Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8137: Selection 3

After putting away his armor, Li Tian's consumption also eased a lot.

"Such an armor may really have this very powerful force, but if I want to control such a thing, it will also be much more difficult than I imagined. I want to create this armor. Here Before, I probably thought of this too." Li Tian also smiled helplessly, and said calmly: "But it's all easy to say, after that, you can naturally find a good way to fix it. "

"You can rest assured now that you can participate in the selection. Of course, you have such a god-killing armor. I believe they will also look at you with admiration after this."

"Ahem, I discovered a rather strange place before. It seems that it was specifically designed to make me act in such a low-key manner. This armor can hide my own powerful power. In this way, it is in the eyes of others Of course, the armor is not a very powerful armor. Naturally, they don't care about it. Only I can truly understand how much time and effort it takes to exert the power of such an armor. "

"You said you can hide the power of the armor?"

"Yes, it is indeed quite strange at this point, but there is nothing to say, all this is true, this is the ability that is truly demonstrated." Li Tian said calmly, such a thing in front of him For them, it really takes more time and effort than imagined. Under such a situation, you can imagine what it will become after this.

This time the selection of the expeditionary army is not available on the Los Angeles side.

To participate in this selection, you need to go to a mall thousands of miles away!

Of course, such a distance can be said to be quite far away for others, and it takes a long time for them to pass, and Li Tian, ​​but just a blink of an eye, has already arrived at the mall.

The difference from Los Angeles is that this city seems to be more luxurious than they thought, so you can understand that Los Angeles may be just a fairly ordinary city, but the shopping mall is different. This place occupies the military. And business essentials, so these two aspects are quite developed, so that, naturally, you can easily see such troublesome things in front of you.

"This is the mall. I hope everything goes smoothly." Li Tian said. Prior to this, he used some special means to realize his identity. This is also in Wang Dawei's work. I have to say that this guy still has some abilities. I know many guys who have such methods in Los Angeles. They can all successfully help Li Tian and forge his own identity.

In this way, Li Tian is truly integrated into this world. The next thing to do is naturally to participate in the expeditionary force, and then go to the so-called sunset city to see this so-called legend. Is it really that amazing.

Although this place seems to be very powerful when you hear them talk about it, but when they actually see it, it may not be the same as you imagined it.

After Li Tian came to the expeditionary army, he directly submitted his application for registration.

This place is a very huge tall building, it looks like a company, but at this time there are some veterans, some mercenaries, and some ordinary people without identity, but they all think of their own power Strong enough, so I came here and wanted to sign up for this expedition.

Of course, this time you need to be selected to truly participate in the expeditionary army. How to say, these guys' combat effectiveness cannot be too weak. In this way, when they really meet their opponents, how can they be? Isn’t there a dead end?

After Li Tian handed in his application for registration, the young man in charge of registration slowly set his sights on Li Tian, ​​then frowned and said, "You are not kidding me here, look. Look around here, everyone is a veteran with a lot of nerves, or else they are quite powerful masters. You must be a very young kid. At this time, you should focus on other things. Ah, not on such a thing." This young man is curious, what does this kid think?

The expeditionary army, it sounds like a NB, but so many people have participated in such a war before and have not been able to come back alive. Although they are responsible for applying for registration, of course they have to look at the registration this time. What kind of guys are they? Obviously there is something wrong with Li Tian in front of him. If this kid were to successfully participate in this, wouldn't it make people laugh?

"I know that this kind of thing is difficult for you to accept, but as I said before, I think it is a very normal thing. Participating in this action is what I wanted very much before. What to do, I know that you need to make everyone strong so that they can complete the task. This may be a coincidence. I think I have enough strength to deal with such troubles. Yes, so I really trouble you this time, please help me to register."

"Boy, it's not that I don't want to register for you, nor is it that I am talking about you. When you came here, you really knew what you were facing this time?"

"Hehe, the legend of the sunset city, I believe that many people here have heard of it, I am also like this, and I know a lot about this thing, so this time I know I am doing it. What's the matter, I also believe that I can solve this problem, so I will come here to sign up." Li Tian smiled, looked at the young man in front of him, and said calmly.

And this young man looked at Li Tian in front of him, and his face felt like he didn't know what to say. Could it be that the boy in front of him was really confident in himself to such a degree?

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