Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1004:

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"Ling Er, I'm sorry, Grandpa failed to do anything!"

Di Yang saw Di Ling at the moment and said.

Although Di Yang Xiu Wei is profound, he still has a self-knowledge in his heart. Under the dozens of masters of the Ouyang family, he has no courage to challenge. Even if Xius had the help of Di Yang, there was no hope of victory. The person, and now the result also shows that Hughes did not surprise himself, but was killed with it. What is more tragic is that Hughes was not able to stay even the body, perhaps, just in the case of that huge energy explosion Underneath, Hughes' body was already completely destroyed by the explosion.

"Grandpa, how could this happen, how could this happen, Hughes was so advanced, how could he die so easily, how could I be like an uncle, Grandpa!"

At this moment, Di Ling still has this reliance on Di Yang. Immediately listening to what Di Yang said, the momentary depression in his heart could no longer be controlled, so he cried in Di Yang's arms and cried.

Di Yang had to be silent at the moment, and Di Yang had no choice but to regret the result of Hughes today.

Zong Lan was speechless and looked at the seal space of the power of a thousand phases. It took a long time to look back. For this young boy who was recommended by his own teacher, he had great expectations. However, just now All hopes have been shattered, and regrets can only be sighed. Although all the results of Hughes today are suspected of the Ouyang family, there are still certain reasons for Hughes themselves, but these now say What's the effect of coming? Hughes has now turned into dust in the air, and the world is gone.

See the situation in Yeyue. Although I had speculated in my mind, the result still surprised my heart. Hughes was so killed by the Ouyang family, but he didn't even leave the body.

"Mr. Zhao Cheng, now you can feel at ease. The boy Hughes is dead, and he is revenge for Mr. Zhao!"

Yeyue turned to look at Zhao Liang and said lightly.

Zhao Liang's heart was indeed hatred. Although it was not his own killing of Hughes, as long as Hughes died, whoever killed who did not kill would have the same result. This was a good result for him Zhao Liang, but now Hughes is dead and Zhao Yu becomes a waste The matter is already a fact, there is no ability to change, and my son Zhao Yu is sad, but he is helpless, but when Zhao Liang thought about this place, he suddenly remembered a thing. When he was identified as Hughes’ identity, It is known that there is a cousin around Huss, and the conflict between Huss and Zhao Yu was caused by the sister. When thinking of this, Zhao Liang's face full of horizontal flesh smiled so sullenly.

"Governor Wei, Hughes is dead now, but he has not been able to take his people back, even the corpse, how can we make a mission to the emperor!"

Zhao Liang asked the night moon like this, but he didn't care about this matter at all.

"Commission, now that Hughes is dead, we will naturally tell the emperor this news!"

Yeyue is clearly showing what the old fox is doing.

This matter was first handed over to the person who gave it to him. Now that the person is looking for it, he has not been able to take it back because Hughes has died, and even the body cannot be found. To whom, there is no doubt that he passed by the moon.

When Zhao Liang saw Yeyue, she answered her indifferently, but she was surprised. She thought, "Is there anything else that Yeyue can't do afterwards, but in this matter, Zhao Liang can completely use it?" The responsibility is set aside.

"It seems that the Governor Wei already has a calculation in mind, so I can rest assured!"

Zhao Liang said with a smile.

"The prime minister is not worried at this point. Once the emperor blames him, he still has a lot of sentiment to the prime minister to say something good. After all, the prime minister is involved in this matter, right?"

Yeyue looked at the moment with a cunning smile, and it seemed that Zhao Liang was trembling.

But when Yeyue finished speaking, she was anxious that the guards who came with him would leave.

Zhao Liang's face changed when she saw Yeyue, and Yeyue's words were obviously reminding herself intentionally or unintentionally. Once Yeyue was blamed, then Yeyue was determined to pull herself together Suffering, and, not only can I not take this opportunity to defeat Yeyue, but instead really want to think about what Yeyue said just now, and help Yeyue say good things, otherwise I really don’t know what Yeyue will do. .

What happened to Deng Di is already spreading gradually. The actions of the three major families are naturally unable to escape the attention of the world. In this regard, the word martial arts is gradually spreading again on the mainland of Dongling with the actions of the three major families. Kai, this unfamiliar and familiar word has been striking at Douqi, the cultivating method that has dominated Tangling for thousands of years, and the word Xius is also the only thing left after the incident of Deng Di. Just guess.

