Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1003:

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however. Although Ouyang Chun understands the reasons, Ouyang's poems are not willing to start with this, and now Ouyang's poems have completely transferred their concerns to Hughes.

Hughes actually noticed his own changes at this time. At this moment, his heart is full of bloodthirsty killing intentions. Everything is gradually not controlled by himself. At this moment, some subtle changes are occurring in the body.

But I heard from Ouyang Chun and others that Hughes’ heart was trembling. Ever since he knew the power of this universal power and could control it a little bit, he had never thought of the possibility of the backlash of this power of universal power. Ouyang Chun mentioned how Hughes could not worry.

Not only can these people not be killed in this place, but they must be swallowed up by the innate power of all kinds. Such a result is undoubtedly a sad result for Hughes.

"Ouyang Shishi, you still don't do it now, otherwise today all of your Ouyang family will die in my hands, if you want to avenge me, there is no possibility!"

Hughes turned his attention to Ouyang's poetry, which had been hesitant, and said.

Ouyang's poems looked tight, but Zhu Lips squeezed tightly, and his head began to shake at this moment.

"No, I can't do this, how can I get it..."


Seeing this, Huss shouted, but his heart improved slightly because of the hesitation of Ouyang's poetry, but at this moment, Huss again sensed the impulse that emerged in his heart. There is an irresistible impulse.

The petite body of Ouyang Shishi was drunk by Hughes so much that he jumped suddenly, and his heart shuddered.

"Shus, please, please let my father go. Okay, please, let them go. You will leave Deng Di now. Don’t come back. Okay, now my father, they have already lost their skills. It’s not possible to keep you, please!"

Ouyang Shishi still chose this method, killing Hughes, she couldn't do it, but letting Ouyang Chun and others die, she was even more impossible. Under grievance, she had to say it again.

"Impossible, even if they let me go today, I won't leave. Since you have forced me to this point, but you want to stop here, you think of me as a Hughes, today. Things must be understood!" Hughes said in a deep voice at this moment, but in this tone, it was completely different from before: "You kill me quickly, or they will die!"

This last sentence turned out to be the same again.

"Poetry, hurry up, and it will be too late. If today this kid escaped, he would be afraid that the entire Tangling would not be peaceful!"

Ouyang's pure heart is in a hurry, and now his own skills have been absorbed by the strange swirl of Hughes, and the panic in his heart is more intense, and the people of the Ouyang family who have become slightly weaker have already shown signs of collapse. .

Hughes has a contradictory mind, one wants to kill anger, but the other wants to kill Ouyang's poems. Now his own situation is completely understood by Hughes, his body is gradually away from him With respect to yourself, once the mind is swallowed by the power of all phases, then it will be your consciousness, and then the consciousness will be the soul. Once this continues, then you will only be left with such a body, others will It is the **** of the omnipotent forces that will only be a phagosome at that time. For such a situation, Hughes would rather die.

All of Ouyang's poems were filled with the sounds of Ouyang Chun and Hughes. All of a sudden, the entire brain fell into a blank space, and his eyes turned into dementia. However, when he looked closely, he saw the beauty of Ouyang's poems. At this moment, the mist was engulfed in a vague way, and it was dripping, highlighting the crumbling trend.

"Let's die together!"

Half a minute later, I suddenly heard Ouyang's poems speak softly to Hughes, but his voice was sobbing, but he saw his eyes firm, his face was full of smiles at this time, so relaxed, but slightly With satisfaction.

"Let's die together! The Ouyang family was owed to you to repair your family. Today, like a field, I have the bad results of the Ouyang family, but I was born in the Ouyang family. This fact cannot be changed in any way. Is destined to be an enemy, but I don’t want to see this situation. Let me kill you today and save me from the Ouyang family, then what I bear is more sin, but let me watch these relatives die under your hand, I Ouyang Shishi can’t do it anymore. Instead, let all the debts of more than ten years be counted on my Ouyang Shishi. If you and I die together, you will be able to save me all Ouyang Shi, but also because of me. The fate of your life compensates your hatred!"

