stepped forward and patted Li Tian on the shoulder. At this time, Li Tian could only smile helplessly.

This situation was indeed something he had never thought of before.

"In this way, this matter must be the attention of many people throughout Xilu." Li Tian said: "At that time, it will definitely arouse many people's dissatisfaction with us. If they really do anything to us What should I do in the future?"

"Hehe, if they really have this ability, how can they endure so long without making a move? It's just because they don't have much confidence in their hearts, and don't know how much confidence they can win in this state. It is precisely because of this appearance that so many things happened afterwards." The Eastern Emperor Taixuan said, "So, you just leave here."

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