Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8136: Selection 2

"The talent of this little guy is indeed very good. In the future, maybe you can really find a way to strengthen yourself, and meet you someday."

"I hope it's like this, but this matter is just another choice for me. As for what kind of strength this guy will transform into, I don't care about things like this. This guy can live. It’s already pretty good for me.” Li Tian just smiled faintly like this, and said, he still knows how to deal with this kind of thing.

This guy Wang Dawei was an accident to him, and he had never thought that he would run into such a world and accept such an apprentice before.

Of course, since the previous task has been completed at this time, many things will be easy to talk about after this. What Li Tian needs now is to hurry up and participate in this selection.

The only worry in my heart is that this god-killing-level magic armor can really be completely integrated with the armor of the beasts and other forms of my own as I imagined it at the beginning?

But in any case, this is quite a big problem for Li Tian.

After thinking about it, Li Tian found a place with no one, and then directly summoned his armor. Then, a golden light flashed by. Although it was only in the second stage, his armor was already It was the same as the normal magical armor, and even more beautiful than these magical armors, exuding an ancient aura, people just looked at it and they were quite surprised.

Li Tian exhaled a long breath, and said: "It seems that it is really the same as we said before. This thing can be completely integrated with the armor on my body, so the earning becomes like this." Shi's body was covered with such armor. Li Tian did feel that his strength was much stronger than before. It can even be said that he can now directly reach the level of the second-order holy god. The change is quite powerful.

Of course, the reason why the God-killing-level armor is so powerful is also because of his consumption of mental power. It can be said to be quite terrifying. Of course, to maintain such an armor requires the support of a very large mental power. This means that a powerful mental power like Li Tian can still maintain this state in the face of such consumption. If it is replaced by someone else, it must be impossible to hold on for such a long time.

"The power of the armor is indeed brought into play, but this stage is only the second stage for you, or else try to enter the third stage and see what the final result is?" Canglong is also at this time. Quite curious, this magical armor is already completely integrated with the previous second stage of the Red Wing Divine Suit, what about the beast armor?

The previous beast armor was just a simple breastplate. If you really do it, there are many places that can't be protected. If it can be combined with such a magical armor, you can imagine what will happen after this. It can be said to be quite terrifying when the power is exerted. This is the real ability of the magic armor, right?

At this time, Li Tian was naturally very curious, and then he thought of entering the third stage like this.

But I found that at this time, I couldn't achieve this level at all.

"It's over. I really don't know what to tell me this time. Although I still can't summon it, I already understand a little bit in my heart. Whether it's a beast armor or a magic armor, these two are in the spirit. Both the strength and the body’s immortality are quite large. According to my current state, I’m basically dreaming to enter the third stage.” Li Tian knew that he couldn’t handle this. Now that it’s impossible to enter the third stage.

They may be able to say that it is easy, but when they really start to operate, this problem will of course not be as easy as they thought.

His third stage combat power is of course the most powerful, but at this time, if the magic armor and this beast armor are completely integrated, you can imagine what the final result will become. Looks like, this kind of situation is completely beyond their control.

In this situation, Li Tian had no choice but to give up.

"I didn't expect it to happen. This magic armor seems to have a lot of things I don't know yet."

"Compared to this, I would be more willing to believe that this magical armor you created before must have your own reason, why such a thought suddenly appeared in your mind, and then how do you Suddenly I know a way to create a god-killing armor. These things seem to be very easy to say, but when we actually start investigating this matter, we will find that the situation is different." Canglong here There is still a lot of curiosity about this matter.

It’s just that what they saw in front of them really made them strange. The rune on this magic armor must be completely different from what they imagined, and there must be some completely different things on this thing. Idea.

"If you say it like this, maybe it's really like this. In this matter, there are also many problems that I don't understand." Li Tian also smiled helplessly, and said: "But, what is this magical armor? What's the matter, with my current ability, I definitely can't solve this problem, so after that, I can only progress everything slowly like this!"

Li Tian said calmly, and then put away his armor. In such a short period of time, the consumption was quite terrifying. No wonder this guy can be called a magical armor. Such consumption power is really true. It is to be a lot tougher in this world. Feeling such a terrifying power at this time, naturally, I am quite surprised.

All of these are two completely different concepts from what they had imagined before. ,

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