Ouyang Shishi said that the face was full of tears, but the smile was still the same, a slight frown in a moment, but it still seemed so touching.

Going to death together is a relief for Ouyang poetry and poems. For Hughes to only let his death make up for his death, maybe the idea of ​​Ouyang poetry and poems still has some selfishness, but for Ouyang poetry at the moment But what is the situation of poetry, maybe this idea is the best ending.

Hearing the words of Ouyang's poems, Hughes froze on the spot and did not speak for a long time.


Inexplicably, A Cui appeared in the brain again, and the eyes were suddenly filled with tears. I can’t remember when there was no such tears, but one thing I’m sure is that it has been a long time. However, today it is like this again, and the reason for all this is the tremor of the mind when the Ouyang poetry in front of him just said that.

"Sorry, Hughes!"

Ouyang Shishi said again that there was no tears that could wipe the corners of his eyes, and his heart was extremely firm at this moment.

"Poetry, you can't be like this, how can you be worthy of us!"

Ouyang Chun's heart shivered when he heard Ouyang's poems. Ouyang Chun only had such a daughter. However, at this moment, he heard Ouyang's poems say such things, but how did Ouyang Chun accept it.

"Dad, I'm sorry, Grandpa did what he did in the past. The father is the head of the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family can't lose you. Then, the grandfather's reason, let me be a grandson as a descendant to pay back to the repair family. Right!"

Ouyang Shishi didn't look back, but said with his back on his back.

"You dare to die with me with your life, hum, Ouyang poetry, wake up! Today you will not kill me, you will regret it afterwards!"

Hughes was slightly awake in his head, but said with a cold sarcasm.

Ouyang's poems did not refute, but they smiled slightly again. At this moment, Ouyang's poems still had the slightest sense of the woman who deliberately found faults.

"The cultivator of qi is inside the gas reservoir Dantian. Then the inside of the Dantian is the name of the cultivator, but it is also a source of strength. Once the cultivator Dantian explodes, it will have a very strong destructive power, no! "

Ouyang's poems smiled, but they said, but under the smile of Ouyang's poems, they suddenly saw Ouyang's poems again.

Seeing Ouyang's poems changed greatly, Hughes suddenly lost his mind, but the swirl in front of him saw disappeared.

"When I tell Ziyue, I must live well!"

While Ouyang's poems are actually speaking, he caused the Dantian alienation. As long as Dantian's gas explodes, he can die with Hughes, but at this moment, Hughes's voice is coming, and the original The force of Dantian, who was violently attracted, was actually suppressed by an inexplicable force.

"Do not!"

Ouyang's poems suddenly changed their mind, but suddenly shouted.


The only thing I heard was a loud noise. Ouyang Shishi suddenly felt that his body was being hit by a strong force, but under such circumstances, he once again saw a silvery white transparent two feet away from the surface of Ouyang Poetry. The barrier actually separated that force away.

The loud noise produced by such an explosion of energy is just a surprise when all those present who are waiting for the result are present.

Each of them has his own thoughts, but after seeing the loud noise, he saw that all the Ouyang family appeared in the upper sky. At this time, all the hearts had a result.

"Brother Hughes, Brother Hughes!"

Seeing that all the Ouyang family is present, Zi Yue's heart trembled, such a result is very illustrative, after that loud noise, all the Ouyang family appeared in the field of view, indicating that repair Si is already dead here.


Ouyang Shishi was at this time after the great earthquake, the God of God recovered a little, and shouted loudly. However, there was no trace of Oh Sius in the sight at this moment, but even a little energy. I can't sense it either.

"Sius, Sius!"

Ouyang's poems were terribly painful, and the tears continued to flow down again. There was no trace of Hughes in his eyes. After a blank space in his mind, it was the first time he saw Hughes. At night, and in the fight at the Douqi Academy, it was the first time that his golden armor shield was violently broken, and then Hughes was angry with his scenes. At this time, the pictures one by one appeared. In my own mind.