In the situation of Kunyou Mountain, Longyang and Fengqing were extremely ugly, sitting in the room with each other, angry and dull.

"Brother Long, how could Xiaoxiu..."

Feng Qing's eyes were moist, and Long Yang looked in front of him and asked softly. His voice was extremely weak, but he had no courage to stop the whole sentence.

"The master once explained that the soul boy carrying the power of all phases is an indestructible body, how could he die there!"

Long Yang saw Feng Qing's expression, just as Shen Sheng said, but in fact, Long Yang was also very worried.

"But what the master explained at the beginning was that Hughes was able to cultivate the power of all phases to a great success, otherwise it would be impossible to perish, even if the master practiced like that, it would be difficult to perpetuate!"

Feng Qing immediately retorted.

Long Yang was stagnation at the moment. As Feng Qing said, with Hughesius as it is, immortality is impossible. And now the situation is exactly as Fengqing said, they have completely lost breath with Hughes, The two jade cards were originally given to Hughes and Ziyue by the two. One was used to help Hughes and Ziyue at the juncture of crisis, but the two were used to communicate with each other through the jade. Yes, but now the breath of Hughes has completely disappeared, and there is no sign to follow.

"But the master also said that the child of all phases is the biggest variable in existence, everything is possible and impossible, above this matter. Although temporarily lost the atmosphere of Hughes, but we can not forget this, everything still You have to wait for a while!"

Long Yang said again at the moment.

The wind and the clouds remain, and under the various interpretations of the weather, more than one month has passed. Deng's surface has restored the original calm on the surface.

But in this calm, it is brewing extremely unstable factors.

Jie still reversed his actions, slaughtering those subjects who weren’t pleasing to the eye, so as to make the Chaoye above and below him, Zhao Liang became truly dominant, such a situation is also above the Chaoye, The five dared to talk about the event again, and they had to echo the voice and enjoy the wine all day.

But today's Jie is not as interested in this as the past.

Half a month ago, the Queen Shi brought a role of beauty from the folks. This role can be said to be alluring the country. Seeing one day, she was obsessed with her appearance, so she was forcibly accepted as a princess, but the woman It is also capable of coaxing joy.

Even more recently, the woman was stunned by her infatuation, that is, the exact location of the southeast and northwest can not be found, and the name of this stunning woman, called Meixi, was when the Queen Shi’s traveled to the imperial city half a month ago. Fool on a woman.

The Emperor Shi's was also a beautiful color. It was a woman of the Shi tribe in the Xia Dynasty at that time. When he ascended the throne at the beginning of the year, the unstable foundation caused the turmoil in the Xia Dynasty. This Shi tribe was a force. Afterwards, in order to show his ability, he took the initiative to suppress the Shi clan, and then under the Shi clan's loss, he actually introduced a woman from the tribe to Jie, and survived on this. But it was Longyan Dayue, who was no longer pursuing Shi’s erroneous turmoil and political affairs, and that was the end of it, and then the Shi’s woman became the East Child Kingdom of the Eastern Xia Empire.

(The relationship between Meixi and Shi's will be changed here to make the content of this book harmonious)

For the past two and a half months, Jie has been late for the morning, or just hasn't come, and then hastily ended the early dynasty, so that the dynasty is closer to desertion, but in this way, those worried officials are greatly relieved. Although the action of Jie made the national conditions more confusing, for the gate, it is the key to consider the life and death in front of you. Those who care about the country's major events have already become the fallen dead of Jie.

How did Jie and Namei like this, but did not say.

Ouyang Shishi has been skinny and skinny for half a month, and she is no longer the fabulous woman's face in the past. At this moment, her mind is full of the words before Hughes' death, but now, she knows that Ziyue is now Among the Huangpu family, they still haven't been able to mention going to Ziyue to explain what Hughes said, because she is now afraid to face Ziyue herself.

Zi Yue's current situation is not the case. Although he did not make any moves under the care and comfort of Huangpu Yuxiang, his heart had already died with Hughes a month ago, but he was also dead.

In front of the gate of the Huangpu family, a haggard figure appeared in front of him. His eyes were full of shame and his face was hesitant.


At this moment, just when the man was hesitant, he heard a man's voice.

"Brother Yuxiang!"

When the woman heard the man's shout, she suddenly looked at it, her heart jumped slightly, and she shouted weakly when she saw the person.

