Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 7758: Rules

"Senior, the war on the East Road is tight. I can't stay here for a long time. This time the trouble can only be solved by you. When the problem on Donglu's side is resolved, I will naturally come back again."

"Hehe, none of this has anything to do with Xilu’s strength. Even if they want to trouble us at this time, they have to see if they really have this ability. You don’t need to worry about anything, but these guys’ ability How are we, it’s just that since the things in front of us have developed to the point where they are today, I also hope that you will be more cautious. Things have become like this, and many problems have changed their original taste. We are all worried. In such a situation, can you continue to progress as you thought before."

"As long as Xilu can't trouble us at this time, I believe that in the end we will still win a war victory. It is related to the safety of the entire God Realm. Of course we will not easily give up hope."

"This is also the best. The situation here is left to us. You don't need to worry about anything. We can guarantee that these Xilu people can't make trouble for you."

"Okay, then I will leave now."

"Go, I hope you can rely on these alien dragons to suppress the war in Donglu this time, otherwise Xilu will also sink into it." Donghuang Xuanqing said, and then, he saw Li Tian directly at them. A door to the void opened in front of him, and he went back.

"Big brother, just let this kid go like this?"

"Otherwise, his strength is indeed helpful for us to stay, but what is the point? His mind is not here, he has his own task to do, why should we make things difficult for this kid at this time? We can come here in Xilu. I believe that although they want to see what happened, they dare not really conflict with us. For so many years, the deterrence given to them by the ancient Wu clan is no joke. "With a cold snort, Donghuang Xuanqing looked into the distance and said: "It's just that I hope that this time there will be no more fighting. After so many years of fighting between the two sides, I don't know how many loyal children died in this area. The land is on."

"Even if we really want to change this situation, we don't know if they have the same intention to change this situation like us, but just looking at it for now, these guys don't seem to really cooperate with us like this. "Emperor Taixuan shook his head, sighed and said.


"Li Tian has been missing for so long, and he has also lost track of Dongyue and Sky City. Can you not find them?" Nangongyu looked at the several subordinates who were kneeling in front of him. The war with the three major families has never stopped, but during this period of time, it is also very serious to look for Li Tian and the Sky City, and the disappeared Dongyue people.

They all know that this human teenager is thinking of a way to deal with their true dragons.

I was at the spine of the world because I was not strong enough, and I didn’t have the heart to deal with this boy. But now I have this power and I have some free time. Naturally I don’t want this boy to continue planning something behind him. thing.

"Lord Dragon King, we have been looking for it, but the effect is not very good."

"Not very effective? What does this mean?"

"Although we have been looking for it, this guy Shenlong has not seen the end, and we have not been able to find the specific hiding place of this guy. According to our thinking, it takes some time and effort to find this person. , The opponent we are facing at this time is obviously stronger than we thought."

"Hehe, that's what it meant. Since I can't find where they are, I just want to see if they can still be calm in this war. If they can't do it, naturally they don't need it. Let me say more, it’s just a matter of effort to eliminate them." Nangongyu sneered. He knew that Li Tian was a good boy. Since he can stand in such a stalemate with himself, this boy is naturally not the same. Easy to deal with.

But it doesn't matter anymore. As long as it is the person they want to deal with, they have not seen anyone who can easily slip away from their hands.


When Li Tian returned to the Sky City, the alliance was initially established.

In the meeting hall of the Sky City, Du Yuesheng looked at him and said, "It seems that your idea of ​​finding the ancient Wu Clan has failed this time. On the side of the East China Sea, should you say that you haven't found anything?"

"Senior, I didn't fail this time." Li Tian sat down with a little more seriousness on his face, and said: "Not only did I fail this time, it made me find a very important thing. A long time ago, we Eastlanders and Westlanders had a large-scale war. This war should have brought us very huge losses. This is also the reason for the situation before us."

"Why did you suddenly talk about such a question?" Du Yuesheng asked curiously at this moment with a slight frown, looking at Li Tian in front of him.

"I saw the ancient Wu Clan, they are indeed on the other side of the East China Sea, but there is no way for them to help us participate in the war with the true dragon clan. In addition to our Eastland, there are still many problems. They are on the Westland side. It’s also like this. There are a lot of very serious issues waiting to be handled by them, so although they are thinking about helping us on this matter, they can’t really help us. After all, they need to guard the guys who are in Xilu. , They still need to spend a lot of thought and effort on this matter."

"You actually found the ancient Wu clan in the rumor? This is really...it really makes me wonder what to say. I didn't expect you to actually find their existence. You know, these are just It's just the existence in the legend. I believe that no one here can really find them, but you did it, you really did this kind of thing, and found where they are." Looking ahead Li Tian, ​​Du Yuesheng at this time was also a little excited. Such a race is only a rumored race, and it is actually on the other side of the East China Sea?

The Wu Clan, hasn't been annihilated?

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