The tears were not wantonly controlled by the slightest control. At this time, his eyes were already blurred, and he could not see the slightest things.

"Tell Ziyue, you must live well!"

At this time in his mind, the words of Hughes sounded again, but suddenly he saw that Ouyang's poems were soft, and the fighting was suddenly restrained, and then the body fell straight down.

Everyone in the Ouyang family, seeing this situation, was the first person who would drop Ouyang's poems and catch them.

"Brother Hughes, Brother Hughes!"

Ouyang Shishi was so sad, but Ziyue wasn’t like that. She finally found Hughes, and she finally got Hughes’s promise. However, at this juncture, this happened. In one case, Hughes is now...

Ziyue didn't dare to think down. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was. Although there is a faint in my heart, there is already an answer.

Indifferently shouting the name of Hughes towards the Quartet, however, there was still a voice that responded to Zi Yue at this time. Despair was still and cold, occupying my heart, and panic struck.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Brother Xiusi is so powerful, how can it be so easy, just... absolutely not, never, he promised me to take me to Kun Youshan Life, Brother Huss will never speak, how can he speak? Brother Huss, Brother Huss, where are you, where are you, don’t abandon Zi Yue, OK, don’t abandon Zi Yue, OK, Xiu Brother Brother!"

Zi Yue shouted Hughes's fame with pain and incoherence.

Huangpu Agarwood is not bad, but now Huangpu Agarwood is able to forcibly stabilize the body, shaking his head in amazement, talking to himself and losing his consciousness.

Huangpu Yuxiang saw Huangpu Agarwood's face and sighed. It was not easy for Huangpu Agarwood to do this, but Ziyue's current situation is significantly worse than that of Huangpu Agarwood. I am afraid that there will be any failure.

"Girl Ziyue, girl Ziyue!"

Huangpu Yuxiang was worried about vacating the past, and pulled down Ziyue, who was almost crazy.

"You let me go, I'll find Brother Huss, without your care, I'll find Brother Huss!"

Ziyue moved her body and shook Huangpu Yuxiang's hand away, he said bitterly.

"Girl Ziyue, girl Ziyue, Hughes, he is dead, don't you still understand? The Ouyang family can appear in front of us so there is only one result, Hughes has been killed by them, girl Ziyue, you wake up Wake up!"

Huangpu Yuxiang did not know how to comfort Ziyue's current mood, but had to say so.

"Dead, impossible. Brother Huss could have died. Brother Huss is so much taller than me. How could he be killed by them? You didn’t say that Brother Huss did not have a certain degree of understanding. They challenged, how did they confine me to the space, showing Brother Brother Huss had a certain victory, how could he die? How could he die? Besides, Brother Brother Huss promised me to be with me Go back and live a good life. Brother Huss has never said anything before, never, you are lying to me, you are lying to me!"

Zi Yue's heart was always unwilling to admit this, and he said excitedly immediately, but his face was no longer clear, and he was robbed by tears.

Huangpu Yuxiang saw that Ziyue was so difficult to restrain her mind. Listening to Ziyue's words, it was also panic acid. At the moment, she gently patted Yue's neck with one hand, but she saw that Yue's eyebrows were slightly closed, and her body was so soft. Pu Yuxiang sighed, hugged Ziyue and came to Huangpu Agar.

"Shenxiang, things are like this now, unable to return to heaven. Brother believes you can handle things well, but Ziyue is different. You take care of Ziyue now. I went back to my father!"

Huangpu Yuxiang whispered that although he knew that it was inappropriate for Shenxiang to take care of Ziyue at the moment, it was not appropriate, but now only Shenxiang was the only one who could conveniently handle Ziyue.

Huangpu Agarwood was distracted, but nodded innocently, and responded, but his heart was not on this matter at all.

At this moment, Di Ling's heart was full of sorrow, and he was still immersed in the surprise of Hughes, but now it was God who made a huge joke with himself. When he was killed by the Ouyang family, he could not even find his body. Such a result is not a big blow to Di Ling.

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