The two are Ouyang's poems and Huangpu Yuxiang who are coming out of the gate.

Ouyang's poems, under all kinds of thoughts, still mentioned the courage to come, and she was already overwhelmed by Hughes' words.

"Poetry poetry, why are you here today!"

Although after the incident a month ago, the relationship between the Huangpu family and the Ouyang family deteriorated more, but this did not affect the communication of this generation of Ouyang poetry.

"Brother Yuxiang, does that girl Ziyue live in Huangpu's house!"

Ouyang's poems asked in a huff.

Listening to the word Ziyue, Huangpu Yuxiang's face slightly coagulated, but then he was relieved.

"Yes, what are you looking for her, poetry, you look very bad, but not as pretty as before!"

Huangpu Yuxiang actually understood the little relationship between Ouyang's poems and Hughes, but he didn't mention it at this moment, and said immediately.

Ouyang Shishi didn't know what to do, but just smiled lightly, but he smiled so fragilely.

"I have some things to find Ziyue girl, I don't know if it's inconvenient now!"

Ouyang Shishi said at this moment.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Huangpu Yuxiang was a bit hesitant at this moment, after all, this Ouyang poetry is from the Ouyang family. Although there is no disagreement with himself, Ouyang's poetry and poems certainly played a role in it. Then, in the situation of the relationship between Ziyue and Hughes, let Ouyang's poems see Ziyue. There is something wrong.

"Brother Yuxiang, if it's inconvenient, forget it!"

Ouyang Shishi sees that Huangpu Yuxiang is hesitant, seems to understand a little, and apologizes.

"Poetry poetry, it's not that I won't let it, but you also know your identity, Ziyue and!" Seeing to mention Huss, Huangpu Yuxiang hesitated again: "The relationship with Huss is different, I'm afraid it is You are going to see Ziyue now, and you don’t know what to do!"


Ouyang's poems looked dim, and he responded gently, but wanted to leave.

Huangpu Yuxiang saw the change of Ouyang's poems at the moment, but his heart sighed for a long time. Ziyue had been in the Huangpu family for a month, but he once wanted to die his life. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity early There was no major disaster, and when he discovered Ziyue’s actions, he thought that Hughes’ revenge had stabilized Ziyue’s suicidal tendency. Huangpu Yuxiang had always told Ziyue to avenge Hughes’ revenge. This must inevitably be alive, and must be cultivated well, and the accumulation of strength can avenge Hughes. Although Ziyue is still speechless for such a period of time, he is desperately practicing. This seems to Huangpu Yuxiang, both good and bad, and knowing that this method is not a long-term plan, it can only drag on for a period of time. It can be done in three years and five years. If it takes longer, ten or eight years, then I am afraid that Yi Ziyue’s eagerness has no effect at all.

Watching Ouyang's poems leave silently, Huangpu Yuxiang didn't keep Ouyang's poems, and he couldn't stay. For a long time, he went along the street in front of the door.

What happened to Hughes on that day left a shadow on the minds of those who were concerned about Hughes. For such a month, no one could settle down, from the birth of Hughes to the death of Deng. Ground, for half a year, it seems that this is the destiny destined by Hughes, but the shock that Hughes brings to those who are interested is still as usual.


There are three secret places in the mainland of Dongling, also known as the three fierce places in Dongling. One of them is the Wandi ice abyss located in the northernmost part of the mainland of Dongling and within the border of the Northern Slave Kingdom, of which the extreme cold is deep. In the past, Dongling has never heard people dare to break into the abyss of Wandi alone, that is, some peers dare to dare to enter the group in the past, but they have never heard that there is still life. The abyss is called Dongling's fierce.

And the two dangerous places of Dongling are the four seas of the Western Region connected to the Xixia Empire. It is said that the Dead Sea of ​​the Western Region contains infinite killing opportunities. Some people even heard that the legendary giant beast was seen in the Dead Sea of ​​the Western Region. The fierce beast is extremely fierce. Between the throughputs, the strong wind sweeps, and the Dead Sea will set off huge waves. Under the swing, the mountain will shake here and there, just like the sky is cracked. However, how specific is that fierce beast There are no details, therefore, such rumors will be soon, but no one has ever questioned the danger of the dead sea, and there were a large number of people who wanted to rely on their own strength In this way, he broke into the realm of the Dead Sea, but the ending was the same as that of the cultivator who broke into the realm of the abyss of the bottom of the earth.

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